You're beautiful like Cameron Diaz

Before I Leave


Chapter one

you're beautiful like cameron diaz

Baekhyun sat on his chair near his window, watching kids playing outside. He smiled and looked up to his room's ceiling.
Surviving lung cancer is a good thing for someone like baekhyun, he suffered from the said disease when he was only 13. Those days were like hell to him, the pain, the thought of dying. He overcame it eventually, and he felt like a huge weight was lifted from his shoilders.

But baekhyun still felt something else eating him inside, it's "FEAR". fear that one day, his lung cancer would go back. And because of that, he fell into the hands of yet another killer,....


Baekhyun snapped out of his reverie when he heard a a soft knock from his door.

"it's open".

baekhyun muttered while turning his gaze back to the ceiling.

"baek, how are you feeling?". his uncle asked peeking his head from the door.

"I'm feeling well uncle, thanks for asking". Baekhyun gave his uncle a weak smile. He guessed that his uncle is going to ask him again wether he would like to attend a group sharing club in the town. and baekhyun was right.

"mmmm... I see"his uncle started "baek, I know you got over your cancer, but what you're doing right now is only going to cause you to fall into depression even more."

Baekhyun could feel concern and sadness in his uncle's voice. Baekhyun loves his uncle to pieces, because he is the only family he had when his parents died. he took care of him even though baekhyun have cancer. But what his uncle is asking him to do is a bit too much for baekhyun's taste. He doesn't want others to know about his pain, because he thinks that they will.only.pitty him, and pitty is the last thing baekhyun wanted.

"baek, please attend the group sharing, even for just once, if you don't like it there, then I won't bother you anymore about it"

To baekhyun, that sounded like a great deal, he knew that he won't like it there even if the group leader ia hot—okay maybe it will affect him if the leader is hot—.

Baekhyun looked at his uncle with a small smile.

"okay uncle- I'll attend". he said and his uncle juat nodded and smiled warmly at him before closing his door.


It's a chilly sunday morning and baekhyun didn't want to get up from his bed. Today is the day he'll attend the group sharing that his uncle wamted him to attend.

"I hope this ends up great".

baekhun said as he went to the bathroom and washed his face and take a shower. after 10minutes of cleaning his body, baekhyun went down stairs clad in a grey sweat pants and a black wife beater.

"morning uncle".

He greeted his uncle ,who is busy flipping eggs and bacons.

"morning to you too baek." his uncle smiled at him before continuing. "the group sharing starts at 3 in the afternoon, ba—"

"Uncle can I just stay here and watch t.v?""

"No baek, you are going to attend—"

"—but uncle"

"no buts byun baekhyun".

His uncle said ith finality, so baekhyun just sighed and nodded.

"after you finish you finish eating, go change your clothes,we'll go shopping, my friend's son is staying with us for awhile. you know him."

baekhyun sent his uncle a quizzical look.

'I know who? since when did I have a friend?'

baekhyun thought as his uncle continued.

"Do kyungsoo, you know? short kid, doe eyes"

"Ah, yes, I remwmber"

baekhyun said while eating his breakfast.

when baekhyun finished eating, he quickly went upstairs to change clothes. Baekhyun opened his wardrobe and picked a black skinny jeans and a grey shirt with "EXO" printed on it.

His uncle was already prepared by the time he went down.

"baek, I'll drive you to the group sharing after we go to the grocery and have lunch. I'll pick you too, just message me when it's done."

Baekhyun just nodded and went to his uncle's car.

The drive to the grocery store was spent in silence, baekhyun didn't know what to say since he is not the type of person who starts a concersation.

When they arrived at the grocery store, baekhyun helped his uncle look for the itmes that are listed on a piece of paper. Baekhyun saw something that really caught his eyes. In the middle of the store hangs a big sign saying


'help? plaese, you think cancer can be helped with your words and ? tch.'.

baekhyun thought bitterly as he continued walking.

After they finished lunch, baekhyun and his uncle drove to the place where the group shaing is held. When the car stopped, baekhyun looked at the massive stone building with a huge statue on it's left and right entrance.

