
Chained Beast

Selena's POV: "Wait, so your telling me...You guys kissed?" He mumbled dumbfoundedly. I nodded and he glanced at everyone slowly. "Did you guys hear that?" He asked his voice sqeaking  in amazement. "Wow, so you kissed my brother..." Hikoto mumbled, grabbing his cup of orange juice and the glass. "Should I feel happy or sad? Afterall...I have to pay Chi Hoon now." JJ mumbled before handing the brightly spirited boy a twenty dollar bill. I kind of giggled and shrugged as he glared at me. "I just can't believe you betted on me." I said shaking my head in the same disbelief. "Well. I thought  you were going to kiss Jung Min first." He said rolling his eyes. I in my orange juice quickly, making pain scorch my throat. I coughed loudly, making everyone look at me. "J-Jung Min?" I stammered, whiping my mouth. Nina tilted her head to the side as if she was thinking about something. "Well last night..." She began but I dove for her, slapping my hand over . She glared over her shoulder at me. "This suddenly interested me." Kris said making everyone scoot closer in towards me. Great...Now I have alot of explaining to do. "Well, yes...We almost kissed last night." I said with a loud sigh. They all gasped over dramatically and I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, why?" MinHyuk asked leaning on Sehun who seemed faintly interested. I blushed. Well..He's not a bad kisser, I'll give Luhan that. I was pretty impressed on how he kissed. "Well, I really like-" 

                          I was cut off as someone's footsteps walked towards us. I looked over my shoulder and smiled hugely. Luhan walked towards me, his light brown bangs barely falling in his face as they stuck up widely. His light blue eyes were barely open, and he shuffled his feet groggily. He sat down beside me with a loud and enermous yawn. Everyone grinned micheviously at me as he sat down and layed his head on my shoulder. "So Luhan, How was your night?" Kris asked raising a eyebrow. Luhan groaned and sighed heavily. "Long. But, ok I guess." He said his voice barely louder then a whisper. He looked really tired as he looked up at me. "Your such a dork." I mumbled before gentle brushing his bangs out of his face. "Where's number two?" JJ asked looking around at us. "You mean Jung Min?" I asked in confusion. He nodded and everyones gaze rested on me. "I haven't seen him since last night." I said with a casual shrug. "He's always like this on his birthday." Luhan said dismissevely. I went wide eyed and looked at him in shock. What? "It's his birthday today?" I said standing up. Everyone looked at me and didn't say anything. "Yeah." MinHyuk mumbled softly. "He hates this day though..." Chi Hoon said sadly, giving me a warning glance. I have to tell him happy birthday though, he at least deserves that.

                               I ran out of the living room and towards the door. Everyone whispered softly but I ignored them. I ran out of the house, my back burning from the intense looks from them. I groaned in pain as the bright sunlight shined down on my face, blinding me. I dased across the yard, kicking up as I ran, making it spray everywhere. I looked around slowly, observing my surroundings. I squinted in the bright sunlight that danced across everything. I smiled triumphantly as I could make out a outline of a boy laying on a tree branch, looking up at the sky, both legs hanging down from the branch. "Jung Min." I called out, making him sit straight up on the branch. He looked down at me and his smile fell slightly. He narrowed his light blue eyes. "What do you want..." He growled softly. The same emotions swarmed all over his face. Seeing him mad like that seemed to hurt my heart. Why do I feel like crying? "H-Happy Birthday." I mumbled, not meeting his cold gaze. "What's so happy about it?" He asked softly. He must be super mad. I smiled weakly and gulped. "Well, If it wasn't for today, you wouldn't be here." I said cheerfully. It'd be awful if He wasn't here. What would it be like? Man. "No one would care." Jung Min said carelessly. I felt tears form in my eyes and I clenched my fist. "That's not true!" I yelled loudly. He froze for a second. "Fine, name one person." He said leaping out of the tree and standing in front of me. He glared at me through his dark bangs. I tensed up nervously.

