
Chained Beast

New Man's POV: "Is he finally under control?" I asked through clenched teeth. I was staring through a clear glass and looked at my fragile looking reflection. Speeve was standing behind me, his old looking clip board clenched tightly in his hands. "Well-" He was cut off as someone screamed in pain as they were through violently at the glass we were standing at. I sighed and looked down, and I looked at the smeared blood on the glass. "He's very strong, sir." Speeve said breathing heavily, his blonde locks stuck to his forehead. I slowly turned around and looked down at my new snake parched kane. I clenched it tightly in my hand and looked up. "We are going to finish the job." I said through clenched teeth. I followed Speeve who looked very hesitant to walk in the room. I walked in the room and smiled at the group of scientist that were huddled as far away as him as possible. The boy slowly lifted his head and looked at us through his dark gray bangs. "Hello, Jung Min." I smiled with a huge grin. The boy was chained up against the white wall, chains hanging all over him. "What do you want with me?" He growled looking at me with hatred. "I want to know why you killed my father." I said clenching my fist. I had to promise everyone I wouldn't kill him...So now I'm going to make him pay. I slowly looked at him with amusement. Everyone watched me cautiously. Interesting.

                        "Oh so you must be his son." Jung Min said with a sarcastic smirk. I walked over to him and looked at the table full of weapons. "Yes, so now I'm going to make you pay for what you did." I growled through clenched teeth. I gasped as he snapped the chain that was holding his arm back. "I dare you...To hurt me or my friends." He said softly, slowly lifting me off the ground by my throat. I gagged loudly, and I could feel my bones crunching under his amazing strength. Everyone rushed over and they made Jung Min let go of me. I landed on the ground with a loud thud. I gentle touched my burning throat and I coughed loudly. "Sir, are you ok?" Speeve asked knealing down to me and rested one trembling hand on my shoulder. He's...So strong. He deffinatly is the strongest person Iv'e ever met. Maybe...Just Maybe...We could have him join our side.  "That's it!" I said triumphantly before leaping up on my feet. I faced my small army of scientist. "Ashton, come here." I said beckoning over a pretty young girl over to me. "Yes, father?" She asked softly. She brushed her long lushish blonde hair over her shoulder. "Did you ever learn to brain wash memories?" I asked urgently. She blinked her green eyes at me confusedly. "N-No father." She stammered. I screamed in fusteration, throwing my hands up in the air. She squealed and ducked, covering her face. God.

                          "I don't even think that's possible, sir." Speeve said rubbing the back of his neck. I smirked and nodded slowly. "Yes it is. I did it on myself." I said making them both gasp. I used to be the father of the horrible girl...Selena. Me and her mother both gave her up and handed her over to a new family. Then afterwards, I killed her mother. I smiled as I could still hear the sound of her mothers crying and dying gasp. "You will do it." I said standing in front of Ashton. She nodded and slowly looked down. She walked over to Jung Min with two other scientist by her side. One of the scientist smacked him hard, making his head jerk to the side. "Don't try anything, freak." He growled. Jung Min slowly glared at him. Ashton slowly reached her hand out, making Jung Min jerk back. "N-No. I'm not going to hurt you. I just...Need to do something." She said softly. She gentle grabbed his arm and enjected a needle in his arm that would make him relax and go to sleep. Jung Min's head drooped and he gradually fell asleep, making everyone sigh with relief. Ashton gentle touched his face and smiled. Her green eyes sparkled in awe. I bit my lip and snapped my fingers loudly, making her jog over to me. "You seem to care for this..Boy. From now on, he'll be in your care and you'll be his girlfriend." I said before turning around quickly. "No! It's...Not right." Ashton stammered in dismay. I faced her. 

