Riddle me

❋ Falling together with you ❋

Hongbin's POV

When Ken suddenly shut my mouth, I was a little shocked. First, I wasn't comfortable with someone who is a complete stranger to me tried to shut my mouth.   ( though he insist that we are friends). Second, the way Ken react unexpectedly by pulling me away made me curious. Did I say something wrong that shouldn't be said to guys like him?

When he certain the distance between us and that blonde guy were considered safe, he suddenly became stern.

" Look, although he doesn't seem like it, he is the most influential guy here and sometimes he can go berserk. It took me 2 months just to get on his good side. So, close your potty mouth for a while or we will get in trouble. " Ken warned me with a serious face. I nodded as a fake agreement. Well, who cares? Not like I wanted to be on his good side.

After receiving a nod, Ken seemed satisfied and pulled me again to the table while shouting " I'm hungry" as loud as he could. Not like I could lower down his voice, so I just hung my head in embarrassment.

Arriving to the said table, Ravi or whatever gave both of us a questioning look.

" What were you guys doing ? Talking behind my back ? " 

" Hell yea- " and my mouth was closed once again by Ken's hand. I threateningly glared at him and shoved his hand away. 

" Ahaha, nothing happened. He was asking about the menu for today. Come on, I'm already starving " 

Ravi's face said that he didn't bought it, but he just nodded and raised his hand as waitress scrambled to their table. Ken just pulled up a chair and sit down, beckoning me to sit on the chair right to him and left to Ravi. I stared at the chair, not wanting to sit with someone as noisy as Ken and as brutal as Ravi. What if a fight suddenly break out? So, I choose the safer one : march away and sat at another table.




Third Person's POV

" I'm worried about him " Ken sighed as he fiddled with his hair.

" Who? " Ravi lifted his eyebrow, pretending not to know the one Ken is mentioning.

" That guy, who else? " Ken pointed his index finger to Hongbin, who sat very far from their table.

" Why? " 

" Well, I tried to be on terms with him, but you know what he did. He's like an Ice Prince..... ? " 

" Pfft, no way. You are trying to say ' Ice Princess' right ? You left the '-ss' behind " Ravi snickered.

" Anyway, he tried to shoo me away. And I feel kind of sad when someone does that " Ken pouted.

" Did he just run away when he saw you ?"

" Not just running away. He cursed right on my face, gave me glares that never seemed to stop and a chill whenever I see him in foul mood "

Ravi nearly choked. What ?  Swearing right in you face ? He suddenly smirked. Oh, this seems interesting. He's the first one that was brave enough to curse my friend. 

" Really? Maybe I should try to attack him and see his reaction myself "

" Why don't you try? I bet ten bucks that he will do the same to you, or even worse. He hates you since the first time both of you met " Ken snorted. 

" Fine then. Challenge accepted, Ten bucks if I win " As Ken mentally slapped himself for betting too much money, Ravi stood up and waltzed confidently toward Hongbin's table.



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Okay, I lieee~ I managed to post it today :S


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Chapter 14: Its really cute and interesting story. I want to read more.....so please update asap if you have time.
Chapter 14: This is too cute!!! I love the way you write, I'm just eating this story up!! Please update soon if you can :)
Chapter 14: Oooh here comes the rabin!!!! Hwaiting author nim
Chapter 14: waeeeee ended already? when finally I started to get my Rabin doseeee???? gosh Ill be waiting, okay. will be waiting for the next update~
Chapter 14: Hell yeah! Some dancing doesn't hurt Binnie!
Chapter 14: Woohoo!!!!!
nurulaiman1 #8
Chapter 12: KYAHH! I'm glad that I found this fic, author-nim! This really made my day! I'm new to VIXX, thus new to their fics itself. But, I'll work hard! And I love this Ken-jumma character in here! It really suit Ken! And Ravi being shy and akward!Hongbin are like, the CUTEST THING ON EARTH !! Haha. And I do hope you update regularly. Since, you know, such simple words really make some life worthy. Thank you, authornim!
Pls update soon. Miss the story.