                                      "Me." I said determinadly. He stared at me in disbelief. "You wouldn't care either way. You don't care about me." He growled, clenching his fist. Without thinking, I raised my hand and smacked it across his face. His head jerked to the side violently, and he stood there rigidly. "Don't say things like that! Everyone would miss you! Your friends...We all love you, Jung Min!" I said closing my eyes tightly. I felt tears swarm down my face, and I didn't dare open my eyes. "You don't need me. And you know it! So don't you try lying to me! I know how you feel...You only like me as a friend." He said his voice showiing his emotion. Don't need him? I...Do. I can't explain why, but...Jung Min is like no one else I know. He's always there for me...And he listens and understands. "I do need you Jung Min! And you can't say how I feel!" I said feeling more tears form in my eyes. I went wide eyed as he grabbed my wrist and shoved me towards a tree. He pinned me against it and looked me dead in the eyes. I felt my heart hammer against my chest. "Then look me in the eyes. And say it." He said through clenched teeth. "I-I need you." I stammered, feeling my body go weak. He stared at me with a emotion in his eyes. He leaned foreword, his lips inches away from mine, but I was cut off when footsteps approached me quickly. "Nina!" I blurted out, ruining me and Jung Min's moment. She stood there akwardly, with Nika by her side. "I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to interrupt." She said. !

                                    Nina's POV: I akwardly looked away from them. Jung Min's dark bangs was in his eyes and he leaned in towards Selena, her face redder then ever. He quickly pulled away with a fusterated and sad look in his light blue eyes. "Come here." I said beckoning him over to towards me. He looked at me and rolled his eyes before walking towards me. "What, Nina?" He asked, annoyance crawling into his voice. "Were you seriously trying to kiss her?" I asked titling my head side ways. He quickly looked away, his face turning slightly turning red. "Yeah, but it's none of your concern." He snapped glaring heavily. I looked at his red cheek that seemed very painful. "So, are you two dating now?"  Nika asked looking at Jung Min. "No, were not." He snapped clenching his fist. Nika's light green eyes gleamed excitedly and a small smile spread across her lips. "Do you know if her and Luhan are dating?" He asked, turning around and facing me. I don't think they are... "No. In all honesty, I think she seriously likes you." I said flatly. He looked at me and glared heavily. "Sure..." He said quickly looking away. "Why do you like her?" Nika yelled, making us both look back at her. "I just do." Jung Min sat angerily.  "Please...I want you to be mine!" Nika said her voice cracking. I went wide eyed as she grabbed him sharply. He stared at her.

                                 "I don't like you." He said steadily, his blue eyes like fire. "Your mine if you like it or not." Nika growled before grabbing him by his shirt making him jerk foreword. She pressed her lips against his blissfully. He struggled to back away, but she kept a firm grip on him. I felt my mouth drop open. "J-Jung Min..." A soft voice said from behind me. Jung Min pushed Nika off of him with all of his might. He turned around to come face to face with Selena. Tears were formed in her eyes, and hurt and anger was clouded all over her face. "Selena...It-" Jung Min began, reaching his hand out to her. She took a step away and glared at Nika. "He loves me, and not you." Nika cooed before locking her arms with his. Jung Min yanked away sharply, and glared at her. Selena's expression changed and anger formed in her light blue eyes. "Get off of him..." She growled threatingly. Nika giggled and twirled her hair in her finger. "He's mine... You can't have him. You had your chance and you blew it." She spat, making Selena glare at her. Jung Min didn't seem to know what to do. "He's...Mine. He'd never love you!" Selena yelled loudly, before charging at her. I went wide eyed as she knocked Nika off of her feet. They both rolled on the ground, on on top of the other, punching, slapping and biting each other rapidly. Nika finally climbed onto her feet. God.

                                    They both were bloody from the violent blows. "Are you ok?" A voice yelled, followed by the rapid sounds of footsteps. Jung Min stood beside Selena, making her look at him. "Someone got jealous." I cooed, making her blush heavily. "I-I wasn't jelaous." Selena stammered, whiping her bloody lip. She looked at Jung Min and hugged him tightly. "Stay away from her." She begged quietly. He looked down at her and hugged her back. Kris and everyone else bursted out from the bushes. "What happened?" Luhan asked running straight towards his Selena. He observed her and went wide eyed. "I'm fine." She said gentle pulling away from Luhan. He nodded and hesitantly pulled away from her. At least they both made up. I wonder if Selena is finally starting to fall for Jung Min as well. He's liked her for a long time... I glanced at Luhan who looked like he's been slapped by his mother. He looked troubled as if he didn't know why she rejected him like that. I jumped as a twig snapped somewhere near by. I turned around and pulled out my black shot gun iv'e been carrying with me lately. I went wide eyed and felt my blood turn to ice as scientist slowly began to circle us. They began to close us in, forming a circle around us. We all huddled closely together, our weapons clenched tightly in our hands. "There they are." 

