An African carpenter

Gold digging Heart breaking Money making
Hyesung arrived more than an hour late. He arrived two hours late, exactly at eight, making Dongwan wonder why he bothered showing up at all. He and Minwoo were having a great time on their own.
‘Where were you?’ he hissed, the words coming out more like a slur and, judging by Hyesung’s unimpressed reaction, a non-threatening slur. He had spent so much alone time with Minwoo it would last a lifetime... of a fly. The short man had immense amounts of charisma and flattery and the drinks kept coming and... it was nice.
Hyesung waved him off, looking over at Minwoo instead. 
‘I’m Hyesung, nice meeting you’ he smiled kindly greeting the man. The other seemed hesitant so Hyesung took the lead, taking Minwoo's hand in both of his and shaking it vigorously ‘I’m going to take a bathroom break, ok?’ he asked right after, making Dongwan question his sanity. What would he need a break from? Why the hell would he want to go to the bathroom as soon as he arrived?  In order to not make his life more difficult he let it go, mumbling something in return and watching Hyesung go.
As soon as he left, Minwoo turned to him. 
‘He’s really-’
 It made the short man chuckle but he shook his head. 
‘No, he’s actually kind of-’ 
From Minwoo’s reaction it seemed like he irresistibly funny.
‘No, I mean, it's not that he really is but just the way-’
Dongwan shrugged, patting Minwoo's shoulder in what seemed to him like a comforting gesture. 'No need to explain that' Most people thought Hyesung was something when they first met him. Leaving to the bathroom as soon as he had arrived didn’t help his case.
‘It's his own fault for being so timid and stuff. He just acts like that sometimes. But I’m used to it- I don't give it much thought. He’s a real mean guy, actually’ and he leaned closer to Minwoo’s ear, whispering the next words in a dramatic tone ‘It’s all just an act. An act. He's a monster’ he drew back and chuckled, taking another sip from his drink.
Minwoo's look turned slightly weird as if he had a hard time believing what the other had just mumbled (which would be understandable as the other was plastered by this point) but now he was curious and Dongwan realized that he’d said too much. Why was he telling such things to Minwoo? It was wrong, it had to be the alcohol talking.
‘I mean-’ he decided it was high time to try and save some remains of Hyesung’s honor ‘It’s- it’s because he’s, uh, totally shy and that’s- cute. Yeah... cute. And then I wish I could live together with him because- uh, well, cute’. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted to shut up but the words kept pouring out. And, everything considered, he was feeling hurt. It was too bad Hyesung didn’t like him despite him trying so hard and maybe, no, definitely Minwoo would understand that. Minwoo looked like a guy who would understand. And drinking felt nice, the stinging liquid was like a plaster to his injured, aching heart.
He felt a hand resting on his shoulder and in his drunken haze he followed its lead up to its owner's face until he realized it belonged to Minwoo who was very close. He could almost feel his breath hitting his face when he opened his mouth and said ‘I think you’re really cute yourself’. The man grinned, leaning even closer.
Why hadn’t he tried this before Hyesung’s arrival? The sudden switch felt weird, the atmosphere having turned too intimate for Dongwan's liking. What had Hyesung’s being here changed and why was Minwoo looking at him with those devouring eyes? He could practically feel the heat rising, sweat breaking out on his forehead while the other destroyed the last remaining boundaries of his personal space. If he didn't do anything they would-
‘Eric's not here yet I see’ Hyesung's voice brought Dongwan back to reality and adrenalin rushed through his entire body, leaving his body paralyzed for a split second before he managed to move away from those soft lips. He gloomily looked at his friend who had returned. He needed to stay focused, needed to remember why he was here. This was not a double date, this was not a casual meeting among friends. This was a plan. They were to commit a crime, a large-scale one. No need to get all excited.
‘But Minwoo said he would be-’ he muttered, stubbornly turning his face away when Minwoo leaned close again. Why was he doing this? It was inappropriate and embarrassing yet Minwoo seemed completely oblivious of the company, letting out a chuckle and muttering something similar to ‘so, so cute’ under his breath. He patted Dongwan’s shoulder and got up, strolling over to the music center with confidence in his every step. 
‘Let's welcome our newcomer with a song!’ he said before grabbing the micraphone and turning up the music, starting to serenade the freshly arrived addition to their party. 
‘What’s going on?’ Hyesung asked as he looked at Dongwan with confusion and sat down next to him, his usual annoyed expression starting to show.
‘If I knew-‘ was the only answer Dongwan could possibly give as he turned his full attention to Minwoo, starting to belt along the sappy love song he had chosen. 
There were a few times Eric found himself inspired to go out. When he had a long day and wanted to relax for example. Or when he had sealed an especially difficult deal. Or when nothing was bothering him at all. Whatever it was, this was not one of those days. He wanted everything but to go out and meet people he didn’t even know. But then there were those occasions he just couldn’t say no and Minwoo begging him like his life depended on it was one of those occasions.
