The Cafe


Krystal flung herself onto her bed and clutched her pillow tightly.


"Krystal!" A voice yelled. She drew back from his embrace and saw Taeyeon and Hyoyeon approaching. She looked back at Kai. His hair was slightly messy, just the way she liked it. His cheekbones were sculpted to perfection. His eyes were still the same and he was - oh my god. He was staring back at her. Her heart started beating rapidly again and she panicked. She bit her lip and ran to his sisters instead, who covered her in mountains of hugs.


"Wow!" Hyoyeon said, "Our Krystal is so pretty now!" Krystal plastered on a fake smile, accepting their compliments. By now, Kai had walked over to them.


"Noona, you should go see the others." Kai suggested. Krystal caught onto what he was doing.


"No," She interrupted, "Kai, you haven't seen them in a while either. So, you should go too." She didn't want to be stuck here with Kai. She wouldn't know what to say. She inspected his face, which had a mixture of disappointment and sadness. But he let his sisters drag him away to see their friends. Krystal felt a pang of disappointment herself. She shouldn't have done that. For the past year, she had regretted not even bidding him farewell at the airport and she had been desperately wishing that he'd come back. And now here she was, sending him off again. She clicked her tongue, annoyed at herself and walked back into the house.


Sulli smiled when she saw who had texted her. Minho.


Come to the café later. I miss you. It read. She was just about to type a response, when Jessica and Donghae walked into the kitchen. They went to the fridge to gather ingredients to make smoothies.


"Hey Sulli," Jessica greeted, "I swear I just heard Taeyeon and Hyoyeon's voices, but I must be hearing things. Gosh, tt's been so long since I last saw them!"


"I think," Sulli responded, "That WAS Taeyeon and Hyoyeon." She laughed when she saw Jessica's eyes widen. She immediately lunged for her phone and typed rapidly.


"Donghae!" She yelled, voice softening upon realisation of the volume of her voice. "Why didn't you tell me?" He laughed as he cut up a few strawberries and threw them into the blender.


"Kai never told me. And I think Jaejoong went on vacation without them, so he didn't tell me anything either. Maybe Kai just wanted to surprise Krystal." He replied, shrugging, "Who knows?" Sulli froze. Krystal. She had totally forgotten. She quickly said goodbye to them and ran upstairs.


"I am such a stupid person." Krystal said, as Sulli walked in. She noticed that Krystal looked like she had been crying, and immediately ran to her, wrapping her arms around her tightly. Krystal never cried. She seemed like the most independent person. Even when they were in elementary school, that time when they messed up during the end of year concert on stage, Krystal was the one that stayed calm, while Sulli was the one that panicked and cried. Sulli contemplated asking what was bothering her friend, but then decided it was better not to.


"It's okay," Sulli whispered, struggling to reach for the box of tissues on the bedside table, since there was a crying Krystal in her arms.


"It happened again." Krystal cried, "I avoided him again. I screwed up again." Sulli wiped her tears away, which Krystal was hugely grateful for. Times like these reminded her why Sulli was one of her best friends. Even though 90% of the time, Sulli was nagging her about something, there were times when she was breaking down, and Sulli would be the one to help her up.


I wonder if she's still mad at me, Kai thought.


"Woohooooo!" Hyoyeon yelled, taking one hand off the wheel and extending her arm out to feel the wind. The café that they were going to was actually just five minutes away from where they all lived, but his sisters had insisted on taking the convertible out for a spin. Not that he was complaining. Kai closed his eyes and felt the strong breeze hug his arms. Finally, the convertible halted to a stop and his sisters practically jumped out of the seats.



They walked towards the café in front of them. This is where all their friends hung out. As soon as they went in, they were greeted by a waitress, Yuri Kwon, who rushed up to the sisters. They all squealed when they saw each other.


"Where'd you get your jumpsuit from?" Taeyeon wanted to know, "It's so cute!"


"Can't even remember," Yuri laughed, "Boa and I went on a shopping spree last week and we bought so much. On the topic of my sister, did you hear? She's finally engaged to Yunho! You should've seen the way he proposed!"


"Are they inside?" Hyoyeon asked, "But finally! They've been dating for like 10 years already!"