                                 A familiar voice said amusingly. I went wide eyed as Nika stepped out of the shadows beside the hauntingly familiar face of the blind old man. "Very good." The old man cooed before his lips. We all figeted uneasily, turning our weapons on a different scientist, scared and unsure about who's going to attack first out of them. "What do you want?" Luhan growled facing the old man, standing in front of Selena protectively. "Why hello beast." The old man cooed, smiling, revealing his rotting teeth. Jung Min narrowed his eyes and stood beside Luhan. "Leave him alone before I blow your freaking brains out." He growled pointing his silver gun at the old man. Selena screamed loudly as the old man grabbed her quickly. I spun around and held the gun to his head, but as fast as lighting, he held a knife to . "Let's not make any bad decisions." He said, his sightless blue eyes burning into me. He grabbed Selena's bangs, and made her look up at the sky. He kicked her feet out from underneath her. She fell to her knees with a loud thud. "Just let her go." Jung Min said softly. He looked at her worriedly. The old man smiled micheviously. "You love her." He  said amusement and slight shock covering his wrinkled and scarred face. Jung Min looked slightly shocked, as if he wasn't expecting that. Luhan took a step foreword without hesitation. "Let her go. " He said forcefully. The old man smiled and looked at them both. "I'll kill her slow...In front of you." 

                                         Jung Min's POV: Please don't... I clenched my teeth and forced myself to remain steady. I felt my heart ache as Selena looked at me beggingly. "Leave them alone, just take me." I growled feeling my heart break. The old man slowly looked at me, and gave a tiny grin. "What fun would that be?" He asked making the scientist slowly enclose around us. "Better say goodbye.." The old man said beginning to the run the knife blade down Selena slowly, making her cry. I went wide eyed as the blade went into her side quickly. I felt my eyes stretch wide as Selena fell to her knees. I let out a scream. The old man flashed a innocent smile and stood beside her. "What are you going to do?" He growled teasingly. I grabbed my blades and charged at him. Without hesitation, I wrapped it around his ankle, and I yanked hard, making his feet fly back from underneath him. I leaned over him and pointed the gun at him,  making the old man stare back up at me. "Don't make any bad choices..." The old man said, not the slightest sign of fear in his voice. "Please don't kill me..." He begged, his blank eyes filling with tears. I leaned in towards him, the blade his skin. I tensed up. Ive' never wanted to hurt someone so badly. "Jung Min...." Selena called out weakly, making me look over. She stood up slowly, and groaned. 

                            What is she doing? I growled in annoyance and looked back at the old man to only be punched violently in the face. My head jerked back violently. Pain numbed my face for a moment and I could taste the blood. I groaned as the old man pinned both arms down from underneath me. I went wide eyed as he punched me hard with his left hand then his right. Black spots and blotches began to cloud my vision and I felt a warm liquid trickle down my face, dripping into my mouth and eyes. I went wide eyed and gasped as I heard Selen's loud scream. I grunted and head butted the old man, making him climb off of me. I stood up quickly and grabbed my blades. I spun around quickly, and kicked him hard in the stomach. He coughed loudly and bent over, when he was huntched over, I charged at him and slammed him into the tree. "If you ever hurt my Selena again..." I growled and I grabbed his knife from his pocket. I clenched it tightly in my hand and stabbed it hard in his side. He screamed loudly, his face twisting in pain. I picked him up and threw him in the air, slicing my blade/chain out making it wrap around his neck. I yanked the chain hard when he landed on the ground. He gagged loudly, and blood oozed from his neck. I snickered. I yanked hard once more, and put on foot on his chest. He screamed in pain loudly, making my ears ring. I went wide eyed as his head flew off.