                        "You know better then to back talk me." I said raising my hand. She let out a sob and ducked down, covering her face. "Sir, we need to talk to you." A boys said from behind us. I spun around and went wide eyed. Five boys walked up towards us with weapons in there hands. "Ah,hello Reita." I said dipping my head. A boy with dark blonde hair that fell over his right smirked at me. "Cut the crap. You promised you'd send us on our first mission today." He growled pointing a huge blade at me. I held my hands up in surrenduer. "Sir! Jung Min's waking up." Speeve said after a couple minutes later of talking to the boys. "So, you want us to bring this guy with us?" Reita said looking past me at Jung Min who was starting to wake up. "Where am I?" Jung Min asked slowly looking around. I walked over to him with everyone following me. He looked terrified and I smiled. "Thank god your ok." I said placing my hand over my heart. I unchained him quickly, praying that my plan will work. He rubbed his wrist and looked at me. "I don't remember anything." He mumbled looking down sadly. I rested my hand on his shoulder. "We saved you from beast. They tried killing you, and they killed your family. They brain washed you and everything." I said before placing my hands on his shoulders. His expression changed and he glared at me. "I want my revenge. Now." He said

                               Selena's POV: "Wake her up. Is she awake?" A muffled voice said from behind me. I groaned and slowly and opened one eye. Sunlight surrounded me like a wave and I raised one hand drowsily. "Good, you are awake." Hirkoto said with a huge smile. Everyone was already moving around. Nina slowly sat down beside me with a enermous yawn. "Good, now they can pick on you." She said sounding exhausted. I stretched and slowly stood up, and pain surged through my side once more. I groaned in pain and held my side tightly. "Are you ok?" She asked concernedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said breathing shakily. I jumped as a shadow fell over me. Luhan stood in front of me with his hand full of bright white flowers. I felt heat rise to my face as Nina teasingly nudged my arm. "T-Thank you." I said softly. I took them and the amazing smell of them seemed to sooth me. "Are you feeling ok?" He asked concernedly. Everyone's so worried about me... I kind of regret getting hurt. But I guess I should consider myself lucky. "Yeah, my side-" I began but he cut me off with a shake of his head. "No, about Jung Min." He said his light blue eyes filled with sadness. I stood there dazed for a moment. That's right...He isn't here with us... He's.. I looked down and clenched my fist. I hope he's ok...I miss him alot already.

                                    I jumped as Luhan pulled me in his arms. He hugged me tightly, resting his head on my shoulder. Nina cleared and gave a shaky laugh before akwardly scooting her way from away from us. He tilted my head up, making me look into his beautiful blue eyes. "Were going to find him, dead or alive." He said softly. I hugged him tightly, glad that he understands. "I-I'm sorry...That I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most." He mumbled, not looking me in the eyes. He gentle grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. It's hard to believe that this was the short tempered and stubborn kid that never talked. Now look at us... "It's ok. What matters is that your here right now." I said with a tiny smile. He smiled back and I squealed with surprise as he gentle picked me up in his arms. "What are you doing, dork?" Kris said glancing at us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eyes tightly, afriad that he'd drop me. He held me closer to him, making me look up at him. He looked super happy, and he gentle leaned down and pressed his soft lips against my forehead. Kris glanced at me from him then winked before walking ahead. I blushed heavily and closed my eyes, burying my face in his chest. I bounced in his arms and I struggled to get some more sleep. "Hey Luhan, Come here!" Kris yelled.  I groaned in annoyance as he broke out into a jog, making my whole body jerk and slide. "Can't a girl sleep around here?" I groaned looking at him. 

