Chapter 14

The Demon Contract

Cheon Sa looked around.  After the initial pain had cleared, the events from the night before—or was it two nights ago?—came flooding back to her.  “How long have I been sleeping?”  Receiving no response from the boy in front of her, she continued, carefully choosing her words. “Chanyeollie oppa should be home soon, right?”

Her brother? Jongin frowned.   “I don’t—“

“Are you one of Chanyeollie oppa’s friends?” she asked, making sure her voice was steady.  “He doesn’t have that many, so I’m glad that you’re—”

“I-I’m Jongin.  Don’t you remember me?” His voice shook.

She frowned, feeling a pang of guilt in her heart.  “Should I remember you from somewhere?”

“I…” Jongin trailed off.  What was the point of explaining?  She wouldn’t understand me anyway, not in the condition that she’s in.

Baekhyun walked into the room then, carrying a cup of coffee.  “This is some good stuff, Kai.  Suho had me make it all the time, but I never bothered trying it until now.”

“Baekhyun, help—”

“Oh, Cheon Sa, you’re awake,” Baekhyun said.  He placed the coffee on her nightstand and pulled up a chair next to Jongin.  “Glad to see that you’re doing fine.”

Her heartbeat sped up, as she had forgotten that Baekhyun was there.  He noticed things quickly, something that Jongin could not do.  “I don’t—”

“She doesn’t remember anything, Baekhyun.”


Jongin bit his lip.  “She can’t remember me.  Or you.  She keeps talking about her brother.”

“Interesting.” He raised a brow.

Cheon Sa, meanwhile, avoided eye contact with both of them.  She felt guilty enough lying to Jongin. 

“Baekhyun, can't you do something?”

Baekhyun shrugged.  “Why can’t she remember?”  One glance at the girl’s expression made him sigh.  Picking up his coffee mug, he said, “Let’s talk in the hall, Kai.”

Cheon Sa watched the two demons walk into the hall, closing the door behind them.  With tears in her eyes, she whispered, “It’s for the best.”




“Cheon Sa is a human.  Humans are frail.  You tried to kill her.  Her body probably responded in the only way it knew how: by forgetting you, me, and everything in between.  In a way, you should be grateful—”

“Why would I be grateful?”

“Since she doesn’t remember us, we can return to Suho in peace.  No one will have to die.  You’ve saved both her life and your own.  Good job, Kai.”

“I don’t—”

“If she remembers you, it will only cause problems for the two of you.”

“But I can’t leave her in her current condition.  She thinks that her brother is still alive, Baekhyun.  She’s living in the past, waiting for a guy that will never come home.”

Baekhyun exhaled in frustration.  “Look.  You went into this deal promising her one thing.  You promised that you would help her find her brother’s murderer, and you promised that you would help her kill the murderer.”

“Yeah.” Jongin nodded.  “She was really persistent.”

“In return, she offered you her soul.  But she doesn’t remember making the deal.  It might take a little bit of research, but I'm pretty sure that your contract is no longer valid.  Or at least good enough for Suho.  Now you can return without any problems.” Baekhyun sipped at his coffee.

“I can’t, Baekhyun.”

“Why?” Baekhyun smirked.  “It’s not like you love her or anything, right?  She’s just a human.”

“Stop using my own words against me,” Jongin grumbled.

“Then go back to Suho,” Baekhyun replied.  “Explain the situation.  Get him to understand.  I’ll take care of things here.”

Jongin bowed.  He had no choice but to trust Baekhyun if he wanted any chance of being near Cheon Sa ever again.  “I’ll leave her to you, Baekhyun.”

“Whatever, Kai.  Don’t get all soft on me.”




Cheon Sa heard the door open, and she quickly wiped the tears away from her eyes.  Baekhyun can’t know that I was crying.  It’ll give everything away.

“So, how are you doing?” Baekhyun asked, pulling up a chair.

She remained silent.

“Oh, come on, Cheon Sa,” Baekhyun replied.  “I know that you can talk.”


“I’m curious about a few things,” he continued, cutting her off.  He noted the fact that she couldn't look at him in the eye and decided that his theory was correct.  “Actually, just one thing.”

“Y-Yes?” she stuttered.

He smiled.  “Why are you lying about your amnesia?”

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I'll apologize right now for not updating in forever.


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i think i'm going to be reading this again :)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 27: Wait! Is the end suggesting there will be a sequel xD
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww nice story
Chapter 27: okay...
at first i was like, 'will they live happily ever after?' and then 'jong in and suho are dead meat', and at the ending i was like 'WHAT?! WHY?! I NEED MORE!!'

great story author-nim
Chapter 26: Wait, it can end like this!!
Chapter 20: What is Suho playing at... At least now she knows the truth, well most of it hehe
Chapter 13: He won't do it! Don't do it!
Chapter 11: Chen is too adorable to be a demon! Hahaha I wonder how he became one
Chapter 10: Don't tell me it was Kai... If it is, it's not going to end well!
Chapter 3: I love how he calls her human hahaha
And what are they hiding from Kai?!