No Way?!


Luhan's POV

*kring kring kring**yawning*Today is a good day because I get to go to school and sit beside my lovely girlfriend Jieun.I better get ready now and pick up Jieun at her house.I put on my school uniform and started to style my hair.Wow its really rare for me to get stylish just to go to school.Haha!I straight away went downstairs and went too IU's house.I knocked on the door and her maid open the door for me.It seems that IU haven't get up from her bed yet as usual.She wakes up really late lately.I don't know why.I said to her maid just let me go and wake up Jieun instead.I went to her room and it looks like she is still in her deep sleep.I went nearer to the bed.I think to myself,"I'm so lucky that you're my girlfriend now".Suddenly,I heard she's crying?I think she may have a bad dream.Then,I heard she said,"Kris oppa..why you did this to me?Why don't you confess to me earlier before?".She said that while crying.I know that its not her intention to let me hear this but it hurts me because I know that IU still have feelings for Kris.I have mixed feelings right now.Am I doing the right thing by confessing to IU like that?Am I selfish by doing this?As I was too deep in my thought IU suddenly wake up.We both startled as we made an eye contact.Then she said,"Yah!Luhan what are you doing here?!I look horrible right now..".I replied with a chuckle,"Yah!I'm your boyfriend right so I can be anywhere near around you whenever I want *mehrong*.By the way,who said you look horrible?I think you have the prettiest face I've ever seen".IU was blushing upon hearing what I said.But she break the moments by saying,"Whatever~now I want you to get out from my room.I need to get ready for school now.Hurry!"."Ok ok chillax will ya'?".And I went downstairs waiting for her.Then,I heard a car was parked in front of IU's house.I saw someone approaching it was Kris!I was surprised to see him here.I mean he can't remember IU right?So,why is he here anyway?Kris also had a shocked expression when he saw me inside the house.He said to me,"Luhan?What are you doing here?Do you know my future wife too?Are you guys related?".


Kris's POV

My mom wake me up really early today.She said I need to pick up my future wife to school with me.I was like,"What?I'm getting married?To whom?Eomma,who is it?".I think my mom was in a hurry that she didn't even explain to me who is my future wife.Seriously,mom..I don't even remember who is my future wife.Haizz~I sigh to myself.But,before she leaves to work,she gave me the address of my future wife.Looks like I have to find out myself then.I ask my driver to drive me to that place because I'm still having difficulties to drive after that accident.Finally,I've arrived to her house.Well,it looks pretty big though.Without wasting my time,I enter the house.As I enter,I saw Luhan.And we're both shocked when we saw each other like this.I'm more surprised that..why is he here?Did he know my future wife too?I didn't wait for long before I asked him the question.He replied to me and said,"Errmm,yeah I knew who she was.She is Jieun or IU.Our friend'.Wait what?IU is my future wife..but.. but how come I can't remember her?Is it because I don't like her?But that's impossible because which crazy guy won't fall in love with IU?I mean I am.Ok,is it because this is a one-sided love?I didn't like IU back in the past?When I'm busy with my thought.I saw IU coming downstairs.I think she still haven't notice me because it seems she's coming down in a hurry.After she had came down in a hurry,she bumped into me and said,"Yah,Luhan move over will ya'?".Then,she looked up to me and was startled,"K..Kris oppa.What are you doing here?Opps!I'm sorry to called you oppa".I might be crazy but she looks cute when she said that.She asked me why am I here.I said that I have to pick up my future wife.But,I never thought that it will be you.Suddenly,Luhan said,"Hmm,guys by looking at the time now.We're pretty late.So,let's go now!".I quickly grab IU's hand and went to the car.Luhan is following us.We enter the car and go to school.We arrived exactly on time.Pretty lucky I guess.Arrived at school I was pretty lost because I can't remember my class.Thank god that IU and Luhan willing to send me off to class.I'm really thankful to them.Then,Luhan holds IU hand and pull her to their class.Honestly speaking I'm a little bit jealous when I saw Luhan hold IU hand like that.I enter the class and my homeroom teacher help me a lot so that I don't feel that lost sitting in my own class.



Hmm to bad that we have to go to class now.I want to stay longer with Kris.Luhan just grab me and pull me to class we're late already.Arrived at the door,and enter the class.The girls in the class all giving me a weird look.They keep staring at me like can make a hole in my eyes.Maybe,they are pretty mad that I and Kris are getting married.Well,whatever.As long as Luhan is by my side,I feel protected.Not long after,the homeroom teacher enter and said,"Ok class.Today we're expecting a new student.Well,I hope you guys will help her to adjust to this school environment.Please enter Jiyeon-ssi".When the teacher said Jiyeon,I was feeling something not right.Why I think that I've heard that name before.As Jiyeon was introducing herself it suddenly struck way!Is she Kris girlfriend?Well,I never met Kris girlfriend before so me myself is not pretty sure too.Then,the teacher called me,"Jieun,please raise your hand so that Jiyeon will know to sit beside who".Wait what?Meaning I and Jiyeon are seat partners now?I want Luhan to sit beside me.Luhan was pretty shocked too when he heard that but he had to listen to the teacher and quickly went to sit behind me.Jiyeon came to me and sit beside me.It was pretty awkward.I can sense that.I offer a handshake to her as I introduced myself.But,suddenly she said to me,"I already know who you are b*tch.You take away my Kris oppa".Oh no,I can sense trouble right now.I want to cry upon hearing she said like that but I tried to control it not wanting Luhan to get mad at her.I think I may have a bad time at school after this.Oh no...


*so how was it?hope you guys enjoy it and do subscribe and leave me a comments.

*btw,have you guys watched Kris's vid I post at previous chapter?If you haven't do check it out.I can say that I was spazzing the whole time while watching the vid.He had an attractive voice.

*here's another video of Kris..hehe~

*Credit to owner

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Chapter 14: It's good decision then if you make 2. Kekeke update soon
DyrahHanbin #2
Chapter 14: Yeayy! HanU! Can't wait for the updates ~ :)
Chapter 13: poor Luhan ~T_T~
I support both, but so sad to see Luhan like that T.T
emira96 #4
why can't you guys support KrisU??T_T i know pity Luhan..ah~molla2!!
Chapter 13: how sad :'( poor Luhan :"(
HanU pls... update soon~
DyrahHanbin #6
Chapter 13: Emi, HanU please ~ Let Kris with Jiyeon. Pity Luhan :(
Chapter 13: But i still want HanU together... :'(
Chapter 12: omo, Luhan right????
Poor him T.T
DyrahHanbin #9
Chapter 12: HanU please ~ Let Kris be with someone else.
Chapter 12: Is that Luhan who saw they're kissing? Omg poor Luhan :(
Update soon authornim