                                       "Yes?" He panted as we broke out into a wide field. Long grass gentle brushed against my legs as Luhan gentle sat me down. I looked ahead cautiously at the small army of scientist that was showing off their weapons in their hands. I gulped nervously, and we all exchanged nervous glances. A young looking man stepped foreword slowly, with a friendly smile on his face. He had a familiar skin parched skin in his hand, and he had dark straight hair that slightly fell in his face. A huge scar was covering his left eye, making him blind. "What?" JJ asked in annoyance, pointing his gun at him. "Now, now. Let's settle down." The man cooed taking a step forword. As usual, they all shoved me and Nina behind them. "Oh, so your Beast." The man cooed looking at Luhan with a tiny smirk. Luhan tensed up and slowly pulled out his huge silver gun that gleamed in the sunlight. "Who are you? What do you want?" He growled, puting his finger on the trigger. The man's smile fell and he shook his head. "I want revenge on my father." He yelled, making me jump. Father? I gasped and me and Nina looked at each other in horror. "Where's my brother?!" Luhan yelled taking another step towards him. "Luhan, be careful. Calm down." MinHyuk whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. The man smiled and tossed something over his shoulder. It landed at our feet and I crained to see what it was. "He is at rest now. He can't suffer anymore." He cooed. I gasped. 

                                      He's....I felt tears threaten to blind me, and I felt the warm water stream down my face. Without a warning, Luhan let out a angry yell before charging towards the scientist at full speed. As if a switch , fighting broke out everywhere I looked. "Come on!" Chi Hoon said running towards us, grabbing our hands as he ran past us. "Where are we going?" Nina asked, stumbling clumsily after him. "I'm bringing you guys to somewhere safe." He said through clenched teeth. I stumbled after him, struggling not to fall on my face. We kept running, and pain pierced my side like fire and I struggled to fight it off. We finally stopped as the fighting fainted in the background, and the only song was the sound of our heavy breathing. "I-I think we lost them..." Chi Hoon huffed, resting his hands on his knees. I jumped as a twig snapped from somewhere around us. I pulled out my silver gun and spun around slowly. I screamed as someone bellowed into me, knocking me off of my feet. I landed with a loud thud, the air knocked out from me. I opened one eye to come face to face with a familiar person. "Jung Min!" I squeaked in surrpise. But he didn't even show any expression. He glared at me and pinned my arms down underneath me. I wiggled to get free, and I felt panick surge through me. "J-Jung Min...It's me! Selena!" I yelled feeling my heart beat faster and faster. "You killer...I'm going to make you pay for what you did." He growled, slowly pulling out a knife.

                                          Nina's POV: I let out a loud scream before running full speed towards them. Jung Min looked over his shoulder at me, going wide eyed. I collided into him at full speed. We both rolled on the ground, and I spit the dirt out of my mouth. I grunted in pain as I was forced to stand on my feet forcefully. A boy with dark brown hair that fell in his face glared at me. "Your coming with us." He said with a tiny smirk. I glanced at Chi Hoon who looked like he gave up fighting his way out. Two boys were holding him back. Jung Min slowly stood up and looked at us. "Thanks Seba." He said dipping his head. I looked over as the bushes parted. Luhan ran full speed towards the one that was holding Selena. "Look out, Reita!" Jung Min yowled. The boy looked over and let Selena go quickly. He pulled out a huge sword and leaped over Luhan. "I heard stories about you, Beast. Let's see how you fight." The boy said teasingly. Luhan narrowed his eyes and glared heavily at the cute boy. The boy jabbed Luhan hard, punching him in the face. He smirked as Luhan staggered backwards. The boy named Reita grabbed his arm, and flipped Luhan over his shoulder. He put one foot on on his chest and pointed his sword at him. Luhan narrowed his eyes and grabbed his foot, yanking him. Reita lost his balance quickly and fell backwards.  Luhan grabbed Reita's weapon and pointed it at his throat. "You have alot of explaining to do..." He panted, glaring down at him. I looked down slowly.

