Trouble ahead

❋ Falling together with you ❋

 Hongbin doodled on his notebook, feeling bored as the students paid attention to their homeroom teacher. His eyes stared blankly on the space and was about to dozed off, until Ken spun around and dropped a crumpled paper on his table . He picked it up , thinking it was rubbish and threw it into the dustbin, landing perfectly in it.

Noticing the act, Ken eyes turned wide and he quickly made another one, dropping it onto the same place. Surprised, Hongbin stared at the crumpled paper. 

Did he want me to read it? 

The brunette smoothed out the crumpled notes and read its content....


I know you hates Ravi with your guts, but why don't you try to make peace with him? I mean, if you couldn't mend your relationship with him, then I will interfere and make it even worse for you ~ :D  

From cutie-pie Ken. 


....before decided to throw it back on Ken's head.  He could heard Ken's subtle 'ouch' and snickering as Ken picked up the note that  was thrown back at him. He turned around and softly clasped his palms together.

" Please? Pretty please ? " 

Hongbin's eyes squinted in suspicion. " Why ? And who are you to tell me what to do ? "

" Aww, I don't want to see my friends fight each other. Besides, Ravi is actually kind....If you were kind towards him " The other begged.

Hongbin ruffled his own hair. This again ?

" How many times do I have to tell you, I hate him and will never befriend a jerk like him " Hongbin became stern. Ken gave him a dissaproving look.

" How would you know ? You never try " 

" Whatever. " Hongbin rolled his eyes.

At the same time the teacher found out that they were talking and shouted.

" Ken and Hongbin, what were you guys talking back there ? Can't you pay attention to what I'm teaching ?" All occupants in the classroom glanced at them, before Ken practically apologize for making noise and Hongbin just sat still.




Ken smirked as he entered Hongbin's room. He knew  Hongbin rarely locked his bedroom door and carefully stepped in, checking out for any presence of the said brunette. When he saw no one, he sigh in relief. Ken wanted to search for something that could be used to blackmail him, anything precious will do.

As he tiptoed in the room, a reflected ray of light suddenly caught his eyes. His curiosity peaked and he slowly walk towards the almost transparent cupboard, slowly opening it to reveal an expensive camera sitting proudly behind a stack of clothes. Shock and delighted at the same time, Ken picked it up and checked it. 

It must be Hongbin's. But he knew that camera is forbidden in school, so why ?

Wait, He said he loves photos and stuff. So, maybe that's the reason.

He quickly closed the cupboard and poked his head out of the door, afraid if someone noticed him. When there's none, he ran quickly, tightly holding Hongbin's precious camera in his hands.






After lunch, Hongbin went to his room to take a book that he forgot to bring to class. As he opened the cupboard, his jaw dropped and his eyes filled with shocked.

" My camera !! Where is it ? " Terror seeped in and he carefully searched throughout the room, hoping he himself misplaced the camera. But much to his disappointment, there's no trace of it. Calming down, he wracked through his brain, trying to remember whether he locked the door this morning or not.

He realized that he left it unlocked and mentally slapped himself. How could you forgot and let your camera be stolen so easily ?

A loud sigh escaped his lip as he rubbed his temple.

Emergency mission activated : Find the burglar who broke in and stole my camera before anyone notice it.

Additional mission : You may punch his face.




A/N : Noooo, run for your life Ken!! XD Why in the Earth would you make Hongbin mad?  Prepare for trouble and make it double :P .

         And Neo couple for the next chapter ~!!!

         As always, thank you so much for reading, liking, commenting and suscribing my story :3  ❤ ARIGATOU- desu :)







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Okay, I lieee~ I managed to post it today :S


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Chapter 14: Its really cute and interesting story. I want to read please update asap if you have time.
Chapter 14: This is too cute!!! I love the way you write, I'm just eating this story up!! Please update soon if you can :)
Chapter 14: Oooh here comes the rabin!!!! Hwaiting author nim
Chapter 14: waeeeee ended already? when finally I started to get my Rabin doseeee???? gosh Ill be waiting, okay. will be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 14: Hell yeah! Some dancing doesn't hurt Binnie!
Chapter 14: Woohoo!!!!!
nurulaiman1 #8
Chapter 12: KYAHH! I'm glad that I found this fic, author-nim! This really made my day! I'm new to VIXX, thus new to their fics itself. But, I'll work hard! And I love this Ken-jumma character in here! It really suit Ken! And Ravi being shy and akward!Hongbin are like, the CUTEST THING ON EARTH !! Haha. And I do hope you update regularly. Since, you know, such simple words really make some life worthy. Thank you, authornim!
Pls update soon. Miss the story.