First Trainee Revealed!


"GET BACK HERE! NOW!" That woman shouted as I finally got away from her. I heavily panted and wiped the blood away from my lip. I looked back at her and scoffed. Pathetic. Her hair was frizzy and unkept, her clothes the same from two nights ago. If she stopped drinking, she may perhaps be the woman she used to be. Before dad died anyways. 

I gave her a playful smirk and ran out the door, ignoring her shireks and cries for me to return.

As soon as I ran down a couple of blocks, I smiled and breathed in the smell of the Bay. It wasn't too far of a walk, so I though I'd visit Jerry at his job. Pier 39 wasn't too big, he would be easy to find. 

As soon as I got to where he usually was, outside of Bubba Gump calling people out for their reservations, I stopped. 

A huge, vibrant poster caught my eyes. 

"Zodiac Entertainment?" I muttered to myself.

"Why don't you try out?" I jumped when Jerry's hand landed on my shoulder unexpectedly. 

"What?" I said, pushing him off of me and turning around to face him.

"I'm serious. You're always singing and dancing and , why don't you just try out?" I scoffed. 

"Right, like I would make it." I said, walking towards the clear view of the ocean. 

"Yeah, you're right, you wouldn't make it." I swear I got wiplash from spinning around to glare at him so fast. 

"What?" I said, outrage present in my voice. 

"You won't make it." He said, not looking at me.

"I can if I want to!" I yelled at him, as he was walking back towards the restaurant. 

"Yeah right," He laughed, "I bet you you can't." 

"Alright. You're on." I said, pure confidence in my voice.I looked back at the poster. "It would be a ticket away from her, anyways." 


Yes, guys, First trainee revealed! 

Here are his full details~

Name: Jayden Choi

Age: 16

Jayden is from San Fransisco, California. His father died of cancer, and his mother has been very abusive of him. He speaks English, Korean, and Chinese, and auditioned simply because he loved to sing and dance, and would do anything to get away from that evil woman he calls her mother. Although Jay likes simple things - sweets, dogs, nice people- he is one of the people who cannot stand violence, stupidity, or inequality. He will do anything and everything to make it big- as long as its reasonable. Will his distrust in people make his dream hard to achieve? 


Congratulations to n0nameFTW ^_^ 

I just really loved his application. It was short and simple, but he gave enough to show a developing character who would bring something interesting to the story.


On the other hand: 

Applications Received as of 11/28/11


Park Hani (MissK0610) 

Yang 'Cassie' Cheonsa-Linn (AmethystCat)

Pleaase Keep them coming! Apply won't be closed for another week, and it'll be at least 3 days until I reveal another member! Continue applying, I love reading them!

~ DamnThatDubu

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13_anSisni #1
congrats to nfate99! :D
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I will transport to the new link now~~~ kekeke~ ^^<br />
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Congratulations to all trainees! I'm heading to your new link ;)<br />
I'm looking for the story ^^
SweetStrawberryy #4
Congrats! ^^
13_anSisni #5
Congrats to the new trainee :D<br />
Please update soon!
OH! I just noticed that I was in the story of Myoung jae and Hyunki kekeke~ ^^<br />
I will try my very best to be a very awesome manager :DD
Congra~ keke xDD