                                           I gasped as Jung Min charged towards Luhan, slamming him hard against a tree. I went wide eyed as he pulled out a knife and held it against it his throat. "Jung Min! It's me! It's me Luhan, your brother!" Luhan yelled, looking at his brother, fear swarming in his eyes. Jung Min glared at him and held it closer to his throat. "You...Are not my brother. Your a killer, and a freak." He growled. Pain and hurt surged all over Luhan's face. "Jung Min! Stop!" A girl yelled from the distance, followed by the sound off footsteps. A pretty girl ran towards him, making the evil and violent boys look at her. "You know you father would kill us if he saw you out here." A boy with dark black hair that fell in his face and bright blue eyes. "Chill, Kai." She said holding a hand up in front of him. She walked towards Jung Min and gentle touched his shoulder. "Ashton, what are you doing out here?" He asked staring at the girl with concern in his light blue eyes. Ashton smiled, her green eyes filled with happiness as she stared at him. "Stop, that should have tought them a lesson." She said looking at all of us regretfully. Who's this girl? Selena looked at Jung Min with a hurt expression. I jumped as Reita turned around quickly and faced us. "Your coming back with us, as hostages." He growled looking at all of us through his blonde bangs. Jung Min grabbed Ashton's hand, locking his fingers with hers. I grunted as the boy named Seba shoved me violently. "Go." He growled, shoved me hard.

                                        Selena slowed her pace and glanced at me, looking sadder then ever. "Are you ok?" I whispered, not wanting the annoying assassians to hear. She forced a smile and let her head hang down slowly. "Sega, should we stop for now?" Reita asked, spinning around to face him. Sega shrugged and stretched his hands above his head. "Are you all tired?" He asked, looking at his friends. The boy named Kei Inoo shrugged and nodded. I grunted as Ruki pushed down on my shoulders, making me fall onto my knees. "Let go of me..." I growled through clenched teeth. I went wide eyed as Reita knelt down in front of me. "You better watch yourself, little girl." He growled, through clenched teeth. "Who the hell... " I growled but Ashton gentle pushed her way past him. "Don't mind him, he's a huge softy." She said with a bright smile. I looked at her and Selena forced a smile. "Excuse me, but who are you?" She asked, bitterness in her voice. Ashton looked down slowly and gave a innocent smile. "I'm Ashton. And...I'm  sorry that this happened to you, Selena." She said slowly. Selena looked up and narrowed her light blue eyes at her. "How...Do you know my name?" She mumbled. "Oh, that's a long story." Ashton said, flipping her blonde bangs out of her eyes. "What's wrong with him..." Selena mumbled as Jung Min shot us both a evil glare. Ashton looked away quickly, guilt washed all over her face. "I-I don't know..." She stammered, lies masking her voice. I sighed.

                                              "Ashton, get some sleep." Sega mumbled, walking over to us. Ashton glared up at him and rolled her light green eyes. "Ok." She said before standing up and brushing the dirt off her clothes. She glanced back at us, and dipped her head. I watched her walk off and I sighed. I leaned against a tree and looked up at the full moon that stretched above us. Jung Min and Ashton were both cuddling close together underneath a tree. Reita was snacking on some pocky, while talking to his friend Sega. Kei was just chilling with Kai who was starting to doze off. I closed my eyes and struggled to get some sleep. "Psst..." A voice whispered in my ear. I groaned and rolled over, struggling to block the voice out. "Nina, we have to go." The familiar voice of Selena whispered. I opened my voice and looked around. Selena was leaning in towards me, her dark hair in her face. I nodded and slowly stood up. "Where do you think your going?" A voice asked from behind me. I jumped with surprise and spun around. MinHyuk tilted his head at us curiously. "We got to leave here." Selena said through clenched teeth. I nodded in agreement and cautiously looked around. The boys that were supposed to be on guard were sound asleep. "We have to be quiet..." MinHyuk whispered before nudging everyone else awake. I sighed. I looked back at were Jung Min and Ashton were sound asleep. I held my breath as Reita stirred, but he didn't wake up. "You guys go first." MinHyuk said

