Odd Couple

Before I Leave

Chapter 8

Odd couple

Kyungsoo was grinning like a maniac when baekhyun let him inside the room. Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow and kyungsoo giggled in glee.

"what is it kyung? you're scaring me". Baekhyun sat on his chair and waited for the shorter male's reply.

"you can go tomorrow!" . kyungsoo said excitedly. Baekhyun thought about what kyungsoo said, and when it hit him, he quickly stood up, knocking his chair in the process.

"How?! Why?! Really?! Don't joke with me Do kyungsoo!".

"I'm not joking! Chanyeol's friend, kris, volunteered to take your place in doing that school thingy".

Baekhyun thought about it for awhile

"but kris doesn't go to our school".

"apparently, he does. we just don't see him".

Baekhyun cocked his head to the side in confusion. "quit thinking about it and just go pack your !, we're leaving tomorrow, and call chanyeol".

Kyungsoo left the stunned male, Baekhyun couldn't believe what's happening. When he snapped out, he looked at his clock and saw that it's almost time for sharing group. he quickly got dressed and asked his uncle to drive him.

They arrived at the old church and baekhyun quickly got of and bid his uncle goodbye. When he was inside, scanned the room, looking for a specific giant,but he wasn't there. Baekhyun saw jongin though, so he quickly approached the boy.

"hey jongin, have you seen chanyeol". He said and sat next to the younger male.

"umm, no, why? oh, and I'm sorry about the flight".Jongin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"it's okay, actually, I can go". jongin looked at aekhyun questioningly and the older of the two smiled."Kris saved my ".baekhyun laughed.

"Wha— how?". Baekhyun told jongin the whole story. "wow, kris is good huh, well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow".

The sharing started, and as usual, it was full of depressing stories, suicide stuff. etcetera. When the sharing ended, baekhyun and jongin stood up.

"you wanna go to my house?". Jongin asked baekhyun and the older nodded. Baekhyun textes his uncle, saying that he will be out with his friend. Baekhyun laugjed at his ucnle's reply.

"Byun baekhyun! that person is not your boyfriend, am I rigjt?!".

Baekhyun sent a quick "yes" before turning his head to jongin.

"so, how are you and kyung?". The younger smiled. "we're good, better than you and chanyeol actually". Jongin said, without looking at the other.

"chanyeol and I are friends, jongin, that's it". Baekhyun said, but the younger boy didn't respond.

The two arrived at jongin's house, It was nice little house and it sent a homey aura. Jongin unlocked the door and motioned for baekhyun to come in.

"follow me, hyung, my room's downstairs". Baekhyun gladly complied and followed the younger.

"so you're like chanyeol huh?" Baekhyun asked.
"Why? because my room is also in the basement?" jongin said, and opened his closet.

"yeah, the inly difference is that, your room is also a dance studio". baekhyun gestured to the room and turned to see jongin, walking to the speakers.

Music poured out from the speakers. "I can't dance anymore, but I can still listen to music". jongin smiled and gestured baekhyun to sit down on the sofa.

"so, how are you and chanyeol hyung?". Jongin asked as he leaned his head back to the sofa. "we're good, still friends". Baekhyun said, without looking at the other.

"you two are an odd couple". Jongin smiled and looked at baekhyun, who is now blushing.

"we're not a couple, we're just friends". Jongin chuckled at baekhyun's reply. "what's so funny?". Baekhyun turned to jongin.

"It's amazing how he met someone like you baekhyun hyung"

Baekhyun raised a questioning brow and jongin grinned.

"Did he already tell you about his ex?".

"oh, yeah, she died in an accident right?". Jongin looked at tge older questioningly, but he quickly smiled when he uderstood.

"ahh~ so he told you that she died because of an accident huh. Interesting".

Baekhyun cocked his head to the side in utter confusion.

"what are you talking about?"

"I guess he's the one who should explain it to you". Jongin said, as he closed his eyes and let the music calm his nerves.

Baekhyun just sat there, confused.

"baekhyun hyung, please, try and make chanyeol hyung happy, evem for a little while". The younger said. Baekhyun ddn't understand what jongin said, so he nodded his head and saw a small yet satisfied smile on the younger's face.


Instead of being excited, chanyeol felt like . Everything was planned, he's going to make this vacation an unforgattable one for baekhyun, but of course, some stupid reason will come up on the last minute. Chanyeol rubbed his face in frustratiion and continued to watch a re-run of "the good doctor"(a/n: I hope I won't get in trouble with this*hides*). chanyeol heard the front door open, followed by footsteps. The tall male ignored it and continued to sulk and watch T.V at the same time.

