He's the baby daddy?

Baby Daddy



“ Uncle!” Mason yelled with a smile the second they entered the house. Chanyeol handed the basket to Baekhyun before picking up the boy. Baekhyun smiled watching the scene.


“ Hey champ. How you been?”


“ Perfect. I'm excited now that you’re here.”


“ I'm glad.” Chanyeol smiled ruffling the younger’s hair.


“ Baekhyun are you ho... Oh. Who're you?”


“ I’ll explain during diner. Is dad home?”


“ Yeah. He’s waiting. Why don’t we go join him.” Chanyeol stood up and bowed.


“ Anneyogasheyo. I’my Park Chanyeol.”


“ Mom, dad, Sehun, Mason please listen. This is Chanyeol my boyfriend.” Mason squealed and jumped on Chanyeol’s lap. Mrs and Mr Byun stayed quiet.


“ When are you getting married. The quicker you do the quicker you can be my dad.” Mason smiled and Baekhyun felt a tear roll down.


“ The other thing is Baby. Chanyeol is your real father.” Baekhyun confessed shocking everyone more. Mason stopped jumping and his smile disappeared.


“ What?” Mrs. Byun choked.


“ Chanyeol is Mason’s real father.”


“ You can’t marry appa.”Mason said shocking everyone.


“ Mason why?” Chanyeol asked shocked.


“ You're not my father! I hate you! Get out!” Mason said hitting Chanyeol.


“ Byun Mason stop right now!” Baekhyun yelled gripping the other’s hand. Mason started crying. Baekhyun was never one to yell or hit anyone especially his own son.


“ Appa how can you defend him?!?! He left you! He abandoned both of us! You worked so hard because of me! You barely got rest and you accept him back this easily. He should beg. He doesn’t deserve you even if he begged. I hate him because he made you sad! He hurt you and you hit me because I'm protecting you! Fine! I hate you too appa!” he cried slapping Baekhyun’s hand away before running out of the kitchen. Baekhyun felt the tears running down. He stood up but his father’s stern voice sat him down again.


“ Let him cool down. Talk to us first.”


“ I'm sorry father. I know it’s sudden but I thought it was best for Mason. I didn’t know he would be this upset.”


“ I would be upset too. I think you should talk it out and reconsider. Think about whether it’s for Mason or you.”


“ Aboji you know I always put Mason before me!”


“ I know you do but this is different son. You just brought him over and confessed everything without talking it out. We have nothing against it. We are fine with who ever you marry if you love them. The problem is he’s Mason’s father. You should have confronted Mason first and given him time. He’s still a child and this is a lot to take in. Do you understand?”


“ Yes father.” Baekhyun replied.


“ Yes sir.” Chanyeol replied.


“ Good. Now go talk to him and listen to what he has to stay.”










“ Sehun!”


“ Yes!” Sehun hollered stepping out of the shower only to be engulfed in an embrace. Sehun squealed as Jongin picked him up and dropped him on the bed. Jongin smiled innocently and hovered over the younger.


“ What now?”


“ Sehunnie I'm bored.”


“ What am I suppose to do?”


“ You’re so mean.” Jongin pouted and Sehun pecked his lips quickly, Jongin kissed him again and laid his entire body over Sehun’s. He threw his shirt off and Sehun roamed his hands over the older’s body as Jongin explored Sehun’s caverns. Jongin reached down to take off the towel when the doorbell interrupted them. Sehun pushed him off and walked off to answer it. Jongin groaned and walked out.


“ Ya! How could you...” he stopped midway seeing a child crying in Sehun’s embrace. “ Probably not the right time.” he muttered closing the door and joining the other two on the coach.


“ What’s wrong?” Sehun asked.


“ Uncle Chanyeol is appa Chanyeol.” Mason confessed and Jongin realized he was Baekhyun’s child.


“ Okay. What happened?”


“ I told appa I hate Chanyeol because he made appa cry. Appa hit me and yelled. I cried and said I hate him. Then I came here.” The two boys nodded and Sehun pulled him in an embrace again. The little boys cries echoed through the silent walls.



