
Leisure Professor
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The light on Semi’s ceiling was faint, giving off a warm glow to the wooden floor and the blue walls of her room. Between Semi’s and her sister’s bed was a study table with books and a study lamp on it. The big mat on the free floor only stressed that the bedroom was rather spacey.

“There used to be a coffee table set over there. Me and my sister would do our home works there.” There was a smile in her tone.

“Is she not coming home tonight?” I asked.

“This place isn’t home for her anymore.” Semi turned to me and threw me a pair of PJs which I caught with my hand. Reflexes.

“She’s married?”

“You could say.”

“My sister has married too. Still calls home home.” Except home was a different place.

“Why would you run away in the first place?” It was a huge turn to a different subject. She didn’t even bother to be subtle about it.

The question was inevitable and it was stupid that I didn’t use time to fix my story. I knew I was not meant to be a liar!


“Of course,” She snorted. “Do you want to change yet? Bathroom’s just next door.” I nodded grateful that she seemed…uncomfortable with personal topics that she stirred us away from it and she lied down on her bed.


I splashed the cold water on my face and looked at my reflection on the mirror. The tears I cried today weren’t visible. It felt like they never happened which they did, of course. It was rather weird because I realized that I didn’t want to be there. It felt like an awakening, the pull that was suddenly present in my mind. I didn’t want to be here. I needed to be with Mino this instant because we had limited time. What was I doing here in the first place?

I rushed to Semi’s bedroom and she jumped up surprised that I came almost untouched, my face still wet.

“Can I borrow your phone? I left mine at home and I need to make a call,” she willingly handed me her phone and I excused myself to the bathroom.

I dialed my number and pressed the phone against my ear, wishing he would answer. I didn’t even get to hear the end of the first ring because he picked up.

“Hello?” His voice seemed rush, expectant, and worried. “Hello? Who is this?”

“It’s me.”

“Kim Byul! Where are you? It’s ing midnight!” I was oddly happy to hear his voice when he sounded like the Mino I’d voluntarily stay away from.

“Can you come pick me up?”




I was down at Semi’s lobby after I apologized to her for being a nuisance. She didn’t ask much. I guess we all have our problems, huh?

The lobby wasn’t exactly big. The front desk in vicinity gave a sense of safety. The bright lights on the high ceiling made the room seem bigger than it was. And the leather couch I sat on complemented the beige color of the walls, and it was also comfortable.

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Hey guys, I wasn't in my mind when I posted this so I'm not sure when I'm going to update it. I'm so sorry


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arlyssauce #1
Chapter 35: Keep going! You're doing really well!! :-) Just give it time and re-align yourself again. The greatest masterpieces don't happen overnight! ;)
Chapter 35: Go and play around to save your mood! Once you feel better, you'll come back for sure.. don't stress yourself over the burden of having to finish this story quickly, you have to enjoy it in order to make it.. Don't think too much, be nice to your brain =D Cheer up dear author!
BilliePark #3
Chapter 35: This too shall pass, as it happebs to all writers. My two cents is that it doesnt help if you would think about how long this journey would take cause that would only pressure you to end the story sooner for the sake of marking it complete. You know, it helps to take your time. As this story's title would imply, "leisure". Dont worry, your readers are also taking leisure in reading. Kkkk. I, for one, is satisfied with the pacing. Always keep in mind that no good comes out of rushing. :) Keep up the awesomeness of this story :)
jellybearred #4
Oh please don't feel like that. This is a beautiful story, really~
Keep your chin up author-nim~~ fighting!~~ :)))
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 35: I am sad you are feeling this way!! Here's to you finding the light at the end of the tunnel!!
Chapter 34: omg no byul
arlyssauce #7
Update! Update! :D
jellybearred #8
Chapter 34: Oh no I alread finish this story, now I have to wait every update you make :((
I love your slow flow story which emphasis the feeling really well ^^
jellybearred #9
Chapter 15: Oh my.. I've just read 14 chapter and I already crying so much hahaha
Byul was just like me. A closed book. Have friends but yet dosn't wanna tell them about what I really feel. And yes, with no Mino or Prof. Dong in my side hahaha
Don't pitty me, please! Hahahaha