"I know! A lot happened. You have to see everyone!" Yuri replied. She waved to Kai and led them inside. Inside, paper lanterns were strung all across the room neatly. Potted plants of bamboo sat on shelves. Garlands of hydrangea hung up on the sides of the rooms. Clear windows loomed over the ocean. Kai was astounded. This place had definitely changed for the better. His sister's boyfriend, Leeteuk, opened this café a few years ago, and basically employed half of his friends. One thing didn't change though. All their friends were sat over by their usual place.


"Leeteuk!" Taeyeon's voice could be heard from a million miles away. Leeteuk scooped her up and spun her around.


"You're still so short," He teased, "But I haven't seen you since the last time I flew over! I missed you!" Hyoyeon made a face and Kai laughed. They walked out to where all their friends were. There was a lounge setting, where most of their friends were. Taemin, Chanyeol, Victoria, Suho and Minho, who was checking his phone, were sitting on the couch. Sehun and Daeun were sitting on the carpet, arguing about which of their drinks tasted better. Kris and Amber were talking about movies, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Onew, Luna and Sooyoung were scattered around the café, taking orders, Yunho and Boa were on a single-man couch, feeding each other strawberries, dripping with chocolate. The Kim family was spotted and the next ten minutes consisted of greetings and stories.



When Kai had heard enough hellos to last him a whole lifetime, he walked out to the back and was immediately hugged by the sun. He sat in a seat near the balcony and watched the palm trees sway in rhythm to the wind. He remember how he used to watch the ocean with Krystal all the time. When they both couldn't sleep at night, he would sneak into her house and they'd watch the ocean from her large window and would talk about life, 'til they dozed off.


"Hey man," Kris voice suddenly intruded his thoughts, "Did you go see Krystal?" He passed him a small glass containing a scoop of green tea icecream. The ice cream was garnished with a sprig of mint and a wafer stick. Kai plucked out the wafer stick and ate it.


"I don't know what to do about us." Kai replied tiredly, "I told Taeyeon and Hyoyeon to come here, but she told me to go too. She didn't want to see me. I should've told her how I felt 'bout her a long time ago. Maybe that would've changed things between us. But I didn't." Kris gave him a sympathetic smile.


"If it makes you feel better, I still haven't told Amber either." Kris said, "Today she went to my place and saw me shirtless. God. That girl drives me insane. But… maybe that's why I like her."


"Dude, you're the older one here!" Kai laughed, "Go tell her!" Kris leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his tresses and smiled, before getting up. Kai looked out to the horizon and let the wind blow gently to his face.


"Jongin." She whispered, walking up to him. Kai watched her sit down next to him and glance down at the view, the wind blowing through strands of her gently. She finally looked back into his eyes. They were filled with warmth and gentleness, just like they had always been.


"I'm sorry," She mumbled.


Krystal wasn't quite sure what she was sorry for. There were many things that she needed to apologise for. The time when he told her that he had to go overseas and she had reacted badly. The time when she stayed at home, instead of seeing him off at the airport. The time that she should've told him that she loved him, instead of telling him that she hated him. The time in the afternoon when she pushed him away because she was too chicken to talk to him. But she was hoping that he would understand. He forced a weak smile and reached for her hand, his fingers locking with hers.


"Me too." He replied. It was a simple reply, but Krystal had never been more satisfied. She ran her thumb across his and snuggled into his chest.


"Krys?" Jessica suddenly interrupted, "Dude, snap out of it!" Krystal finally fell out of her trance. Wait. She was still inside the café, not outside it. And instead, she was watching Jongin, who had fallen asleep on the table outside the café. It was only six in the evening, yet Leeteuk had decided to close the café earlier today, to celebrate the return of the Kims. So, apart from all their friends, the café was isolated.


"Krys, he's outside. I didn't drag you out here for nothing. Go talk to him." Jessica urged, "Hey Hae, do you what sounds great? A smoothie. Let's order one." Donghae rolled his eyes and crossed his arms playfully.


"Uh, reminders. We were in the process of making them back at home, before you decided that you HAD to come here to see Taeyeon and Hyoyeon." He remarked. Krystal winced as she saw her attempt to pout cutely.


"Pleaseee?" She pleaded. Donghae sighed. She totally had him wrapped around her finger.


"Fine." He said, "But only because I love you." He now had slid his arm around her waist and was leaning down.


"Hae! But… I love you too." She whispered, looking up at him. Krystal rolled her eyes at their cheesiness. Oh great, they were about to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation again.