                                               MinHyuk's POV: Hopefully we won't get caught... I  looked around and went wide eyed as I came face to face with Reita. Without thinking, I slapped my hand over his mouth. He wiggled in my grip, but I kept a firm hold on him. ! What are you doing, MinHyuk? Fusteration surged through me and I forced myself to keep walking. "Shut up!" I said in a hushed whisper. Reita glared at me, his light brown eyes like fire. I struggled to see where I was going while walking, trying not to trip over stuff. "I swear, I'll freaking bite you..." Reita said, his voice muffled by my hand. I shrugged and kept walking. "There you..." Selena said spinning around to face us. "What the hell?! Why is he here?" Kris yelled looking at him. I narrowed my eyes and slammed him hard against the tree. "You better give us some answers." I growled in his ear. "I'm not going to answer anything." He growled glaring at all of us in turn. Selena screamed and stumbled backwards, looking into the darkness. "What? I came to apologize." A girly voice said flatly. I spun around to see Nika walk out slowly, her head hanging down. I glanced over and gasped. Reita was slowly taking baby steps, glancing over his shoulder as he tried to walk off. "No!" Selena yowled before leaping on him. They both screamed and landed on the ground. "Let go of me!" Reita yowled, trying to push her off. She clung to him and shook her head. "Nope, not until our questions are answered." She huffed. 

                                       I rolled my eyes and slapped my hand on my face. "Why am I surrounded by morons..." I groaned. Chi Hoon and Sehun grabbed Reita and slammed him against a tree before looking at him. "I...Don't mean to inturrpt you and your boyfriend, Selena...But I want to help to." Nika said softly. Selena's mouth dropped open and Reita tilted his head back and gave a loud laugh. "She wishes." He said before kicking her heard in the leg. She screamed in pain and stumbled backwards. " going to freaking kill him!" She yowled, limping towards him. I stood between them and held my arms out in front of her. "No ones killing anybody!" I snapped in annoyance. Everyone slowly looked at me and fell quiet. "You know, your pretty cute up close..." Nika said before gentle running her hand down Reita's chest. He made a face in disguist as she bit her bottom lip. "Ew...Get it away from me." He said flatly. "Uh, Hello! We were going to ask him questions?!" Sehun said throwing his hands up in the air in fusterations. "How did you get so freaking hot?" Nika asked, gentle touching his pale face. We all stood there in akward silence and I cleared my throat. "What happened to Jung Min?" Selena asked, taking a step towards him. Reita snickered and looked her up and down. "I'm not telling you anything, baby girl." He snickered at her. I rolled my eyes and punched him hard in the face, making his head hit the tree hard. "Fine...His memories were erased." He said spiting out blood. 

                                      Memories erased? I looked down in deep thought and bit my bottom lip in deep thought. So that's why he's so cold towards us... "Who's this girl?" Selena said pointing a stick at his face. Reita looked at the twig and his gaze flickered back up to her. "A stick?" He said in disbelief. I sighed and wanted to hit her so hard. "Yes, and I'm not afraid to use it." Selena growled shaking it violently, making the wind making a whipping noise. "Be more violent." Chi Hoon said carelessly. "Like this." JJ said before backhanding Reita sharply. I winced at the sickning sound of hand meeting face. Reita's head jerked to the side violently, and he slowly glared at us through his blonde bangs. Selena hesitantly lifted her hand and smacked him. "Oh god I'm so sorry!" Selena squeaked as a red hand print appeared on his face. She grabbed his face gentle and stared at him. Reita's pale face turned slightly red. Selena squeaked and stumbled backwards clumsly, tripping over a root. I rolled my eyes and clenched my fist before letting out a shout in fusteration. "Why did you hurt his beautiful face?!" Nika shouted before hugging Reita tightly. "The girl is Jung Min's fake girlfriend." Reita said before looking down at Nika. "Nika, let go of our hostage." Hirtoko said with a heavy sigh. "Get it off..." Reita growled looking down at Nika. "Do you know how to undo the spell?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Reita struggled to pull away from Nika who rubbed her face against his. "No, I don't." 

