Chapter 10

The Demon Contract

Kim Jongdae was lost.  To make matters worse, he was lost in the human world.  How long had it been since he had last wandered the streets of Seoul?  To make matters worse, his cell phone had died immediately after landing in the human world.  A group of girls giggled as he walked past, and he decided to use that to his advantage.

“Excuse me,” he said, walking over.  “I’m looking for Eighth Avenue.  Would you happen to know where that is?”

“I don’t know,” one girl replied, “but you could probably take a taxi or something.”



Jongdae frowned.  What is a taxi?

“Hey, isn’t Eighth Avenue where all the rich people live?” another girl asked.

Jongdae suddenly became interested.  “Rich people?”

“Oh yeah!  I heard that there’s even a house owned by a teenage girl.”

“Interesting,” Jongdae muttered, walking off.  The girls were beginning to irritate him anyway.




Baekhyun, who had been taking advantage of the human’s television, suddenly sensed a presence walking up and down the street.  He lowered the volume on the television and closed his eyes, in an attempt to focus on the person outside.

He soon figured that the presence was not human.

In a flash, Baekhyun was next to the window, peering out through the crack in the curtains.  The only person walking around was some teenage punk with a cap and a lot of jewelry.  Baekhyun let out a breath he did not know he was holding.

“Of course it wouldn’t be Suho,” he whispered.

The teenage punk, as if able to hear Baekhyun, made eye contact with the former.

“There’s no way—”

Baekhyun watched in fear as the boy easily hopped the fence and strolled up to the window.  He could’ve sworn that the boy mouthed “found you”, but Baekhyun was already one step ahead.  He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he found himself in an open field.  For the first time in his life, he was glad that he was a demon.




“Hey Jongin,” Cheon Sa said, “where’s Baekhyun?”

“Who knows?”

“I haven’t seen him for a while.”

“Who cares?”  One look from her made him sigh.  “Last time I saw him, he was hogging the television.”

“The television is off.”

“Well, that’s unfortunate.”

“What if he’s in trouble?” Cheon Sa protested.

“Why would he be?  He’s a demon.  I’m sure that he could handle danger.”

Before she could respond, the doorbell rang, and Jongin made no move to get it.  Cheon Sa stood up, wondering who would be walking around Eighth Avenue at three in the afternoon.  She tried to remember the last time she had a visitor.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see a boy she had never seen before on the other side.

“Hello,” the boy said with a grin.  “I’m Kim Jongdae, and I’m a little lost at the moment.  May I borrow your phone to call someone?”

“Okay,” she finally said after hesitating.  “But it’s a little messy…”

“That’s really no problem,” the boy replied.

She led him past the kitchen where Jongin sat, since normal humans could not see demons.  Yet for some reason, the boy stopped and stared at Jongin in wonder.  Cheon Sa’s eyes widened.

“Kai sunbaenim?”

Jongin looked up from the human newspaper in alarm.

“Wow!  It really is you!  I’ve heard so much about you!” the boy exclaimed.

“Who the hell are you?” Jongin snapped.  He positioned himself in front of Cheon Sa, who was watching the encounter with wide eyes.

“New recruit.  I’m Kim Jongdae, but the boss called me Chen, so…”

“Why are you here?”

“She let me in.”

Jongin turned to Cheon Sa, angry.  “Why did you let him in?”

“He told me that he wanted to borrow the phone.”

“Which I did,” Jongdae interrupted.  “I was going to call the boss because Baekhyun disappeared.”


“Didn’t you know?  Boss wants Baekhyun back as soon as possible.”

“Oh.  Go ahead.  I was starting to get annoyed with that guy anyway—”

“And you, sunbaenim.  According to the message I received before my cell phone died, he also wants you.”


A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates.  School is killing me.

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I'll apologize right now for not updating in forever.


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i think i'm going to be reading this again :)
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 27: Wait! Is the end suggesting there will be a sequel xD
Chapter 27: Awwwwwwwww nice story
Chapter 27: okay...
at first i was like, 'will they live happily ever after?' and then 'jong in and suho are dead meat', and at the ending i was like 'WHAT?! WHY?! I NEED MORE!!'

great story author-nim
Chapter 26: Wait, it can end like this!!
Chapter 20: What is Suho playing at... At least now she knows the truth, well most of it hehe
Chapter 13: He won't do it! Don't do it!
Chapter 11: Chen is too adorable to be a demon! Hahaha I wonder how he became one
Chapter 10: Don't tell me it was Kai... If it is, it's not going to end well!
Chapter 3: I love how he calls her human hahaha
And what are they hiding from Kai?!