"Lovebirds," She interrupted, "I'd hate to interrupt, but we're in public. Don't get all R-rated on me." Jessica pouted again.


"It's not like we even get R-rated." She huffed, "Anyway, I'm going to go talk to the girls." Donghae chuckled.


"We don't get R-rated? Pfft. Trust me," He said, "We do." Then he walked off to their friends. Krystal suddenly felt like puking. Yuck. Then she noticed that Taemin had gotten Kai back inside and informed him to come back in.


"Krys!" A voice called out to her. She whipped around and saw Boa. She squealed and went to hug her sister-in-law.


"Unnie!" Krystal pouted, "You never visit us anymore! And Yunho's hardly here anymore either!"


"Yeah, we've been spending a lot of time together. Planning the wedding and all that." Boa laughed.


"I think," Krystal said, "You're the only one that's going to take him, so thank you." They both laughed.


"Jaejoong just called him a while ago." Boa informed, "You know, just to see how things were doing. He bought a holiday house, near the beach, because it reminds him a lot of this place. Anyway, he suggested we go down there sometime." At the exact same time, Yunho had suddenly raised his voice.


"Jaejoong called before, and he bought a holiday house. I'm pretty sure the Kims have been informed of this already though. But he said that we should go sometime. So I suggested next Monday. And we've arranged two weeks there. It sounds like it could be fun. Family holiday, y'all." Chatter arose to this suggestion.


"Oh, well, there you go." Boa chuckled, walking off to Yunho. Krystal spotted Kris and Amber having a heated debate and headed to them.


"Seriously Kris," Amber complained, "I don't get why the hell you think Macbooks are better. Dells are like half the cost  and function JUST as well."


"Well, do you ever see someone coming into Starbucks with a Dell? I don't think so." He threw back. They spotted Krystal walking towards them.


"Look." Amber pointed out, "Krystal's here. Maybe she'll know. Krystal, which is better? Macbook or Dell?"


"Samsung PC." Krystal answered. Amber and Kris looked at her, brows furrowed, and then returned back to their arguing.


"Macbooks are more user-friendly!" Kris stated. Amber huffed in annoyance and hooked her legs over his. At the same time, Kai had walked over and sat next to Kris. They all sat in an awkward silence, except for Amber, who still wouldn't budge.


"Dude," Kris gritted through his teeth, "Move."


"No! Why don't YOU move." Amber shot back. Kris brought his hand to the bridge of his nose and pinched it. Couldn't Amber take a message? He heaved out a sigh.


"Fine. Dells are better." He forced out. Amber clapped her hands together and lifted her legs off his.


"Thank you." Amber told him, "We're going to get some orange juice."


"Wait," Kris wrinkled his nose, "I hate orange juice. I ain't drinkin' none of that." Amber threw her arms up in the air.


"Who in the world doesn't like orange juice?" She asked rhetorically.


"Uh," He said, pretending to think for a minute, "Oh yeah. That's right. Me. Let's get apple juice instead." Amber sighed in annoyance.


"Fine." She muttered. And with that, they left. And Kai and Krystal were left alone just like that.


Well, that's chapter 2! :) I'm actually seriously enjoying writing this. Anyway, the SM family are gonna go on holiday! :D Thanks for reading this, as always :)

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Kaistalpanda #1
Update please :-(((
Chapter 8: pls update this story again dont make me hanging here
Connie85 #3
Chapter 8: Kaistal moments the best..,
fishata #4
Chapter 8: keep spirit for writing :D
waiting for next update
Tessatc #5
Chapter 7: Hi so far so gd. Totally obsessed with the kaistal couple. Fighting author-nim!:)
Chapter 8: AHHH the f(EXO) joint concert :3
I'm looking forward to the KrisBer, ChanLli, SuStal performance of Jingle Bell Rock the most :P
I also CANNOT wait to hear Goodbye Summer! ^_^
This Christmas Wonderland concert is making all my dreams come true♥
EXO_0809 #7
Chapter 8: ﹋o﹋﹋o﹋﹋o﹋﹋o﹋
silent_reader98 #8
Chapter 8: =)=)=D<3<3
kaistalminsulunew123 #9
Chapter 7: I love Amber and all but I always skip hers and Kris relationship parts. Love the Kaistal romance but how dare he friend zone her.