Chapter Thirty-Seven

A Spell Most Peculiar

Maybe, just maybe, if he wishes hard enough the floor will swallow him whole.

His mum is crouching behind the back of the couch, grin on her face and murderous glint in her eyes as she explains their plan of attack to an utterly befuddled Seunghyun. She’s gesticulating widely, talking in stage whispers so loud that he wonders for a second if the frog can actually hear her and it’s just pretending not to before he remembers It’s just an enchanted piece of chocolate and thus not actually sentient.

Daesung stares at them apprehensively from the table, compact mirror on his palm, fingers frozen midway through his explanation of the object as he tries very, very hard not hide from embarrassment – or stare too obviously at his boyfriend’s . It’s the suit, he tells himself, the suit and the crouching and the fact the Slytherin’s back is facing him so it’s just right… there. In full, if clothed, view.

A hoot distracts him from the sight, calling his attention to D-Lite, perching on his dad’s shoulders like he’s wont to do and giving him a rather reproachful look that makes his cheeks redden further.  His father remains oblivious, thankfully, but he’s also been completely ignoring his son’s pleading end-my-misery looks all afternoon, merely clapping him on the shoulder with apparent sympathy before immediately encouraging his mum further on in her antics.

Traitors, the lot of them. Reluctantly, the Hufflepuff returns to his explanation of the mirrors. They’re not cheap and only come in pairs, apparently, so he’s not sure when he’ll be able to get his parents a set to speak with him, if they’ll be allowed to keep that sort of magical artifact at all. Still, it’s fun to see his dad’s eyes sparkle with curiosity as he pokes at the thing, speaking into one and watching himself in the other, almost like a house of mirror type of game. Even if Daesung needs to stop him from trying to pry it open to see how it works.

The living room goes quiet and his attention is once again brought back to the would-be hunters plotting behind the couch, except they’re not speaking anymore. His mum moves in a completely not-stealthy and actually quite obvious way to hide behind the armchair instead. Apparently their plan involves cornering the poor frog from each end – despite the fact that it’ll probably just jump over the couch and avoid them.

He sighs, opening his mouth to say something but starts promptly sputtering, the words getting stuck in his throat when his boyfriend moves, actually moves, to the right, peeking over the armrest to stare at the wizarding candy with about as much skill as his fellow predator, confused expression shifting to amusement. Is he… is he actually going along with this? Maybe he’s just humouring her, or doesn’t want to offend her, or-

They jump out in a completely uncoordinated fashion, limbs flailing and awkward as both of them land on the couch, trying desperately to catch the slippery froggy treat – that, predictably, just hops out of their reach, bouncing off their heads to land Merlin knows where.  Seunghyun’s may have the features of a greek statue but he’s never been smooth with his movements and his stiffness causes him to sway precariously on the cushions, his ears and nose a bright pink, his smile of amusement completely replaced by a grin of absolutely childish glee, like when he had seen those tiny kittens in the pet store even before they started dating or whenever they shared some ice cream.

His mum wobbles too and ends up accidentally hitting his boyfriend on the nose, immediately apologizing and peering at his face in concern, laughing once she’s completely sure he’s okay. One of her fingers points back towards the two of them sitting at the table and Seunghyun turns his neck to look. Daesung can see the flush spreading to his cheeks even beneath the hand he’s using to rub at his hurting nose as they stare at each other.

It jumps at him, how long his fingers are, just before the Hufflepuff’s eyes flicker to the table. A sudden overwhelming need to cry hits him, leaving him floundering for a second before his brain catches up and allows him to make sense of the situation. Seunghyun, his Seunghyun, his pureblood, perfectly composed Seunghyun is acting like a complete, adorable kid, like he does sometimes when they’re alone and he doesn’t feel the need to watch himself at all times.

Of course he knew that his parents had been milder the first time around out of respect for him, trying not to scare his boyfriend off, and said man had been on his best behavior, trying desperately to make a good impression on them in return. His parents are comfortable enough to be themselves around him now and while he was sure Seunghyun wouldn’t run away or anything, Daesung hadn’t expected him to join in. He isn’t just tolerating his parents’ weirdness, he’s actively participating in it and playing along despite not having to.

It’s a bit surprising despite everything and he’s still struggling with it when another realization hits him: that they’re at home in each other’s homes. Choi Manor is huge, he hasn’t explored even half of it yet and he gets absolutely lost on a regular basis but it doesn’t feel strange or alien and it doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable, like he’s intruding, anymore. Seunghyun is at ease in his apartment, small as it is, but now he’s comfortable enough to let go in his parents’ house, too.

He rubs a hand across his watering eyes, trying to push those feelings back. They’re not unwelcome by any means but now isn’t really a good time to have an emotional outburst like that, he’ll end up scaring everyone. It’s just quite a big realization to take in suddenly, that’s all. “Daedae?” his mum’s voice is quiet and he blinks repeatedly before raising his head, becoming immediately aware that all of them are staring at him in slight concern.

“I’m fine, really,” Daesung answers with a laugh, ignoring the way his voice cracks slightly, not knowing how to even begin explaining what’s going through his mind. They don’t seem entirely convinced but don’t press the issue either and he takes advantage to ask D-Lite if he knows where the frog is, to which the owl replies with a derisive hoot, as if telling the silly human that of course he does since unlike those two on the couch he’s actually a very skilled and experienced hunter.

