Chapter 21

The Demon Contract

Cheon Sa followed Baekhyun through the halls, trying to calm her beating heart.  She had never met the demon king before, but from looking at Baekhyun’s expression, she figured that the meeting would not go well.  A door at the end of the hall came into view, and Cheon Sa’s heartbeat only increased when she saw who sat in front of the door.  She pushed in front of Baekhyun and ran toward him.


He immediately looked up, surprised that the human presence he had felt was Cheon Sa’s.  To his irritation, Baekhyun then stepped in between the two of them, blocking his view of her.

“Kai.” Baekhyun nodded.

“Why the hell did you bring her here?” Jongin hissed.

“She wants to meet Suho.”

Jongin’s eyes widened, and he turned toward Cheon Sa.  “Are you kidding me?”

She shook her head.

“Get out of here.  Go home.”

“I already tried telling her,” Baekhyun replied.  “But she refused.”

Cheon Sa gathered her courage.  “Let me see the demon king, Jongin.”

Jongin’s response followed immediately.  “No.”


He furiously shook his head.  “If you go in there, you’ll die.”

“I don’t care.”

“But I do.”

Cheon Sa paused, his words sinking in.  “D-Demons don’t care about humans,” she managed to choke out.

He glared.  “If you go in there, you become my enemy.  I won’t hold back.”

She ignored his last statement, nodding at Baekhyun instead.  Baekhyun caught Jongin off guard and pushed him into the wall, allowing for Cheon Sa to continue toward the door.  She gripped the doorknob with determination and glanced back at Jongin once.  “I’m sorry.”

Cheon Sa pushed the door open, unsure of what to expect.  To her surprise, she found herself in a hallway.  She glanced at the coffee maker as she walked by, which reminded her of Chanyeol, and she clenched her fists.

“Calm down, human,” Baekhyun whispered.

She nodded.  As she reached the end of the hallway, she heard a door slam and footsteps.

“Ignore Kai.  I’ll protect you until the end.  I promise.”

She continued to walk.

“I mean it, Park Cheon Sa!” She could hear Jongin scream.  “If you don’t stop there, I’ll…”

“What?” She turned around and glared at Jongin.  “You’ll kill me?”

“I…” He stopped in his place.  I would never…

“Let’s go, human,” Baekhyun said.

Jongin watched in despair as his beloved human…no, beloved angel, walked through the next door.  He slammed his fists against the wall in frustration.




This looks more like it.  She stepped into the darkness, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

With Baekhyun’s directions, Cheon Sa navigated through the darkness.  Eventually, she reached another door and threw it open.

“Look who finally decided to pay me a visit.”

Squinting into the light, Cheon Sa finally made out a figure.  She glanced at Baekhyun, who’s face had stiffened.  This, she thought, must be Suho, the demon king.  She had expected an older man, but Suho didn’t look much older than Baekhyun.  He was dressed in all black, and Cheon Sa couldn’t help but notice his blood-red eyes.

“Baekhyun, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Suho started.  “You’ve got guts to show up here after failing your mission.”

Baekhyun bowed.

“And who do we have here?” The devil turned toward Cheon Sa.  “From the eyes…Park Cheon Sa, right?”

She clenched her teeth and nodded.

“You and your brother have the same fighting spirit in your eyes.  I like that.”

Cheon Sa began to reach for the knife, which she had put in a pocket in Baekhyun’s jacket.

“Baekhyun, I’ve missed you,” Suho said next.  “And I’ve missed my coffee too.  That new recruit, Jongdae, can’t get things right.”

“What are you saying, boss?” Baekhyun asked carefully.

Suho sighed.  “We’re running low on demons.  Even though you’ve failed me, I need you.  Leave the human, and return to me.”

“Boss, with all due respect, there are a lot of demons.”

“Oh…that.  You see, well, let’s talk about that later.  Anyway, Baekhyun, I need you to do one last job for me.  And then, as promised, I’ll grant you your wish.”

“I…” Baekhyun glanced at Cheon Sa, who was completely focused on Suho.  “Well…”

“You’ve always wanted to be a human, right?” Suho asked.  “If I can turn a human into a demon, I’m pretty sure I can do the opposite.  I’m the demon king, after all.”

“Yes, boss.”

“So what do you say, Baekhyun?  Join me for one last job?”

He bit his lip.  “And you promise that you’ll grant my wish?”

Suho smirked.  “Promise.”

Baekhyun, about to decline, remembered Cheon Sa’s request.  Turning toward the human, he bowed in apology.  “I’m sorry.”  Please, someone up there, protect this human girl.  Then, he slowly walked over to Suho’s side.

“Moving on,” Suho said with a smile.  “Kai, you are welcome to enter.”

Cheon Sa heard Jongin enter the room, and her eyes widened a bit when he moved himself in front of her, blocking her view of Suho.  Jongin…

“I apologize for the interruption, my lord.” He bowed.

“Not at all,” Suho replied, amused.  “I was actually hoping that you’d show up.”

“My lord, this girl—”

Suho raised one eyebrow.  “What are you doing over there, Kai?  Remember what you promised me?”

Jongin clenched his fists.

“Or have you decided to defy me?”

Cheon Sa noticed that despite his harsh words, Suho seemed to be amused with the entire situation.

“Never, my lord.”

She watched as Jongin joined Suho and Baekhyun.

And now, it’s just me…

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I'll apologize right now for not updating in forever.


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i think i'm going to be reading this again :)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 27: Wait! Is the end suggesting there will be a sequel xD
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww nice story
Chapter 27: okay...
at first i was like, 'will they live happily ever after?' and then 'jong in and suho are dead meat', and at the ending i was like 'WHAT?! WHY?! I NEED MORE!!'

great story author-nim
Chapter 26: Wait, it can end like this!!
Chapter 20: What is Suho playing at... At least now she knows the truth, well most of it hehe
Chapter 13: He won't do it! Don't do it!
Chapter 11: Chen is too adorable to be a demon! Hahaha I wonder how he became one
Chapter 10: Don't tell me it was Kai... If it is, it's not going to end well!
Chapter 3: I love how he calls her human hahaha
And what are they hiding from Kai?!