Tale of Woe


I’m happy.

That was all I could say about my day. It wasn’t that my vocabulary for words suddenly degraded, it’s just that no more words can describe me other than that. I’m just happy. Taemin is the first boy to capture my heart in a long time. Last time I had a boyfriend, that guy totally cheated on me. But that was then. That was back then when I was young and naïve. That guy broke my heart because he was the exact example of how my father was. Ungrateful, manipulative and most importantly an . But I’m not going to talk about how I felt about my dad and my ex-boyfriend today. No. Today marks the day where I finally told him my feelings. I’m not going to lie, a part of me is a little bit scared of what will happen next but who knows really? I shouldn’t worry much about that. Whatever happens… happens.

I woke up the next morning with the widest of smile on my face. Checking up on my phone, Taemin’s texts were flowing. Someone was early in waking up today.

Taemin: “Are you awake?”

“Did you eat breakfast yet? Always eat breakfast!”

“You’re not replying. You’re still asleep <3”

“Will have an interview in 30 mins. If you text me I may not be able to reply back ;) “

Awwwww… The smile on my face grew wider. I can never call this clingy. In fact, he can be as clingy as he wants. I don’t really care. It’s rare for  someone as busy as him to always text me. Thing is, this was us on a normal day even from before he became my boyfriend.

AHHHHHH! I can’t believe I’m now using that word to signify him… boyfriend.

Anyways, when we were friends, he was that same person who texts me every single day. I used to find it annoying at first but now that I’m totally used to it, it’s really really sweet. I appreciate that side of him. It’s quite adorable if you ask me.

“Taemin… <3 What’s your schedule tomorrow? Do you wanna go out somewhere”

I replied to him after I read his messages. And just when I thought he’s not going to reply…. He did.

Taemin: “You’re asking me out on a date?”

Krystal: “ =D only if you want to… <3”

Taemin: “Yaaa~ You’re soo sweet my girlfriend might be jealous of you. –bbuing bbuing—“

Krystal: “kk. I’ll meet you at the park tomorrow okay?”

Taemin: “sure thing, princess”

So it’s a date.

I took a deep breath and stared at my reflection. How am I and he going to pull this off tomorrow? He always dresses up like an idol and he can’t be seen in public. Unless if he wants his fans to skin the hell out of me. I squinted my eyes, finally realizing that I needed some kind of plan to make this date work tomorrow.


The next morning at around 3pm, I went to the park to meet him and he was there sitting and leaning against the oak tree. As I got nearer, I noticed he’s sleeping or probably taking a nap. I sat down right next to him without waking him up. He’s too handsome when sleeping. I bit my lower lip at the site of Taemin. His eyes, nose, lips, chin… everything about him looked perfect. And I’m just starting to notice them now. I never really got to stare at him for this long. My heart beat went faster and my cheeks grew pink. Is this some kind of frenzy you feel when you’re too in love with someone? GAAH! He’s suffocating me.

“If you keep staring at me like that I may start to think as to what your mind is thinking about.” He uttered.

My eyes grew bigger and quickly my head snapped at a different direction. “W-what are you saying? I’m not looking at you.” I blushed.

His hand brushed the end of my hair “I like the way you look at me” he said. “Soooo… where are we going today?” he sat up and kissed my cheeks.

Smiling back I pinched his adorable cheeks “Let’s go watch a movie together” before I could stand up, he reached for my arm.

"Here." he bit his lower lip as he gave me a small box. I got really emotional when I saw what was inside, it was a butterfly necklace. "Thank you" it was silver. The necklace was really simple but it was one of the most beautiful thing I have finally owned. The butterfly pendant was small but it looked really pretty. I told him to put it on me.

"This goes well with your pretty face" he said while I turned my back on him and he placed the necklace around my neck. After which, he hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheeks. I couldn't be under his spell right? Everything about him is just amazing. 

Of course Taemin had to hide his face at the moment we have reached the movie theater. He had his scarg around 50% of his head and he had to wear glasses. He had no male make up on, he had a black hat and dressed down for the date. It's a bit sad or rather I was a bit sad to see him like that but what can I really do about it. I'd rather see him be normal like that than being followed by the paparazzis and his fandom around. 

