I Missed You


Kai snuck a glance at her and saw that she was fidgeting nervously. He wanted to say something. Anything. Why couldn't he, though? He had felt that, all these years, Krystal was the one person that he could tell anything to. And ironically, now he couldn't get anything out. Finally, Krystal spoke.


"So, how was England?" Were her words. He looked sideways and saw that she was already looking at him, but quickly looked away when she was caught. He chuckled lightly, causing her to laugh lightly too.


"It was good," He replied, "But… Not the same." Because of you, he wanted to say. But he didn't. And he inwardly cursed at himself because of it.


"You missed home?" She asked. Kai hesitated. He had suddenly realised that Sehun and Daeun were giving him encouraging looks from across the room. He shuffled a bit closer to her and looked her straight in the eyes.


"I missed you." He finally said.



For Krystal, time had stopped for a few seconds. She was losing her mind minute by minute. He had missed her? In her mind, those three words were in a constant recurring pattern. And then she realised that she to reply. Had she missed him? Okay, was that even a question? She missed him like crazy. She didn't even know how she managed to function the whole year he was gone.


"I missed you too." She said. And he smiled. The kind of special smiles that made her insides melt.


"So, roadtrip to Jaejoong's place in two days," He said in a playful tone, "Do you think that's enough time for you to pack?" Usually, Krystal would be offended, but instead she laughed. And for the first time for the day, she didn't feel like she had to force it.


"Please. You won't have enough suitcases to carry all your hair products." She shot back. They both laughed and Krystal felt relaxed. It was like old times again. She glanced outside and realised that it was starting to get darker outside now. The paper lanterns dangling on the walls had started to light up. She glanced sideways and saw that Kai was looking up at the ceilings too. He caught her staring at him and smiled at her, his eyesmile showing, causing her heart to race off.


"Do you want a drink?" Kai suddenly asked, getting up.


"Yeah," Krystal replied, "I'll come with you." He gestured for her to go up to the counter, where Eunhyuk was giving them knowing looks as he expertly prepared their shared favourite drink - green tea frappe.


Sulli sighed in pure bliss as she nestled in Minho's arms. Daeun and Sehun were sitting on the ends of the couch that they were cuddling on.


"I've got a bunch of packing to get started on tomorrow if I want to finish by Monday morning." She said absent-mindedly. He chuckled and tightened his grip around her waist.


"I'd rather just stay here with you," He drawled on lazily, making Sulli laugh.


"People in love," said Sehun, "People in love everywhere."


"I know right." Daeun agreed, rolling her eyes.


"Don't worry," Sulli said in a teasing manner, confusing both Sehun and Daeun, "You'll get together soon enough."


"Eww!" They said in unison. Minho and Sulli laughed as the pair of best friends looked at each other.


"Wait. Why eww for me?" Sehun asked, "Don't you know how many girls want me?"


"Zero. And why eww for me? What, am I not pretty? Is it because I'm not a size zero? Or because my face proportions aren't completely perfect? Answer me, Oh Sehun!"


"Oh god." Sehun whined, as Daeun continued to question him.


"Lover's quarrel?" Minho suggested.


"Definitely." Sulli laughed, and leaned over to press a peck to his lips. And this had earned protests from both Sehun and Daeun.



"Wow," Amber commented, "That was quite a…"


"Gathering." Kris finished. Everyone had gone home, and now Amber, Kris, Kai and Krystal were walking home. Krystal took note of the sky, that was painted with colours of rose, apricot and azure.


"This is really nice." Krystal said, "When it's just quiet at night time. There's nothing except the wind."


"How very poetic, Miss Jung." Amber sang, "How very poetic." When Amber and Kris had reached their places, Krystal and Kai were left alone. Krystal was debating herself whether the silence between them was awkward or comfortable. But too soon, they had reached her house.


"Good night, Soojung." He said. Although, it sounded more like a question. Like he wanted to say more. He was about to walk away and Krystal felt her heart dropping. She quickly grabbed his arm and he turned around, trying to find her motive through her eyes. But she wasn't going to spend another night thinking regretting not taking action. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. She decided at that moment, that nothing ever felt as right as being in his arms. She felt his arms circle around her waist. But yet, she still felt like she had to do something else. She drew back slightly, so her face was just inches from his.


"Jongin," She said, "I… I really missed you." But they probably both knew that that was an understatement. But a smile tugged at his lips and he held her tighter.


"I really missed you too. Like as in, really really missed you." She smiled too.


"I'll see you tomorrow. You guys probably still have unpacking to do plus packing for the roadtrip, right? I'll come over tomorrow and help you." He nodded and they finally pulled away. A smile crept on her face as she walked away, accompanying the feeling of butterflies flying around in her stomach. 


I think I'm addicted to writing this story :O anyway, yay for Kaistal! Thanks for reading, as always :)

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Kaistalpanda #1
Update please :-(((
Chapter 8: pls update this story again dont make me hanging here
Connie85 #3
Chapter 8: Kaistal moments the best..,
fishata #4
Chapter 8: keep spirit for writing :D
waiting for next update
Tessatc #5
Chapter 7: Hi so far so gd. Totally obsessed with the kaistal couple. Fighting author-nim!:)
Chapter 8: AHHH the f(EXO) joint concert :3
I'm looking forward to the KrisBer, ChanLli, SuStal performance of Jingle Bell Rock the most :P
I also CANNOT wait to hear Goodbye Summer! ^_^
This Christmas Wonderland concert is making all my dreams come true♥
EXO_0809 #7
Chapter 8: ﹋o﹋﹋o﹋﹋o﹋﹋o﹋
silent_reader98 #8
Chapter 8: =)=)=D<3<3
kaistalminsulunew123 #9
Chapter 7: I love Amber and all but I always skip hers and Kris relationship parts. Love the Kaistal romance but how dare he friend zone her.