Getting to know you

Before I Leave

Chapter 2


Getting to know you



The drive to chanyeol's house was spent in silence. Baekhyun didn't know what to say, and chanyeol is feeling awkward towards the boy. Then chanyeol found the courage to cut the awkwardness. "so,baekhyun,'s it.going?". 'stupid stupid! what kind of question is that?!' chayeol thought as he saw baekhyun smile. "I'm good chanyeol, how about you?". Baekhyun gave chanyeol a smile that made his heart flutter. "hmm? I'm great! you know ou should always smile baekhyun, you're beautiful.". Baekhyun visibly blushed and turned the other way. "no need to be shy baekkie". "whatever park chanyeol, keep your eyes on the road". A smile crept on baekhyun's face and chanyeol missed it. The car stopped and baekhyun lurched forward. "oh ! sorry baekhyun, you good?". Baekhyun just nodded and fixed his hair. "sooo, we're here baek". chanyeol turned to him with a huge grin plastered on his face. "let's get going then park". The two went up to chanyeol's apartment and the taller.male.opened the door for his guest. When baekhyun entered, he saw tons of picture frames with smiling people on it. "they're my folks from other countries, they send me smiling pictures to encourage me". "chanyeol! you home?!". they heard someone fron the kitchen. Chanyeol pulled baekhyun's hand and led him to the kitchen. "oh,who's your friend yeol?". the guy asked. "he's byun baekhyun, my new friend.". chanyeol smiled so wide. "ohhh, hi there, my name's kris, chanyeol's flat mate". Kris held out his hd and baekhyun gladly took it. After kris excused himself, chanyeol led baekhyin to his room. The room is filled picturw frames with encouragements.on it. "they also those know? show their love". Baekhyun felt down, no one was there for him when he was suffering, only his uncle, but why is this stranger makes him feel loved by a whole army?. bakhyun didn't know why. Baekhyun saw a picture of a family. A man, woman, and their son. Baekhyun admired how beautiful the picture is, the happiness is so real, unlike his pictures with his.uncle. "they're my parents". baekhyun snappes.our of his thoughts when he heard chanyeol. "they look so kind and beautiful". "they were, but I didn't appreciate their love, not until they died". Baekhyun changed the subject beause he can feel the sadness in the air. "now, tell me something about yourself park chanyeol." Baekhyun smiled and chanyeol just laughed. "well, I am not an interesting person, really.". chanyeol started. "I play the guitar, rap, hmmm what else". chayeol scratched his chin in a cute way. "ah! I'm a huge fan of.EXO." chanyeol said as he saw baekhyun's shirt. "I have one of those know?". chanyeol pointed at baekhyun's shirt before standing up and rummaging his closet. "tadah!". the giant.exclaimed when he pulled out an exact.replica of baekhyun's shirt. "it's like we have a couple shirt". chanyeol grinned as he examined the shirt. "you're crazy park chanyeol". the two.of them laughed because of chanyeol's antics. "how about you byun baekhyun? what's your story? your life story i mean". Baekhyun contemplated wether he should tell chanyeol his depressing cancerous life. "well, I had cancer wh---". "no.cancer stuff.please". "okay". baekhyun smiled and continued. "I live with my uncle, I play piano, I sing, and my dream is to become a successful.writer." "you have a great dream baek, I hope I can be part.of it". chanyeol said those.words.with so much sincerity. "and I wish, you could somehow stop being cheesy because I'm not used to have a cheesy friend". baekhyun laughed and chanyeol.just nodded. they both stopped when they heard a knock and kros peeked his head inside. "chanyeol, no funny business!". "where not doing anything kris. oh, we're my sister's keeper" "okay, looks like I won"t be watching drama with my panda". "no kris, we're gonna watch it here." "nice. try yeol, no." "but kris!". "no.buts park, now out!". chanyeol grumbled before pulling baekhyun.with him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The movie made beakhyun cry a han river(a/n: you should watch this haha made cry). "yah, byun baekhyun, okay?". chanyeol said, feeling amused by baekhyun's reaction. "yes, It's just that she's lucky and happy eventhough she had cancer, but me, I'm bitter I don't let people get, I feel so bad." chayeol tried to comfort baekhyun, and he felt bad for him. "now you know the reason why I wanted you to watch this?". Baekhyun looked at him and shook his head. "aish byun baekhyun, I wanted you to watch this to show you that veryone will try and be there, have to do is accept them". chanyeol gave his derpy smile and baekhyun felt so happy. 'how can a stranger like him make me feel so loved?' baekhyun asked himself. "It's getting late, I should get going". baekhyun stood up and so did chanyeol. "I'll drive you home. It gets dangerous at night". baekhyun nodded and chayeol.went to grab his coat. They drove in silence, both relishing the moment. The car turned into a halt and baekhyun turned to his newly.found friend. "thanks for today chanyeol, I really.enjoyed it." chanyeol smiled and unlocked the door. "sooo, when I see you?" . chanyeol asked fidgeting with his fingers. "of course chanyeol, you text me, I text you". baekhyun said as he took out a pen and scribbled his number on chanyeol's huge hand. "If you lost that I won't give it to you again." baekhyun said as he hopped out of chanyeol's car. "drive home safe yeol". then baekhyun walked away. Baekhyun entered their house and greeted his uncle with so much happiness. "whoa, you seen happy today baek" "yes!". the younger laughed and his uncle just shook his head. "baek, kyungsoo's here" baekhyun ran towards the kitchen and greeted kyungsoo. "kyung!! how are you!?". He hugged kyungsoo while laughing. "wow, hi baek, you haven't that nickname a long time ago. and you never hug or kiss me, who are you.and what did you do to baekhyun?". kyungsoo laughed at his old friend "that baekhyun is gone, a guy took him away." baekhyun smiled. "okay then, catch up with you later, I need to write something". baekhyun ran upstairs to his room. hey there my lil.diary, today, I smiled, not a fake one but a rwal one. I met someone today. He is so handsome and cute! today, I realized some stuff. and It's all because of him. today's emotion: HAPPINESS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a/n;: so yes!!!! the booj that inspired write this was "the fault in our stars" by john green. there are some differences fron the book of.course, i dont want to end up in jail(yikes) my reason of.writing.this is one, to make those who jave already read the story, feel the way they felt when they were reading fault. two. to tell others that fault in.our.stars is such a magnificent book .. it made me cry days. no jome. ahaha. soooo yeah .comment.subscribe.. vote.maybe? this fic.won't be long I guess. like 15 or twenty chapters mor or less... sooo yeah btw. poster, i haha. and fic.too. its a.jongtae fic. "picture perfect" okay so no more ranting from me haha.. aain comment subsxribe maybe. xD

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leecrannie #1
this fic reminds me of the fault in our stars by john green and it just brings back all the feels I had for that book > < cant wait for the next update :)