“ AWW!”


“ Baekhyun.”  a voice called followed by a warm hand over his shoulder. Baekhyun had been searching hours for Mason everywhere. Eventually he collapsed on the street in tears and people were staring. Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol.


“ What?”


“ Mason is at Sehun’s. He’s fine.” Baekhyun threw himself in Chanyeol’s arms and started sobbing. The younger rubbed his back soothingly.


“ Ssh. Everything's gonna be okay. We will talk to him together.” The older nodded and let himself be carried away; falling asleep a while later.











Chanyeol placed Baekhyun on Sehun’s bed and joined the other three on the coach. Mason was snuggled against Sehun’s chest and Jongin had an arm around Sehun. Chanyeol sat across from them awkwardly fidgeting with his hands.


“ Mason can you look at appa and talk?”


“ You’re not my appa!” Mason yelled which came out as a muffle from Sehun’s chest.


“ Baby I'm sorry. I know I hurt Baekhyun but I love him and I want to protect him. Can’t you forgive me for Baekki’s happiness?” Mason looked up from Sehun’s chest and the other three realized he was crying.


“ Baek appa loved you! He cried everyday at night for three years! Do you know how painful it is listening to your father cry and not being able to do anything?! You don’t! I want to hate you but I can’t because you were so nice! I'm not forgiving you yet! I'm only going to for Baekhyun appa.” Chanyeol nodded and went to hug Mason but the younger his his face in Sehun’s chest. Chanyeol wiped is tear away and tried to make the pain in his chest go away because it hurt. His own son was rejecting him. He didn’t want to think about how Baekhyun felt.


They all turned their heads towards the door after hearing some groans. Baekhyun was leaning against the door frame rubbing his head. He smiled when he saw Mason. He extended his arms and the boy jumped off Sehun. Baekhyun started crying as he held Mason tightly in his arms; afraid of losing him.


“ I'm glad you’re okay baby.” Baekhyun whispered kissing his forehead and Mason started sobbing.


“ Appa I'm sorry. I am the worst son. I yelled at you and hit your arm. Will you forgive me?”


“ Of course I do. IT’s my fault baby. I am also sorry that I yelled at you. You ran because you were surprised huh?” Baekhyun asked wiping his sons tears. Mason nodded and he pulled him in an embrace again. “ Chanyeol come on.” Chanyeol stood up and slowly walked over to join the hug. Mason stiffened but only Chanyeol noticed. He didn’t do anything. He had to hold it in for Baekhyun.












“ Chanyeol?” Baekhyun called walking out of the bathroom and slipping under the covers. The younger hummed, “ hmm?”


“ Did something happen?”


“ What do you mean?” Chanyeol asked confuse as he placed his book down and turned to the older.


“ I feel like there's  tension between you guys. What did you say for Mason to forgive you so easily?” Chanyeol stiffened. He didn’t think it was so obvious what was going on. He chuckled trying to get rid of the awkwardness.


“ I just confessed how I was an idiot to let you go and I’ll make it up with my life. He said he was going to watch me but I think he was joking right?” Baekhyun broke out in laughter and the other looked at him confused.


“ That’s what he say’s to everyone I date. Though it might be weird for him since you’re his father.”


“ Really? How many guy’s have you dated?” he asked the changing the topic to a more serious one.


“ Hmm? I don’t remember.”


“ Ya!”


“ What? I don’t remember. I lost count after fiftyI think.” Baekhyun confessed innocently.


“ BYUN BAEKHYUN!” Chanyeol’s face was red and Baekhyun broke out in laughter clutching his sides.


“ Oh! My! God! You should see your face.” Baekhyun kept laughing and Chanyeol pouted.


“ Is this funny to you? Do you want me to become your 100th whatever?” Baekhyun softened and kissed the other’s nose.


“ Stop being a baby and worrying over this? I love you more than all of them combined and I'm never going to leave you.”


“ I'm sorry.”


“ It’s fine.” They stayed cuddled together on the bed when a knock interrupted. “ Come in” Baekhyun called shifting his gaze from Chanyeol to the door. The door swung open and Mason stood their with his teddy bear in hand. He looked at Chanyeol and frowned.