"this is an old church baek, they used to have sunday worships here, but they decided to give it up and the leader of the group bought it." his uncle explained as he eyed the beautiful structure.

"have fun and make some friends baek".

bis uncle said to baekhyun and the latter just nodded even though he knew that it's impossible. Baekhyun opened the door and nodded at his.uncle before closing it and walked towards the entrance.

The room where the group circle is located is full, kids his age talking about stuff that interests them, some silent. Baekhyun luckily spotted an empty seat and settled there. 5 minutes passed and he heard someone call the attetion of the people inside the room.

"good afternoon everyone,we are here Again for another group sharing, so we have some newcomers here with us" the guy said. "plaese raise.your hand".

baekhyun shyly raised his hand along with 3 other guys. He could feel that someone is looking at him, so he.turned his.head and saw a guy staring straight at him. He would've been creeped out but he didn't because he.found the guy hot and attractive. His tall figure, round eyes, big addorable ears, he's just plain handsome.

baekhyun returned to reality when the guy in the middle cleared his throat.

"you can put your hand down now".

the said and baekhyun could feel a blush creeping up his face. He sat down qnd the guy--suho-- as he introduced himself is the leader of the group. After some long incouraging words everyone introduced themselves. Baekhyun could still feel the guy staring at him so he turned and he.was.right, the.guy IS looking at him so what he.did was also stare at the guy and they had a staring contest.

the guy broke eyecontact when it's his turn to introduce his self.

'guess i won'

baekhyu thought before turning his attention to the guy, who is now introducing his self to everyone.

"good afternoon everyone--" fhe guy said in in a deep voice. "my name is park chanyeol, I was once a victim of depression, but I overcame it with the help of my family and friends." the guy--park chanyeol--said."I came here because of my friend,kai, to support him and be there for him". He smiled and looked at guy beside him.

It was now baekhyun's turn so he stood up and greeted everyone.

"hi, my name's baekhyun and I'm a lung cancer survivor." baekhyun said and saw ren--another lung cancer survivor-- look at him. with that he took his seat.

The sharing started and they all told everyone about their story, even beakhyun.

"chanyeol, tell us something that you fear." suho looked at chanyeol and smiled.

"My greatest fear is losing someone dear to me." chanyeol said and the whole group went silent. "It's inevitable,I know, but we can do something about it," he gave his goofy grin.

"and that is?" suho asked.

"treasuring them, I know people fall into depression and I know that it's hard, but we shouldn't.let it eat us. We have our family and our friends". he smiled. Baekhyun raised his hand

"yes baekhyun?".

Suho turned to him and so did the others.

"are you joking? family is fine, but friends? I don"t think so." baekhyun scoffed before continuing. "look, your friend might have you, but not all of us have a friend who will be there for us, I survived cancer without friends, you know why? because they think that i'm just some.loser who depends on others.".

Baekhyun felt like crying, when he was suffering from cancer, no one even bothered to talk to him. his uncle was the only one who were there when baekhyun needed support.

"then I'll be everyone's friend".

Chanyeol said, still smiling.

"that won't change anything park chanyeol"

"yes it will. you see baekhyun, you keep yourself in that shell of yours, maybe that's why people don't talk to you. but those people are coward".

"you know what you will never understand what to have cancer so don't say that treasuring people will cure you"

"And you don't have the rights to say that treasuring people is not good beause your parent weren't murdered right in front of you, and I didn't say that it.will cure you, it".

Everyone went silent when chanyeol told them what happened to his parents. Baekhyun just sat down and.closed his mouth.

The session is finally over and baekhyun somehow felt guilty about what he said chanyeol. So baekhyun approached the taller male.

"uhhm....hey about what I sa--"

"It's okay," chanyeol smiled at him and baekhyun smiled shyly.

"do you often go here?".

Chanyeol asked and baekhyun shook his head.

"It's my first time here."

Chanyeol eyed him for a moment before speaking.

"you're beautiful you know? smile more and you'll surpass any beauty queen--or king--?"

chanyeol scratched the back of his head and baekhyun found it cute.

