Amusement Park with Jonghyun 1/2

It started with a wedding

Chapter 7

\\Amusement Park with Jonghyun 1/2//

Now, the P.O.V will be in reader’s view unless stated.

I’m gonna do some add ins to the story and I hope you all wont feel confused ^^

Hyunyoon and recovered parts of her memories about Onew, her brother and there is still some about who her real mother is that will be coming out later in the story.

ALL the sons of Mr.Kim are adopted.

Thanks, and enjoy (:


“HELL YEAH!” I shouted when I was at the entrance with Jonghyun. I breathed in the amusement park’s environment, it smelt of cotton candy and popcorn.

When we enter the amusement park, I saw people dress in different Halloween costumes, there are vampires, witches, mummies, and even Frankensteins! It was like a gigantic haunted house! But it was only 4 in the afternoon so the environment is not so creepy.

We walked in and I saw the ride I never rode before, it looked so exciting, see the people scream in horror, their hair messed up all over their faces, my heart beat against my ribcage, telling me to give it a try, with no safety precautions, just two rubber ropes around the waist, this ride is gonna be the ride of my life, yes, it is the bungee.

I pulled onto Jonghyun’s hand, dragging him to the ride, the were many people lining up, I stood the waiting anxiously, while Jonghyun on the other hand, looked like he was gonna pee in his pants, he was shaking so hard that he cant keep still and just stand there and wait.

About half an hour of standing in the line, it was finally our turn, we went to our posts, the attendants there tied the ropes around our waist, I was ready to jump, I turned to look at Jonghyun, he was trembling, he was afraid of heights and he came to this ride for me.

I held onto his hand and he looked at me for a brief moment and nodded, on the count of 3 we jump, we never let go of our hands, we sprang up and down, it was horrifying, but when thinking that Jonghyun is overcoming his fear of heights for me, I’m really very happy, through the ride we didn’t let go and we collide with each other a few times before we were lowered to the ground.

Seeing the both of us all wobbly and unstable, we staggered to the bench and sat down for a drink.

“I di-didn’t k-know it-t wa-ss th-aat scar-y” he stuttered as he made out his sentence. She was shivering so badly.

After awhile we both calmed down from the excitement. We proceed to other rides, when we were finished riding almost all the rides, including rides for children, [LMAO I just had to write that><] it was already dark, and the environment is getting spooky by the minute. We walked towards our last destination, the haunted house, we were keeping the best for last right?

We were in line, guess the other people were faster, the line was so long. Minutes passed and our turned came, the attendant of the haunted house gave me and Jonghyun two sets of clothes. “Where these costumes and you can proceed in, but first you need proceed there to pick up your wig.” He pointed at the booth just next to the building. And we proceeded there and he gave us both a wig, mine was short and brown, Jonghyun’s was long and blonde.

I laugh as I thought of what he would be after changing into that long blonde. We proceeded to the changing room. When I was in the changing room I thought about what he would be after changing, a princess? rapunzel? There’s so many possibilities, I’m looking farward to seeing it!

“hey, what’s this!” I held up the costume, it was too revealing,

it was a revealing devil costume with red for the bass colour and black for the outline.

Ohmygosh, how could I wear this kind of costume, its too revealing. I glance around the room and I found a black cape enough to cover my upper body, I wore it around my shoulders and it wasn’t as revealing as before, i wore my wig, it was pink and short, if looks kinda funky with the devil costume. I went of out the cubicle and knocked on Jonghyun’s door, “ hey Jonghyun, I’m done, are you?” i asked through the door. “I cant walk around in this, it’s so embarrassing!” he screeched. “Aww, just come out and let me have a look!”


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14 streak #1
Awwwwwwwwwww what happen after that?!??? Update soon!!! I cant believe onew and the main character are sibings!!! >.< i wanna know who is the mother ^.<
Au ah~Where r u?
OMFG. What will Jonghyun look like?!!? DANG IT, I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!
LingLingHere #4
WonderShobe > yeahhs ! xD the thought just came to my mind :D
Thanks for the updaaaaate! I love it! MinHo is just--- RAWR. LOL.
LingLingHere #6
kluv173 > yupps , imma keep it pure (:<br />
WonderShobe > heres youur update :D minho and taemin are s in this story >.<
OHSH*****T! MINHO?!!? *faints* THIS IS CLIFFHANGER is just---- argh!!!! Update soooon ~X(
kluv173 #8
i think you should keep it pure<br />
i just think you should
LingLingHere #9
Mochified > heres youur chapter but i think it kind of doesnt relate to the story ):<br />
<br />
WonderShobe > nahh youu write better ><