Fourth Trainee Revealed!


"I'm going first, see you tomorrow!' Hae Jin called out and waved goodbye, leaving only me alone in the street. It was okay though, I was used to walking home by myself. What could go wrong? I looked at my watch; it was 9:36 PM. I was later than usual today. And the city was unusually quiet. I sighed to myself and continued walking. 

The wing rustled around, creating a lot of noise. I listened closer and realized it wasn't the wind making the noise, it was breathing. I sped up a little bit, not wanting to be caught in a situation where I would have to give up my money for rent. I slowed down a little bit though, realizing I knew jusitsu. I'd like to see the coward that tried to stand up to me. 

I spoke too soon. 

I turned around abruptly after hearing a loud bang that sounded like someone jumping down from a high place. I gasped. 

The built man I hadn't seen for two years, and who I feared most, was standing behind me, waiting to take me away again. I sprinted. Jujitsu wasn't an option for me now. 

"Wu Shi Yong!" He called gleefully after me. I ran even faster. The route I usually took home was full of alleyways and homes, it would be a long time before I arrived somewhere decent. 

"You can't hide forever!" He called again, as if he was enjoying himself. 

I heard his sick, disgusting laugh. Memories came flooding back. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed.  

"it'll only take a second. It won't hurt if you don't struggle." he said, with his digusting laugh. I pushed him off of me and ran for my life. I was terrified of him since. 

I shook my head and continued running, noticing that my reminicense had caused me to slow down, and caused him to catch up. I had no choice but to turn a corner. 

"Yes!" I thought to myself. My sight was filled with bright lights. Two people were standing out of the door. I didn't know what it was, but I wanted to hide as soon as possible. I was stopped at the door. 

"Are you here for the Zodiac Entertainment audition?" One of them said. Zodiac Entertainment? Where had I heard that? Oh, yeah! The giggling group of school girls that were talking about auditioning to be famous. I didn't care much for it, but I nodded just to get away. I ran in to the safety of the building and heard that horrible man banging, trying to get in. 

I was met by a pannel of judges who was already packing up. 

"You may begin." One of them said. I gulped. 


Name: Bae Sang Hee


Bae Sang Hee is not her real name. It is an identity she created for herself to hide from her father. Her real name is Wu Shi Yong, and she is from China. Her mother committed suicide when she was only 6 years old. Her father was a mafia leader who didn't care. When she was 14 years old, she ran away for the seventeenth time, and was finally successful. She escaped to Korea on a boat full of refugees. Knowing her father's ties, she changed her name and learned Korean to hide from him. Now that his right hand man has found her, will this get in the way of her training? 

Yaaaay :D Congratulations to SweetStrawberryy

I'll release more teasers and stuff ASAP, I have summer work to finish up before Monday :c


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13_anSisni #1
congrats to nfate99! :D
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I will transport to the new link now~~~ kekeke~ ^^<br />
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Congratulations to all trainees! I'm heading to your new link ;)<br />
I'm looking for the story ^^
SweetStrawberryy #4
Congrats! ^^
13_anSisni #5
Congrats to the new trainee :D<br />
Please update soon!
OH! I just noticed that I was in the story of Myoung jae and Hyunki kekeke~ ^^<br />
I will try my very best to be a very awesome manager :DD
Congra~ keke xDD