“ Baby do you need something? Is the coach uncomfortable? Come here.” Mason looked at  Chanyeol with a bit of hate and shook his head.


“ It’s okay. I just had a bad dream. I’ll sleep with Jongin and Sehun uncle.”


“ Are you sure? You don’t want to sleep with appa?” Baekhyun asked clearly shocked and Chanyeol felt his heart ache. He was clearly upset that Mason didn’t want him to comfort him and it was all his fault.


“ No.”


“ Why? What’s wrong? You always cuddle with appa when you’re scared.”


“ Well it’s a bit different now.” Mason said glancing at Chanyeol briefly; not that the other wasn’t already uncomfortable. That stare didn’t go unnoticed by Baekhyun.


“ What’s going on between you two?” Baekhyun asked. None of them said anything and Baekhyun repeated himself a bit louder.


“ I asked what’s going on between you two?!”


“ Well Baek it’s nothing. I'm sure he’s not comfortable with me just yet. It’s kinda hard.”


“ Is that it?” Baekhyun asked. Mason scoffed.


“ You haven’t even married my father yet you’re so good at excuses. Wow! What a great person you are.”


“ Byun Mason!” Mason didn’t even flinch this time because of the yelling. He kept a straight face and turned towards his father.


“ Appa I thought you were smarter than this. You told me that if a person hurts you they should have a reason. What possible reason did he have for abandoning you? It must have been good if you took him back this quick? I hit someone and you didn’t talk to me for weeks. He got you pregnant and left. Did he look for or help you? No? Yet you take him back the second he says it was a mistake. I bet you didn’t realize I was gone till after you confronted each other.” Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both shocked. Baekhyun was close to tears.


“ Mason baby please understand I love him.”


“ Then love him. I never said you couldn't love him. Does he love you as much as you think? I just don’t want you to get hurt again.”


“ Mason baby please just come here. I know you’re scared. Baby I am too. That’s why we can comfort each other.” Baekhyun pleaded; suppressing his tears back.


“ Well now he can comfort you so you don’t have to worry.” Mason spat before closing the door. Baekhyun broke out in tears and Chanyeol hugged him from behind.


“ Baek?” Baekhyun shook his head and Chanyeol knew what he meant.  It meant he wasn’t ready to talk about it yet. The older was really sensitive. He like to get rid of his emotions before discussing the important matter. Chanyeol knew it was going to be a long time before Mason forgave him. IT was going to be a long time before Mason and Baekhyun made up. It was going to be a long time before they could all be happy but Chanyeol was willing to wait. He was willing to wait for the day where they were all happy and he could be proud to claim his title as best husband and baby daddy.


Woo! I updated! Sorry it took so long. I have college then buissness lessons, work and then dance class so it's hard to updae but I try. I don't even have time for dates with my love but he's not the jealous type. He knows I would never cheat. This story is coming close to an end. I think aboout one or two more chapters and then an epilouge. Thank you to all the new people who upvoted, subscribed and commented. This is my first story so you don't know how much this means to me. I am so happy. I love you all <3

I am also writting a new fic starring my OTP SeKai, My OTP is SeKai and BaekYeol :)  It's based off the drama ' Love Rain'



Random video which I liked cause I'm weird xD


Okay last thing I promise :) Just vote so I can know your different opinions. Thanks and see you next update my beautiful y people








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Chapter 19: I think the story was rushed..
Looking forward to read this
salyun #4
Too many random things posted instead of the story. Its hard for me to read it. The story somehow being too quickened plot. I hope the author can find the way how to post random private things separatedly
Justiebaby #5
MoonL1485 #6
Chapter 3: Wait??? How the Fork did baekhyun got pregnant when u said THEY EVEN NEVER KISSED ON THE LIPS???? ??????????
Lolypop123 #7
Chapter 20: Mason so cute :3
Chapter 18: Adoraaabbblleeee
Chapter 15: Awwww
Chapter 9: Wth nooo