"yah!, lazy bum, didja pack your stuff yet?". kris asked as he settled a bag of groceries on the kitchen counter.

"no". The giant mumbled, still watching.


"Because I don't feel like it".

"okay, But if I were you, I won't make baekhyun wait".
Kris said, and it totally caught chanyeol's attention.

The giant stood up from the couch, T.V show completely forgotten.

"what did you say?" he said as he walked closer to a grinning kris.

"I sai—"

"I Know what you said! But... HOW?!"

Kris smirked and went to the fridge to put some food and drinks in it. "I helped and that's it, no more questions".

Chanyeol just stood there, frozen, jaw hanging. He couldn't believe that baekhyun is actually coming!.

"you might wanna close that mouth yeol, or you're gonna catch a fly in it". Chanyeol did shut his mouth, "thanks kris, it really means a lot to me".

"okay, enough with the drama, go pack your stuff. NOW".

Chanyeol quickly ran to his bedroom and opened his closet and started flinging clothes.

"baekhyun," he breathed out

After flinging clothes into his small suitcase, he contemplated.on.whether he should call baekhyun or not. Of course, he did the former. He dialed baekhyun's number and waited. no answer. he tried again, but there still no answer. So he tried waiting for an hour before calling baekhyun again, and this time, baekhyun finally answered.


"byun baekhyun, where have you been? You haven't answered my other calls"
"sorry, I was with jongin, I just got home".

Chanyeol glanced at his wall clock, 10:48.

"what were you doing with jongin?".
"we talked, that's it."
"why didn't you tell me that you can come with us tomorrow?".
"I was going to call you, but you beat me to it".

Their conversation went on and on, and by the time they both said goodbye, baekhyun immediately fell asleep.

He woke up at five in the morning, their flight is in two more hours, but baekhyun felt so excited that he couldn't even sleep last night. He shuffled in his room and looked for something to wear and went down to see his uncle, drinking coffee, and kyungsoo, cooking.

"morning baek, you're up early"

his uncle said as baekhyun took a seat in front of his uncle.

"yeah, excited I guess". he said and took a piece of toast. Kyungsoo then, placed cooked eggs on the plate beside the toasts. Baekhyun looked at the eggs intently.

"why are you staring at the eggs baek?" Kyungsoo asked.

"I just finished reading "the fault in our stars" and the main character complains about eggs, being breakfast food". The male said, still staring at the eggs.

"but that book is english, right? how'd you understand it?". kyungsoo asked while eating a piece of egg.

"someone wrote it in Korean".

"but that's plagiarism". "kyung, seriously, stop asking, I don't care, I've read it, that's it."

"fine, so, you're going to raise a campaign about eggs, being breakfast food?"

"maybe". baekhyun said, breaking his gaze at the eggs.

After having a ling conversation about eggs, Baekhyun and kyungsoo got ready for their flight later. Baekhyun looked at himself in the mirror and checked himself out.

"heh, I am hot" He said

"baek, stop flattering yourself". kyungsoo said.

"you're just jealous cause I'm hot and you're not".

"whatever baek, hurry up!".

The two went downstairs and bid baekhyun's uncle goodbye, before loading their stuff in the car.

"so, we pick chanyeol and jongin up, then go to park'n fly section of the airport, leave the car, then wait for our flight".
Baekhyun said as backed the car out of the garage.

They arrived at chanyeol's house 15 minutes later. jongin's already with them, sitting in the back. Thwy waited for awhile and chanyeol finally went outside, but he's not alone. Baekhyun saw chanyeol arguing with someone. Baekhyun didn't know the other guy of course, but chanyeol seem to be mad about something the other said. Beakhyum decided to just call chanyeol.

"we just arrived yeol, where are you?"
"I'm coming, byun baekhyun, just a sec."

they hungup and baekhyun saw chanyeol making his way towards the car. The tall male then goy inside the car, behind baekhyun.

"sorry I'm late guys". chanyeol said, and kissed baekhyun on the cheeks which surprised baekhyun.

"chanyeol!". he said.

"It's a friendly kiss, see?". he kissed jongin and was about to kiss kyungsoo, but yhe shorter held out his hands in front of his face.

"no thanks chanyeol, I'm good, I'm sure baek here already got the idea".

Chanyeol laughed and it made baekhyun's heart swell with happiness.

"let's go then! vacation!". jongin screamed and that earned him a slap in the back of his head, courtesy by chanyeol.


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leecrannie #1
this fic reminds me of the fault in our stars by john green and it just brings back all the feels I had for that book > < cant wait for the next update :)