Meet the third trainee!


"Yes mom, I'm doing fine." I groaned. She was really being overprotective. I was old enough to get around by myself, and plus, I had my older brother with me, it wasn't like I'm alone. I did miss Germany though. It's not that I was arrogant, or too proud, or even ungrateful. But being used to being driven around by cars and living in a big house, riding the subway and living in a one room apartment did seem a bit... shabby. 

"Your father's still mad." She said, bluntly. Oh mom. 

"Is he now?" I said distantly, as I set down my groceries and grabbed onto one of the overhead handles. People gave me strange looks. Hearing German wasn't something they seemed used to. 

"I still think you should come back and take over. He isn't going to live forever. And you're next in line!" I groaned again. 

"Why can't Jae Sun take over? He's older anyways." I looked over and saw a couple of giggling high school girls starring at me. I smirked at them, causing them to burst into more fits of giggles. 

"yes, but, He's already pursuing acting!" Leave it to the actress to defend her little protegy. 

"Yes, and I'm pursuing singing!." 

"You can't make a living off of singing. It won't do. Please come back with us." 

"But mom, things are going great! I've already auditioned and they like me!" Boy, was that a lie. I already auditioned for YG and JYP, neither took me. But I wasn't going to listen to my dearest mommy go on about how she told me so. The subway stopped. "Mom, I'll call you later, I have to go now." I hung up and walked onto the platform.

It was as busy as ever. I made my way past a young lady passing out fliers. I took one and threw it away without reading it. As I walked up the stairs, I realized how hard it was raining. Ridiculous. I walked a little further and ripped off a colorful poster to use as an umbrella. 

I kept seeing a bunch of the same kind of posters. The ink wasn't even fading in the rain. However, I saw people huddling around them. I shrugged. Probably some concert poster or something. After all, the girl passing them out couldn't be more than 23. I ignored it and focused on making it to my apartment without my groceries getting soaked. A couple blocks later, and I made it. 

'I'M HOME!" I shouted. I through the poster on the couch and went into the kitched to put the groceries away. My brother came out of his room. It was the only room, I had to sleep on the couch. 

"Are you gonna audition?" Jae Sun said out of nowhere. 

"What?" I looked over and saw him looking at the poster I brought home. "Oh, no?" 

"IWhy'd you bring it all the way over here then?" 

"I haven't read it." I said, walking over to him and the poster. Zodiac Entertainment. Looking for singers? 

"This could be your big break." Jae Sun patted my shoulder, and walked back into his room, leaving me to look at the poster. 


Name: Kim Myoung Jae

Age: 17

Myoung Jae is the heir to an international superpower company. All of his life, he lived trapped in Germany, where the only thing his father saw for him was being his heir. After 16 years of being confined to his home, dragged to balls and important meetings, and being judged to the fullest point, Myoung Jae had had enough. One rainy night, he ran away with his older brother, and aspiring actor, to Korea, where he registered himself in school, and is pursuing his dream of singing. He is a pretty boy on the outside, but a straight forward bad boy at heart, who only shows his emotions to his older brother. Will this get in the way of his dream, or even his relationships? 

Keke, congratulations to Kia-chan! 

Oh, and another thing. Some of you noticed how one of the trainees is also a teacher, well, she was the only one who tried out for the job, so she got it by default. Actually, I loved all the teacher apps so much that everybody made it. I am not a biased author~ 

Expect more updates today!


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13_anSisni #1
congrats to nfate99! :D
<br />
I will transport to the new link now~~~ kekeke~ ^^<br />
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Congratulations to all trainees! I'm heading to your new link ;)<br />
I'm looking for the story ^^
SweetStrawberryy #4
Congrats! ^^
13_anSisni #5
Congrats to the new trainee :D<br />
Please update soon!
OH! I just noticed that I was in the story of Myoung jae and Hyunki kekeke~ ^^<br />
I will try my very best to be a very awesome manager :DD
Congra~ keke xDD