That song


Jiyeon's POV

Actually,I've been eavesdropping the whole time and like seriously Kris lost his memories?And really he'll only remember certain memory like how he cannot remember IU?Ok,I can sense this is my golden oppurtanity to take back what's mine from that girl,IU!Haha!After a while,Luhan and IU getting out from Kris room.Well,this is my chance to sneak in.As I can no longer see them,quickly I went inside the room and said,"Oppa~!".Actually,I'm not pretty sure whether Kris can remember me or to be precise,whether Kris remember what I had did to him.Kris replied to me back by saying,"What are you doing here?I thought you only playing with me right?I can still remember what you did to me and yet you still dare to come here and see me".I'm pretty shocked by what Kris had said.I thought that he cannot remember certain thing?Don't tell me he actually faking this whole losing memory stuff?Suddenly he said to me,"What you think that I can't remember you?Even though I did lost some of my memories,but,I can still clearly remember what you had done to me.How you break my heart.Now,what you waiting for?Get out from the room now!I don't want to see your face in front of me ever again!".With that,I get out from the room and try to plan something out to make sure that Kris will pay the price for humiliating me like that!


Kris's POV

I still can't figure out why I felt like that when I see Luhan and IU stand like that side by side.Suddeny,I heard someone called me,"Oppa~!".It was Jiyeon!Why the heck she comes and visit me after what she had did to me.I guess she tought that I can remember her maybe?With anger I scolded Jiyeon and asked her to leave the room.She was pretty shocked when I did that and she get out from the room.After Jiyeon had leave the room,my mind get busy again trying my best to remember who is IU to me.Is she really just a friend?or someone that is really important to me?Slowly,I fall asleep.In my sleep,I had a dream.I dream of someone.I saw a girl sitting on a bench and singing a song with her guitar.It goes like this,

In that space where memories linger
Still as warm on my fingertips
You are here, here
Your scent, your face

Please, look at me, look at me, look at me
I can feel you, like this, feel you, feel you
Struggling to catch your expressions
Struggling to catch your smiles

You, who I struggled to understand
In the place where we were together
In the moment where I resembled you
When it felt too good being soaked in the rain
You are gone, gone

*Jin-Gone (I suggest you guys to listen to it if you never heard it before ^^)*

That girl voice,it seems familiar to me..but who?I tried to approach her but she seems to notice me and ran away from me.Suddenly,I was wide awake still not knowing who's that girl in my dream.Ugh~!!all this thinking make me having a headache.I need to get some fresh air!I changed my hospital attire with white plain t-shirt and jeans.I sneak out from the room and went outside of the hospital.Outside,there is a park where people can have a walk or maybe jogging.As,I'm having a stroll there,I saw a girl with a familiar figure sitting on a bench.I can't see that person face because she was sitting near a tree.The tree had covered her face.But,I can see clearly that she's holding a guitar.Maybe she's going to play it?I thought to myself.As,I was getting near her,I can now hear her voice singing.It was soft.Soothing to my ears.But,wait a minute,why the song and the voice seems familiar?Quite puzzeled,I approached her.It was IU!I was quite shocked and said,"IU?What are you doing here?".And she seems shocked to seeing me here.She said with a stutter tone,"K..K..Kris?what are you doing here?shouldn't you be upstairs and stay on your bed and get some rest?".I replied,"I asked you first right why are you here?I'm here because I want to get some fresh air..and who knows the voice that I heard just now was from you though.Now,answer me,why are you here?".She replied,"Ah~I'm here just..I don't know.For fun maybe".I felt like she's hiding something from me.I'll put that aside for now.I sit beside her on the bench and my heart starts thumping again."Oh god Kris!What is wrong with you man?".I thought to myself.With a compose expression,I asked her about the song she played just now,"Say,IU,can I asked you something?Hmm~how did you know this song?I think I never heard it before though?".IU replied,"Oh~this song.I composed it..why is it bad?".I replied,"Oh no no.Its pretty good actually.I think I can almost like you if I had a crush on you".Damn what are you saying Kris?You sure have a loose mouth.But,one thing that makes me puzzled was,she said that she's the one who composed the song..but,how come that song appears in my dream?Suddenly,IU stand up and said that she need to go now.She has things to do.I just said,"O ok..anyyeong Jieun ah~I'll meet you again for school tomorrow right?''.She just said,"Yeah sure Kris.We'll meet again at school tomorrow".Her smile is so beautiful.Surely she had a boyfriend already.I thought to myself.



I don't know why.But something tell me to go to the park near the hospital and play this song.I went to the park and find an empty spot near a tree."Assa!".I said to myself.I sit down and started to play some random notes.Then,I start to play the song that I randomly composed based on what had happened between me and Kris.As I finished the song,a guy came to me and said,''IU?".I was pretty shocked when I saw it was Kris!Why is he here?He should be in bed and take a rest.He then came and sit beside me.Ok my heart please stop playing your music.I can feel that my heart is going to explode now with all the thumping.I calm myself down as Kris and I had a short conversation.Time surely goes by really fast.I almost forget to do my homework.Haizz~I don't want to leave Kris though.Having to spend my time with Kris sure is enough for me with the fact he can't remember and his feelings towards me.I bid him goodbye and he said that he want to meet me again tomorrow.With a smile I replied,"Yeah sure Kris".


*I insert back Jiyeon character to make the story interesting.Anyway,enjoy reading,subscribe and do leave your comment below!


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Chapter 14: It's good decision then if you make 2. Kekeke update soon
DyrahHanbin #2
Chapter 14: Yeayy! HanU! Can't wait for the updates ~ :)
Chapter 13: poor Luhan ~T_T~
I support both, but so sad to see Luhan like that T.T
emira96 #4
why can't you guys support KrisU??T_T i know pity Luhan..ah~molla2!!
Chapter 13: how sad :'( poor Luhan :"(
HanU pls... update soon~
DyrahHanbin #6
Chapter 13: Emi, HanU please ~ Let Kris with Jiyeon. Pity Luhan :(
Chapter 13: But i still want HanU together... :'(
Chapter 12: omo, Luhan right????
Poor him T.T
DyrahHanbin #9
Chapter 12: HanU please ~ Let Kris be with someone else.
Chapter 12: Is that Luhan who saw they're kissing? Omg poor Luhan :(
Update soon authornim