                                       "There's...No way to undo it." Selena mumbled looking down at her feet. "Maybe...It's a fairy tale were you have to kiss him..." Nika said before gentle touching Reita's face. He went wide eyed and struggled to pull away from him. I went wide eyed and grabbed his huge blade and clenched it tightly in my hand as footsteps ran towards us. "Kai! Ruki! He-" Reita yelled but Nika pressed her lips firmly against his to make him shut up. Jung Min and the others ran towards us and I tensed up. "What the..." Sega said before pointing at Reita. He was waving his arms widely, and kicked his feet as well. They all shook their heads before looking at me. "Let him go..." Jung Min growled before slowly lifting his gun and holding it against my head. Fear surged through me but I forced myself to keep calm. The cold metal against my skin made me shiver. Reita stumbled over to them while struggling to regain his breathing. Nika giggled and twirled her hair in her fingers. "Jung Min! Stop!" Selena shouted, making us all look over. Jung Min narrowed his eyes and slowly walked over to her. "What did you say to me?" He growled. Selena held her ground even though her hands trembled with fear. "Were your friends! I want the old Jung Min back! The..One I thought I had feelings for!" She yelled, shutting her eyes tightly. I went wide eyed as Jung Min lifted his hand and smacked it against her face. Her head jerked to the side violently and she stood there rigidly. I gasped.

                                             Selena's POV: H-He...Just slapped me. "I could never like you...Nor love you." He said harshly. I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I didn't even try fighting them back. Without thinking, I closed my eyes and pressed my lips against his. He stood there rigidly and I slowly pulled away. I jumped with surprise as he grabbed me again, pressing his lips against mine passionately. I miss him so much... I pulled away and opened my eyes slowly. "Jung Min?" I asked softly. He stared at me before pulling me into a huge bear hug. I hugged him tightly and closed my eyes. "He's back..." JJ breathed, sounding releaved. "Reita, what do we do?" Ruki whispered to his friend. Reita observed us and slowly looked down at his huge blade. "Nothing, let's go." He said with a heavy sigh. I pulled away from Jung Min and looked at them. "Wait..." I said taking a step towards them. "Your welcome." Sega said smiling sarcastically. "Stay with us." I said without thinking. Reita narrowed his eyes and laughed loudly. "We don't like pity. We can take our ourselves, thanks." He said before slowly turning around and walking off. "What about us?!" Nika cried before dashing after him. Reita glared at her and struggled to get her off as she clung to his arm helplessly. Ashton looked at me and forced a smile. "Here, take it." She mumbled. I looked down and opened my hand slowly. A silver cross hung in my hand, sparkling in the bright moonlight. "Jung Min's cross..." I mumbled to myself.

                                                     I turned around slowly and blushed as I came face to face with him. He smirked at me as I studied my feet and blushed. "Nice kiss.." He said tilting my head up. I looked into his pretty blue and I felt a automatic smile spread across my lips. Ashton and her friends sighed and shook theyr'e heads. "Let's kiss to!" Nika said turning to Reita. Retia let out a pure scream of fear before running around with her right on his heals screaming in protest. I blushed as he pressed his warm lips against mine once more. "Luhan, he's kissing your girl." I heard Kyungil whisper. Luhan huffed loudly. I still can't choose between them. "Let them have there moment. I love her, and I hope she loves me. Who ever she chooses, I love her the same and possibily even more." He explained softly. "Well, well..." A voice said from in front of us. We all tensed up and the man walked out of the shadows slowly. "Ashton, come here! All of you!" The man yelled, making me jump. They all exchanged looks before walking over to the man steadily. "You failed me, I thought I could trust you." The man yelled at the group of boys. I tensed up and bit my bottom lip. Retia bowed his head and didn't look the man in the eyes. "Your parents were right... Your a failure. A freak.. a monster. A heartless person!" He yelled before punching him straight in the face. I gasped and took a step foreword. "No he isn't!" I blurted out. Reita looked at me and whiped his lip. Everyone froze and stared at me in horror. 

