Last Male Trainee Revealed!


"Hyung, I can't believe you're making me do this." I said, blushing bright red. Was he really going to put me through this? I sighed and took a deep breath. 

"Yah, can you believe a talent agent is in the crowd?" Some girls squeled. What? Really? It was probably just some of their annoying talk. But, as soon as they said that, I turned redder, and began to rub my neck. 

"Yah, what's wrong?" One of them called to me. "You look like a tomatoe!" She yelled back and giggled. I grinded my teeth. I hated that name so much, it reminded me of America. 

"Shut up." I mumbled to myself, before walking towards the curtains. "You owe me. Big time." I muttered to my friends who were giving me a thumbs up. It was only a high school talent show, but I was nervous. It was the first time I've ever done anything in front of such a big crowd. The glitter covered girls stepped off stage and I waited for the front curtains to close. As soon as the did, I took my position and nodded to the boy doing the curtains, and the other one playing the music. I took a deep breath and felt the hot lights on me. 

It was so... fun. The music started blasting and I began my dance. I was doing a solo performance to a Rain song, and it was going to be tough. I sang, rapped, and danced until I was out of breath. I went into the ending position and closed my eyes. I expected to hear silence, but received a huge applause instead. I smiled. My friends ran out to meet me as soon as the curtains closed. 

"You wanna go out to celebrate?" They said. I was the last performance, and I lost to the glitter covered girls. 

"Nah, I have to go. I'm an extra in a drama tonight." I said, gathering my stuff. 

"Yah, he's so famous." One of them said, punching my arm. I rubbed it and waved goodbye. 

I walked out into the hallway and waved by to some of the competitors, not looking the frankly.. untalented girls in the eye. 

"Young man!" someone called out to me before I could get out of the competitors sight. 

"Yes ma'am?" I said, looking at my watch. I didn't want to be late. 

"Don't worry , it will only be a second. I just wanted to give you this." the woman who didn't look too old said, handing me a card. I read its colorful print. 

"Zodiac Entertainment?" I looked up from the card. The girls gasped. 

"Yes sir. I'm the representative. And manager. I would just like to say that is some talent you got there. We would be delighted to have you in with us. You wouldn't even have to audition. I have it all here." She said, pointing to a video camera. 

"Eh?" the girls and I said at the same time. Some of them started to shriek, saying how it was unfair because I didn't even win. The young woman continued. 

"If you are interested, you should stop by." She said, making sure I had the card before walking off. 

I didn't even care if I was late. I stood there in pure shock and happiness. 


Name: Jacob Jung Hyunki

Age: 17

He was born in America, and lived in Chicago until the age of nine. He suffered from relentless bullying due to the fact that he was chubby, and easily turned red. He was often called tomatoe. As a joke, children even dyed his hair green. His father got a transfer to Seoul and he took this as an oppurtuniy to reinvent himself. He lost a lot of weight, and the good looks came with the package. He has always been naturally smart, therefore doing very well in school. Despite his looks, he is soft hearted, and very shy. Will his image behind his cool and charisamtic image behind the camera cause him to be too fragile? 

I am so sorry guys. School started Monday. Well, yesterday hehe. But I had to spend all Saturday, Sunday, and Friday doing homework that I didn't touch over summer. Bad Andrea ;___;

But yes, congratulations to jay1234! (I sort of brought down the age, and figured out the ulzzand wasn't taken, and didn't look remotely similar... If you would prefer the other one and want the original age, don't be afraid to tell me!)

Well, anyways guys, I still have yet to choose the girl, So many good ones! But I promise it'll be before Sunday, and the story will start sometime next week! And now, I'm off to do AP World History.

Feel free to find me and shoot me..


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13_anSisni #1
congrats to nfate99! :D
<br />
I will transport to the new link now~~~ kekeke~ ^^<br />
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Congratulations to all trainees! I'm heading to your new link ;)<br />
I'm looking for the story ^^
SweetStrawberryy #4
Congrats! ^^
13_anSisni #5
Congrats to the new trainee :D<br />
Please update soon!
OH! I just noticed that I was in the story of Myoung jae and Hyunki kekeke~ ^^<br />
I will try my very best to be a very awesome manager :DD
Congra~ keke xDD