                              I need to find the others. I ran ahead, listening the echo of yells and screams from all around me. I ran quickly, the warm summer air blowing through my bloody and sweaty hair. I felt my body ache and protest, but I pressed on. I struggled to keep my heavy breathing under control. "Jung Min!" A voice yelled loudly. I looked over my shoulder and sighed with relief. "Luhan." I breathed as my brother stood beside me. He was bloodier then ever, and sweat was dripping down his forehead. "Wow, you don't look so good." He mumbled, looking at me concernedly. I gave him a sarcastic smile and rested my hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for you observation." I said sarcastically. He smiled slightly and we both gradually slowed down. "Where is everyone else?" I mumbled softly. "Selena ran off to safety with the others with her." He mumbled regaining his breathing. "Jung Min, is it true?" He asked suddenly, taking me by surprise. "Is what true?" I asked softly. We don't have time for this... "Do you love her?" He asked, making me look at him. I stared at him and opened my mouth to say something but closed it. Who are you kidding, Jung Min. Why would she ever love you? I'm just a freak. And... Selena deserves better. I looked away slowly.  "Why does it matter?" I asked sharply. Luhan narrowed his light blue eyes and stood in front of me. "You do, don't you?" He growled sharply.

                            What the hell? "Maybe I do." I said softly. "Let's just go, Luhan." I said softly. I went wide eyed as his fist came speeding towards. I gasped in pain as his fist met my face. I stumbled backwards and held my aching mouth. "She's mine... Stay away from her!" He growled, standing in front of me. I whiped my bloody lip and grinned. "At least I was there for her when you weren't." I growled back at him. I charged right back at him, giving him a right hook right in the jaw. He stumbled sideways and lost footing, landing on the ground with a loud thud. "At least I love her more then anything. I actually care about her, not play with her emotions like you!" He shouted before tackling me on the ground. I rolled my way so that I was on top of him. We both kept clawing and punching our way to be on top of each other for a better advantage. I punched him hard in the face, making him hit me with his right then his left, then right again. That's it... I used all my strength and slammed him against the tree. "I don't play with her emotions... I love this girl more then anything! Don't try telling me how I feel! She's the most precious thing to me right now..." I yelled, feeling my anger bubble over. Luhan looked at me and his eyes softened. "I-I want to be more like you, Luhan. Your so lucky...To have friends who love you. To have people who love you." I said, feeling tears form in my eyes. I don't. 

                           Selena's POV: "Where is Luhan and Jung Min?" I choked out. The rest of us were together, but we can't find Luhan and Jung Min. I hope they ok...Worry clawed at me like a thorn, and I forced myself to not get emotional. "Hows your wound?" Hikoto asked slowing his pace and looking at me worriedly. "It could be worse. I'm fine." I whispered softly. I held my hand over my wound, and I could feel the warm blood ooz between my fingers. "Shh...Do you hear that?" MinHyuk said, making us all stop for a moment. Please...No more scientist. We all fought them off. "It sounds like Jung Min and Luhan." JJ mumbled looking at us through his black bangs. "Are they fighting?" Nina squeaked in alarm. Without thinking, I limped off in the direction it was coming from. I clenched my teeth tightly and inhaled and exhaled rapidly as I ran. More blood drizzled between my fingers. Kyungil and Sehun both stood on either side of me supportingly. I went wide as I saw Jung Min and Luhan. They both were glaring at each other, all beaten up. "What are you two doing?" Kris yelled in fusteration. I sighed. "We were just talking things out." Jung Min breathed, his breathing rapid. Luhan looked at me and narrowed his eyes. He sighed with relief.

                           "I was so worried about you." He breathed, hugging me tightly. He wrapped his arms around me, making me sighed with relief. "I was worried about you, to." I mumbled weakly. I looked over Luhan's shoulder and met Jung Min's gaze. He looked at me longingly, as if he was wishing something. "How about we camp out here? It's going to be dangerous when we try and get home." Hikoto said stretching.  "Selena needs to rest." Chi Hoon mumbled glancing at my bloody wound. With that said, I felt my legs collasp from underneath me. I leaned against a tree trunk and rested my head against it. Darkness fell over the woods, making shadows fall behind everything like hunters looming around in the dark. I looked over as Jung Min sat down beside me with a loud grunt. "Are you ok?" He asked readjusting himself so that he was in front of me. "Yeah.." I groaned even though the awful pain was shooting down my side. "You had me so worried." He said fusteratedly. He ripped his shirt and pressed it against my wound, making me squirm. Without saying anything else, he stood up and faced his back to me "Wait..." I groaned, forcing myself to stand up as well. "What do you think your doing?" He asked sternly. I looked at him and smiled. "Well, I want to make sure your ok." I said softly. He walked away from me stubbornly. I really need to talk to him to...I need to know something.