In the end they do end up needing his bird to show them where exactly the frog has gotten into – the bookshelves, somehow, and now of his dad’s books is stained with chocolate – so they can finally eat it. Or, well, his mum and Seunghyun do anyway, looking far too pleased with themselves as all of them sit down on the couch and try to find something at least halfway decent to watch.

Somehow they end up watching a Disney movie, of all things, after dismissing the idea of catching up on football. His boyfriend gets control of the remote, keeping the volume in check. He’s getting better at remembering which buttons do what and only accidentally changes the channel twice this time, more out of distraction than anything else.

Daesung’s father and D-Lite are both leaning forward, just waiting for the first song to begin and start belting out as soon as it does. His son hides his face behind both hands but is strongly encouraged to sing along. It’s pretty useless to fight and soon enough all of them are singing at the TV, the Hufflepuff’s parents completely off-key while his boyfriend joins in only at the end since he’s mostly unfamiliar with the lyrics.

They lapse into silence when they aren’t any songs happening, broken occasionally by the oldest man making some sort of terrible pun or another. The brightest moment of the afternoon ends up being right when Be Our Guest comes on. Daesung tilts his head, watching as the tea pot and the little cups and plates dance around to the musical number when an idea strikes him.

His charm work isn’t up to par with his runes but it has always been pretty good. Quickly taking his wand out, he grins and glances at Seunghyun beside him – who immediately catches on and gets his own wand in hand. Soon enough they have half the kitchen in the living room, cutlery making elaborate jumping jacks, the teapot singing along, the dishes taking turns dancing.

Daesung doesn’t even try to remain serious, breaking into laughter twenty minutes into their little show and the Slytherin isn’t doing much better, barely holding it in. His parents are absolutely delighted, clapping and cheering the charmed objects, his dad even convincing a completely disgruntled D-Lite to attempt to dance with a bright red mug. They’re all holding their stomachs by the time they realize the song is long over and they’re missing the rest of the movie.

It takes them a couple of minutes to sit down again and stop giggling but soon enough the television is drawing them in again. The older couple is more attentive to the movie than they are – his attention isn’t focused entirely on it, since it’s not one of his favourites, so Seunghyun leaning down to whisper in his ear doesn’t take him by surprise. He shifts a little closer, so he can reply in a whisper if necessary.



“For my next visit can we watch these movies… ah… live?”

“Sure, Seunghyun.”

“Thank you,” he doesn’t need to look at him to know his boyfriend is smiling, one of his dimples probably showing. “Would your parents be willing to come with us?”

“… do you want them to?”

Slightly cold fingers brush against the back of his hand before turning it around, interweaving with his. Seunghyun squeezes his hand, still talking in hushed tones right into his ear. “You were under no obligation to bear with half of what you did for my sake, Daesung. I wish to extend you the same courtesy.  They are your parents, neither them nor their world is a burden to me.”

Daesung blinks, his earlier thoughts returning in full force and making his eyes water. He blinks faster in response and squeezes their hands together with a bit too much strength but Seunghyun doesn’t complain. It’s not their world, it’s not even his world anymore, but the Slytherin keeps wanting to know more about it, keeps wanting to spend time with his parents, not out of obligation but just because he wants to.

His father makes some Merlin awful joke, Seunghyun chokes and Daesung groans a little, shifting so he can lay his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder while keeping his eyes on the television. It’s a bit of a struggle to stop himself from just kissing the man’s jacket-clad collarbones but he manages, smiling happily into it instead.

“We can do that.”

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Zimmy02 #1
Chapter 38: author-nim thank you very much for this story :)
this is so cute and fluffy >.<
good job!
IndigoGrey #2
Chapter 38: :') Fluffy couple finally said "I love you" <3 Everything is perfect.

" he’s been placed under the most wonderful and peculiar of spells". That's beautiful, and another reason to fall deeper in love with this couple. Thank you again for sharing this world and story with us *hug*
JagiyaBunny #3
Chapter 38: YAYYYY OMG THIS WAS AMAZING GREAT FANTABULOUS <3 I can't thank you enough for this awesome journey and it was one of the best fics I've read:) keep writing!! You're amazing!!
Irisintheair #4
Chapter 38: Omg the journey ends.
Thank you so much for one of the most sweetest and fluffyest( if this is even a word) story ever ever! I enjoy reading this story every single chapter. It leave me smiling and feeling giddy. Such a heart warming story. It is also make me want to go bak reading Harry again if I have enough time.

Thank you for your hard work\^^/
I looks forward to your next story!
Baravois #5
Totally cute:)
It was nice seeing some Gri action alongside the Todae:)
It was an amazing read!
Chapter 38: This story! Ohhhh my feelings! I'll miss it soooo much! Thank ya very much!!!!
Awesome story!
Chapter 38: Ahh...This was perfect. Just perfect. I'll miss everything about this story. Really... Thank you so much <3
Something? SOMETHING? Kekekekeke ~ I'm waiting!!!
sayasayangtodae #9
Chapter 38: Waaaa.. It s finished ... I m so sad .. I will miss their friendship.. Hope u ll reveal who is the special lady..