Chapter 19

The Demon Contract

Baekhyun carried the trembling human back to her home.  Whether she was trembling from fear or from anger, he wasn’t sure.  All he knew was that she was anything but human at that moment.

“Hey Cheon Sa,” he said.

She stared at him with empty eyes.  “Hm?”


“For what?”

“It must’ve been a shock for you.”

She chuckled bitterly.  “Look at you, acting like a human.”

“Look at you,” he replied.  “You’re kind of…out of it.  Why don’t you sleep?”


He gently let go of her and watched her climb up the stairs.




“Chanyeol oppa’s…room.” Cheon Sa stared at the door at the opposite end of the hall.  As much as sleep sounded tempting, her feet carried her to his door, as if in a trance.  Shakily reaching for the handle, she pushed open the door, not sure what she was expecting.

Dust covered almost everything.  Cheon Sa went to the window and flung it open, breathing in the fresh air and allowing it to circulate throughout the room. 

Chanyeol’s room was completely normal.  Posters of Girls Generation lined the walls.  He even had an organized collection of CDs, to Cheon Sa’s amusement.  His desktop computer, which hadn’t been used for years, sat in the corner collecting dust.  Everything was neat, and Cheon Sa sighed.

Out of the corner of her eye, a book with one corner sticking out beneath his pillow caught her attention.  Flipping to the first page of the book, she realized that it was his diary.



Today, after visiting my sister in the hospital, I went to the library to continue research.  I’m going to find a cure for her.  But for now, all I can do is pray.


After confirming that Baekhyun was not around, she brought the book back to her room.  She opened the book again after lying under her blanket.



It’s leap year, and I just realized how horrible I am with remembering about this diary.  I’m writing to remember what happened today.

I met someone named Suho today in the hospital’s elevator.  And…he says that he can help me save my sister.  We made an agreement: money for access to his personal collection of books.  I wonder if this is the miracle I’ve been waiting for?


She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. 



For the past few months, I’ve been researching a cure for my sister at Suho’s office’s library.  It looks like a dump on the outside, but it’s a pretty nice place on the inside.  He’s a pretty reasonable person, and sometimes, he offers to take me home.  I wish there were more people in the world like him.

But get this.  While I was researching, I stumbled across a whole bunch of interesting books.  I didn’t really look at them, though, because I was running late.


It sounds like oppa had no idea that Suho was the devil.



It’s been almost a year since I first wrote in this thing, and there still isn’t much progress.  While Suho’s library is very helpful, I have a hard time understanding all of the stuff written in the books.  I guess I should’ve studied more, huh?

Suho has an impressive collection of supernatural books, though.  He probably has a whole shelf of books related to demons.



When I need to take a break from research, I love to flip through this demon series I found.  They’re very interesting…I wonder why Suho keeps this collection in the back of his library?

Get this: according to these books, demons hate the daytime and human food.  I mean, it sounds pretty obvious, but I never thought I’d see it written in a book.  Ironically, they also have healing powers.  Wouldn’t it be crazy if things like demons and angels existed?  Maybe one could come and heal my sister?



After spending most of Christmas with Cheon Sa, I went to Suho’s.  I brought him a coffee maker, since I remember him saying that he had a difficult time remaining alert in the daytime.  He even let me use the library.

According to these books, there’s a demon king.  Usually, the demon king must appoint his replacement.  The other option is to kill the demon king, but I guess that’s a pretty stupid idea, huh?



Today, after hours of research, I read about killing demons.  According to these books, it’s rather simple, but you have to be really precise about it.

The book talks about death scythes, holy water, purified blood, and demon weapons.  To me, demon weapons sound the easiest.  These books sound so real at times.


She raised an eyebrow and flipped to the last two entries in the diary.



Cheon Sa seems to be getting worse, which means that I’m running out of time.  Suho seems to be less friendly these days, so I try not to spend much time there.  I’m just worried that I won’t be able to save Cheon Sa.



I’ve taken a step in the right direction for Cheon Sa’s cure.  I’m sure that I’ll find something by Christmas if I work hard enough.  Oh, and Suho apologized for acting weird.  He wants to meet up in two weeks.


Cheon Sa shut the diary with a smirk.  So that’s what happened.

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I'll apologize right now for not updating in forever.


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i think i'm going to be reading this again :)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 27: Wait! Is the end suggesting there will be a sequel xD
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww nice story
Chapter 27: okay...
at first i was like, 'will they live happily ever after?' and then 'jong in and suho are dead meat', and at the ending i was like 'WHAT?! WHY?! I NEED MORE!!'

great story author-nim
Chapter 26: Wait, it can end like this!!
Chapter 20: What is Suho playing at... At least now she knows the truth, well most of it hehe
Chapter 13: He won't do it! Don't do it!
Chapter 11: Chen is too adorable to be a demon! Hahaha I wonder how he became one
Chapter 10: Don't tell me it was Kai... If it is, it's not going to end well!
Chapter 3: I love how he calls her human hahaha
And what are they hiding from Kai?!