                      The faint moonlight shined through the bright green leaves, making weird patterns on the ground. He turned around and hugged me tightly, taking me by surprise. "God...I thought you died." He breathed, emotion creeping into his voice. He hugged more tighter, and I hugged him back. I slightly pulled away and looked into his blue eyes. "Selena, what am I to you?" He asked, making me freeze. What is...He to me? He looked at me expressionlessly. I went wide eyed as he gentle pushed me against the tree. Both of his hands were on either side of me, and he leaned in towards me. "Selena...I-I'm sorry for everything. And I want-" He began looking into my eyes. I rested my hands on his face and closed my eyes. We were both cut off by the sound of footsteps from behind us. He pushed me behind him and pulled out a silver gun. "Run!" He yelled, the sound of more footsteps chasing us. I went wide eyed as he shoved me aside violently. I looked over and screamed in horror. A blade was right through his chest, and blood trickled out of his mouth. He fell to his knees. "Jung Min!" I screamed. He weakly looked up at me. "R-Run..." He coughed, blood trickling out of his mouth. I went wide eyed as people surroudned him. Oh God...No.

                           Jung Min...He..Can't be.. I ran through the dark woods back in the direction I remember coming. I felt tears form in my eyes and fear surged through me like a wave. I screamed and flew backwards as I collided into something or someone. "Selena! Calm down!" The soothing voice of MinHyuk said gentle. "M-MinHyuk...It's..J-JungMin!" I sobbed, feeling my hands tremble. He went wide eyed and ran past me like a flash of lightning. Everyone gathered around me and flooded my mind with questions. I shakily explained it to them and they were quiet for a long moment. Luhan looked down, tears streaming down his face. "Did you see him die?" JJ asked, making me shiver. "N-No.. He was still alive when I ran off I think." I said between my sobs. "Maybe they took him." Chi Hoon said, grabbing both of my hands and squeezing them. "I don't want him to be gone! I want him here...With me.." I sobbed, making everyone look at me. Luhan hugged me tightly, and I felt as if I could share his pain. "It's going to be ok, were going to get him back." Luhan said, his voice cracking. We all sat there and I slowly sat down and closed my eyes for a moment. It's all my fault... Please god, don't take him away from me. I love him to much...  

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tipani22 #1
Chapter 10: Wow Enjoyed it Wholehearted. Hope you continue to write more ff.
trueFriend #2
Chapter 10: i am so happy that they finally killed that selfish so sad that its finally finished really gonna miss them..:'(
stalla #3
Chapter 10: aww so gonna miss thz u know tht chingu, love it ashton n selenas dad deserves it he is a looser, URE AMAZING!!!
stalla #4
Chapter 8: waahh i feel lk crying rite now, kyungil n jj died, is it true tht reita also died plzzz i cnt bear them all hurt, lt thm b ok
trueFriend #5
Chapter 9: oh my..many people died..:'(
update soon chingu..i am getting impatient in here i want more..please please please..(U)
trueFriend #6
Chapter 8: yey JM is back..kekeke, that evil man i really want to kick him in the face..gomawo chingu for updating..
stalla #7
Chapter 8: thz is a very huge revelation, selena met her real dad n her sister, n jungmin is bak yaaay love it, super duper happy
trueFriend #8
Chapter 7: so selena chose JM over luhan eh..i am so hooked, cmon chingu dont leave me hanging..please updat real soon..hope JM's not dead
stalla #9
Chapter 7: plz chinguya what happen plzz let him b ok, plzzz updte again soon love it, love the romance even wf the fighting aww cnt wait
keysaetern #10
Chapter 7: LOl nina coming on an unexpected time whenever selena and jungmin try to kiss.
hope jungmin is alright.
My Emotions are coming
why can't selena have both but i lnow that's impossible.
Update soon ^^