                                   "You don't even know these people..." The man growled, slowly crossing his arms. Ashton and the rest of them looked at me slowly. "I may not...But I know they have feeling and emotions just like normal people." I shouted ignoring Hikoto and Luhan's warning look. The man laughed loudly, making birds fly up in the indigo sky. "Your so funny. No they can't...See? He won't even feel this!" He yelled before kicking Reita hard in the ribs. He coughed loudly and fell on the ground. He grabbed Sega and flipped him over his shoulder, and I heard the sickning sound of his arm. I stopped as he began to injure all of them in a sick way. "Stop!" I yelled loudly, as he finished Inoo lastly. He smirked and faced me, breathing heavily. "Your just a  coward...You can't fight without people guarding you. I bet all of them can kill you." I growled clenching my fist. His smile fell and unceartinty clouded his light blue eyes. "People like you piss me off..." The man snarled. "You know it's true!! And behind it all, these people have a big heart. And would do anything for each other...That's why I'm thankful people like them exist." I said softly. I heard Ashton gasp in surpise, making me glance over. Tears were in her eyes, and they streamed down her cheeks. "You brat!" The man yelled before slapping me hard acoss the face. "I hate you!" He said. "That's why me and your mother gave you up a long time ago..." He growled before turning off and stalking away. I stood there, feeling my heart stop. 

                                   "Father..." I whispered, feeling tears swell in my eyes. I looked up as Luhan gentle  rested his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked, concern surging in his voice. I nodded and whiped away my tears with the sleeve of my shirt violently. I sat down in front of a tree and looked up at the full moon through the dark leaves. "Hey, that was pretty cool what you did for us." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and looked at Ashton. She smiled warmly and I stood up slowly. "It's worth it. Afterall, it's true." I said before looking down bashfully. I guess she's my sister...Sister I never knew I had. "It's ok if we crash at your house for a while, right?" She asked, walking backwards. I nodded and she gave a joyful skip before jogging ahead of everyone. "Hey." A cold voice said from behind me. I looked over to see Reita, who looked away from my gaze. "Hey." I said swinging my arms as I walked. "That was pretty brave. Thanks for saying that to make him leave." He said looking up at the moon through his blonde bangs. "No, I meant what I said." I said with a tiny smile. His pale cheeks turned bright red, and he observed his feet. I jumped as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He gave a half smile and didn't look at me as we walked side by side. "Your ok, baby girl." He said making me blush heavily. They are to.. I sighed and looked at the ground as I walked. "You have a kind heart, Selena." Reita said, his light brown eyes burning through me. "You do to." I said.






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tipani22 #1
Chapter 10: Wow Enjoyed it Wholehearted. Hope you continue to write more ff.
trueFriend #2
Chapter 10: i am so happy that they finally killed that selfish so sad that its finally finished really gonna miss them..:'(
stalla #3
Chapter 10: aww so gonna miss thz u know tht chingu, love it ashton n selenas dad deserves it he is a looser, URE AMAZING!!!
stalla #4
Chapter 8: waahh i feel lk crying rite now, kyungil n jj died, is it true tht reita also died plzzz i cnt bear them all hurt, lt thm b ok
trueFriend #5
Chapter 9: oh my..many people died..:'(
update soon chingu..i am getting impatient in here i want more..please please please..(U)
trueFriend #6
Chapter 8: yey JM is back..kekeke, that evil man i really want to kick him in the face..gomawo chingu for updating..
stalla #7
Chapter 8: thz is a very huge revelation, selena met her real dad n her sister, n jungmin is bak yaaay love it, super duper happy
trueFriend #8
Chapter 7: so selena chose JM over luhan eh..i am so hooked, cmon chingu dont leave me hanging..please updat real soon..hope JM's not dead
stalla #9
Chapter 7: plz chinguya what happen plzz let him b ok, plzzz updte again soon love it, love the romance even wf the fighting aww cnt wait
keysaetern #10
Chapter 7: LOl nina coming on an unexpected time whenever selena and jungmin try to kiss.
hope jungmin is alright.
My Emotions are coming
why can't selena have both but i lnow that's impossible.
Update soon ^^