After buying the ticket and the popcorn, we entered the theater. It was really dark so he removed his scarf. It's not like someone was really going to notice him, right? Plus the movie was not that famous, Taemin and I wanted to try this indie movie. Mostly old people at the age of 30 and above is watching it. Students can't come to the movie theater at this hour, they're at school. So the time, the place and the movie was just perfect. 

The movie started of with this weird guy who posses the power of time. He then tells the story about how time must be used properly and that you can never ruin it. It had great cinematography, I can tell you that. The story was definitely interesting. Taemin then held my hand as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"You can't sleep, this movie is interesting." I whispered.

"I'm not going to sleep, don't complain" he said as he moved closer next to me. I couldn't help but blush at this.... I mean, tell me if you can't?!?!?!

The movie went on for around 1 hour and 50 minutes. The story was a melodrama slash tragedy. The woman he loved had a time limit to her life and even though he can manipulate time, the woman made her promise one thing. It was to never meddle with their time frame. See, the man had to choose: If he returns back in time and corrects it in order for the woman he loves to live, the woman will no longer remember her. Because it was during that time that they have met. The other choice was, if he wanted for her to remember him and their love-- he must never control and correct it. 

The plot twist of the story? 

The woman was grievely suffering a lot and the man hated seeing her like that, so he decided to just correct the past and she ended up not remembering her. The thing is though, after that day he has never regretted doing what he did because (like he said it in the movie) "I'd rather see her happy even if I'm no longer there rather than to see her in pain right next to me" I think I cried at that bit.

After the movie ended, we decided to walk around Han river. They say it's the area where most of the paparazzis are at. Unfortunately for them, idols have become aware of that and they usually don't go in that area. Taemin and I walked hand in hand as we discussed about the movie.

"He was right, you know" I spoke.

"I'd rather see the one I love happy without me in the picture rather than seeing him in pain right next to me" I looked at him with a sincere smile. I'd hate for that day to come and I hate myself for always being skeptical about it. The paranoia of leaving has never really left my mind. It has always been there. 

"I don't" he replied gripping my hand tighter this time. "If you have promised the one person you love to protect her, obstacles will just come and go. Pain is optional if you want it to be optional" he added.

I chuckled. "Since when did you become so deep?"

He laughed but gave no reply. 

As his van finally arrived, Taemin looked at me. His warm smiles does make me go weak on my knees. 

"Krystal..." he started "...thank you" then he gave me the biggest and at the same time most suffocating hug ever. 

Thank you... that was it but it meant so many things at once. I hugged him back. "I'm here if you need me" I patted his back. 

"I know..." he whispered. "don't ever leave" he then turned his back and walked towards the car.

At that moment, and i'm totally not being paranoid, was there something bothering him? With the tone of his voice and how he was, did something happened during practice? Did he have an argument with s that he all of a sudden this gloomy person despite the fact that he hides it with his smile? I can't ask him what though, and he seems to be semi-okay with... right??? 


I caught up. There were so many questions that I want to ask him but then again, what if he's not yet ready to tell them to me?

"It's getting warmer nowadays, don't wear your scarf like that anymore"

In the end, I couldn't ask him.

I waved goodbye as he left with the van, I couldn't see him inside so I assumed he smiled and waved back as well. I walked home with a smile on my face. I can't believe that we actually went out together and hopefully no one had their eyes on us. 

OH! I almost forgot, this necklace surely was the cherry on top of the cake. 

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i have a new TAESTAL FF! Check it out http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/618512


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tarquin #1
Chapter 13: mak a sequel i want to see krystal happy!!
Ximenitazh #2
Chapter 13: The final was so... don't know I totally expected for them to have a romantic reunion but anyways the plot was awesome ♥
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #3
Chapter 14: Ouch. They didn't end up together. </3
Chapter 13: CRYING WALRUS. WHY OH WHY ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠI never really expected that the story would turned out like this.

This is gooooood. I cannot~ One thing I like when i'm reading a fic is by the end.of it will make me sob

Another Taestal fic pleaseeeeee
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh no!! Taemin and Krystal have to get back to ether, he can't be dating another girl when they e waited for so long!
Chapter 13: Feels so sad:""" I didn't know it would be turn out like this. Btw, this is really great story! Good job, author-nim! :)