Second Trainee Revealed~


"Wake up!" I heard a scream come from downstairs. I groaned. I had stayed up all night last night thinking, I wasn't ready to wake up. It was the anniversary of umma's death. My real umma anyways. I was being ungrateful again, wasn't I? I sat up and put on my half geniune smile that the umma downstairs liked to see. 

I don't know if I actually liked calling her umma, but I would feel wrong calling her by her name. She had raised me from birth, and taken me back in when that stupid man kicked me out 3 years ago. How could I be ungrateful and not think of her as my mom. 

"Coming Umma!" I shouted back in a cheerful voice. I threw on all black atire, and readied myself to go out to visit my moms grave. When I went downstairs, umma had prepared a small breakfast for me. I quickly ate it. 

"Lay these down for me, dear." She said, handing me 12 white roses. They were my mom's favorite. I smiled faintly and nodded. As soon as I finished, I grabbed the roses and hurried out the door, to meet my mom. 

When I got there, it was quiet. Better to talk to her, I thought. I wiped her grave clean and set down the flowers. I kneeled down to her stone and I talked to her for a long time. I told her about everything going on. 

"Oh, is that the time already?" I said, looking down at my watch. "I have to go train umma. Yeah, I sing now! My trainer says I'm good enough to get into SM! That would be so great! But, I don't know, SM may be too much. Do you think I should do it umma?" As if she responded, the wind blew in my direction. With it, it brought a flyer. 

"Zodiac entertainment?" I muttered. I shrugged and put it in my bag, and said my goodbyes to my mother, telling her I'd visit again soon. 

Vocal classes were regular today, except towards the end, someone entered, clapping. I turned around only to see Lee Soo Man. My mouth spread to a wide smile. 

"You're really great. How would you feel about joining us at SM. We could make you a star." I was about to shout yes, but then I remembered the flyer. I sighed. I should take that as a sign, mom wouldn't lead me in the wrong direction. 

I shyly smiled. "I'll think about it." 

First FEMALE trainee revealed c: 

Name: Song Soolin

Age: 17

Soolin grew up with foster parents until the age of 6. At 6 years old, she moved to Korea to meet her real parents. When she was 10, her father got in a fatal accident and passed away, leaving her and her mother by themselves. A year later, her mother remarried, giving her an unwanted stepdad, and 4 months later, an unwanted little sister on the way. Her mother died giving birth, and by the age of 14, her stepfather and stepsister kicked her out of the house. Her foster parents took her back home with them. At the age of 16, she moved back to Korea and began training to pursue her dream. Will her past interfere with her future? 


Congratulations to joanne200969! c: 

Pleaaase keep sending applications in! The deadline will be announced soon, so don't miss it! And pleassseeee help me with the teacher thing! Thank you c: 

~ DamnThatDubu

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13_anSisni #1
congrats to nfate99! :D
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I will transport to the new link now~~~ kekeke~ ^^<br />
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Congratulations to all trainees! I'm heading to your new link ;)<br />
I'm looking for the story ^^
SweetStrawberryy #4
Congrats! ^^
13_anSisni #5
Congrats to the new trainee :D<br />
Please update soon!
OH! I just noticed that I was in the story of Myoung jae and Hyunki kekeke~ ^^<br />
I will try my very best to be a very awesome manager :DD
Congra~ keke xDD