"what are you saying? I'm not beautiful"

"what?!--w..who told you that?! a blind person?"

chanyeol placed his hand on his chest playfully.

"what's your name?.

the taller suddenly asked.

"baekhyun, why?"

"full name?"

"byun beakhyun"

"oh, okay."

chanyeol cleared his throat and said.

"byun baekhyun,you are beautiful like cameron diaz from 'my sister's keeper'."

the way chanyeol said the english name and title made baekhyun smile.

"sorry but I haven't seen that movie before".

"then you should see it."

chanyeol smirked and baekhyun just rolled.his eyes.

"hey I have to go,.I Think my uncle's outside. Bye and nice.meeting you park chanyeol.".

baekhyun waved as he went outside.


Baekhyun received a message from his uncle that he will be late because there is a huge traffic. Heaving a heavy sigh, baekhyun sat on a bench beside the old building.

"hey byun baekhyun, what're you still doing here? it's cold".

A smiling chanyeol sat next to him and placed an arm around baekhyun's shoulders. The action made baekhyun blush and tries to shake the arm away, but he failed to do so.

"so, what are yoy still doing here?".

baekhyun asked chanyeol who threw his head back and closed his eyes. Baekhyun couldn't stopi admiring chanyeol"s handsome face is and he was startled when he heard the giant grumble something.

"what was that?".

Baekhyun asked, shaking his head.

"I said, beause i'm still waiting for my friend."

"and stop staring at my face baekkie, I might take it as a sign that you like me too".

chanyeol opened one of his eyes and looked at baekhyun wbo is now blushing like a school girl.

"w..what?! no ...i.i'm not!"

"yes you WERE". chanyeol teased.

Chanyeol then pulled out a pack of cigarette from his pocket and baekhyun glared at him.

"you should watch the movie that I told you awhile aago".

chanyeol said as he was.fumbling.with the.packet.

"why?--and.why the hell do you people smoke? you peopke should be grateful that you have perfect lungs, why the hell do you abuse it?! do you know how hard it is to of your lungs removed from your body?!. Of course not! judging by the way you live, with a packet of those cancer in a stick!".

Baekhyun stood up and walked away.

'they don't how lucky they are. So they destroy.'

baekhyun thought, as.he.walked to the side wallk.

He felt someone pull his wrist and turned him around.

"It's not like that baekkie."

Baekhyun felt butterflies in his stomach when chanyeol used that nickname.

"I carry this just to trick death and show him that I am more powerful than him...for now."

Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow before answering.

"tricking? you're weird park chanyeol".

chanyeol just grinned and said.

"I don't light any of these cigarettes". chanyeol smiled. "why? because like I said, I'm tricking death, I have something that can kill me, but I don't use it, see my point?".

the taller smiled and baekhyun felt the urge to laugh.

"your logic is weird park chanyeol"

"I know" the taller smirked. "so about the mo--"

"fine I'll watch it."

whn he said that, chanyeol pulled baekhyun towards his car.

"where are you taking me?!".

Baekhyun panicked but chanyeol reassured him.

"relax we're just going to watch it in my apartment."

"but I barely know you!"

"that is why I am taking you with me, to get to know me"

baekhyun was a bit skeptical but agreed after chanyeol told him that he is not some psycho.

"I have to text my.uncle first."

After texting his uncle, the two went to chanyeol's car.

"where's your friend?". baekhyun asked turning to chanyeol

"oh,kai? he left about 30 minutes ago".

"but I thought you said you were waiting for him?"

chanyeol grinned and just shrugged.

"I said i'm waiting for my FRIEND".

"yes! bu--"

"I didn't say WHO right?"

"I don't get you park chanyeol"

"you will soon enough, FRIEND"

chayeol just laughed and baekhyun just rolled his eyes.



first chap ^^ no poster yet.. help please? ;)
comment subscribe guys ^^ tell me what u think haha.. and please try and see my other fic "picture perfect" thanks guys. :)

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leecrannie #1
this fic reminds me of the fault in our stars by john green and it just brings back all the feels I had for that book > < cant wait for the next update :)