‘Eric, I don’t ask much from you’ he’d said which wasn't quite true as he kept asking him for all kinds of favors 'But just do this one thing for me. For me. You don’t want to break my heart'
And he’d agreed because Minwoo wouldn't stop whining about it and only now he realized he had agreed to become a wingman for a gay guy. Minwoo's sudden interest in his replacement chauffeur was worrying too. It was upsetting because the boy was kind and good-looking and well-mannered and it would be a pity for him to fall a victim to his friend. And if that results in the guy leaving the job- he swore he would cut Minwoo's off so he would stop ruining his and other people's lives with that thing of his. Minwoo had no heart and could not stay true to anyone for an extended period of time and that was a fact.
'You don't have to enjoy yourself, it's more than enough if I do'. The last comment had put Eric in an even fouler mood that he had been at the beginning and whoever he was going to meet this evening would not have it easy.
With a sigh of a defeated man Eric entered the private room of his own club. None of the three people inside of it gave him any attention. The lights were dimmed, a ballad playing in the background. He took a good look around the room spotting Minwoo in one of the furthest corners beside him the chauffeur. They looked very cozy in the loveseat, talking and laughing in a world on their own. Some chick was also in her own world singing a song at the music center. She had a pleasantly deep voice, though.
Oh, wait, no. That was a man. Of course it had to be a man.
'Uh' Eric shook his head and glanced at the closest seat to the door. He would just wait there for the guy to finish singing, then introduce himself, talk for half an hour, then excuse himself and leave. That was the original plan but now he couldn’t deny feeling at least a little bit curious and the voice of the guy made him feel at peace. Maybe he could have an actual pleasant conversation for once.
He missed having relaxing evening out with friends. Though Minwoo was the only real friend he had left since his father’s death four years ago. After the incident a lot of things had changed. He hadn't been able to concentrate on anything for weeks after, feeling like he’d lost stable ground underneath his feet. Everyone had expressed their deepest condolences despite all of them being secretly glad, finding it a blessing rather than a tragedy that his father had died.
It was no damn accident. His father had killed himself and left him to deal with all his alone. The business was doing bad, the company was on the brink of bankruptcy, his father spending most of his time drunk, gambling the fortune away. He had even contemplated selling his mother’s jewelry - the one thing more important to Eric than his life. The one thing he remembered his mother wearing with pride, the symbol of their status. Her soft hair falling over her shoulders, the necklace making her look like a goddess descended from the heaven. His father had contemplated selling his most precious memories.
He wished he could blame him but the man had been a real father once. The man he remembered as a hero from his childhood had become a ghost of his former self after his wife's death. Eric vividly remembered the time he had come home from university only to find his father sprawled out on the living room floor sleeping in his own vomit, wailing in pain. The last few weeks prior to his death he barely got his together to appear in manager meetings. Was Eric a bad person for feeling glad his father had decided to put an end to his own misery?
'Hey' a voice tore him out of his flashback and he looked up, seeing the guy from the music center looking at him in confusion. The song had ended and he had turned around, surprised to find one more person sitting in the room. He looked over at Dongwan and Minwoo before looking back at Eric, seemingly contemplating something.
Eric smiled, not surprised at that reaction. He had that effect on people.
Instead of waiting he stood up and went closer to the stranger, offering him his hand. He was definitely not hard on the eyes.
‘Who are you?’ 
But he was definitely something else. The question caught Eric unprepared, his confidence faltering. He glanced over at Minwoo in confusion as if asking him to somehow save this situation. Did the guy in front of him really not recognize him? Was this a prank? 
‘Me?’ He asked dumbfounded as he awkwardly motioned to himself. Things like these never happened to Eric Mun.
‘Yeah, you. Do you see someone else I could be talking to? Are you the janitor?’
Eric glanced down at his clothes, noticing some dirty spots on his white shirt and grimacing in disgust. Fine, maybe he did not look his best and maybe he was not dressed to impress but he didn’t look that bad either. And who did the guy even think he was talking to him so rudely?
‘No, I'm not the janitor' he said through gritted teeth, grabbing the stranger’s hand out of spite, enjoying the shocked look he got in return ‘but I’m Eric Mun. Glad meeting you too’
'Oh-' now was the time for the stranger to feel confused and he didn't disappoint, blushing all over and looking down at the ground in confusion, muttering something about 'so much for tall, dark and y' to himself
This was clearly not how they both had imagined their meeting would go.
‘Sorry to disappoint but this is me, the real Eric’ he smirked and let go of the man's hand. To top off his revenge he refused to acknowledge anything the other was trying to say and went over to Minwoo instead.
‘Hey, dimwit. Why don’t you stop snuggling and introduce me to your friend’s friend? People are mistaking me for a janitor here’ he was sure to say the last part extra loudly so that the stranger would hear him loud and clear. Minwoo gave him a questioning look  but the corners of his lips turned into a satisfied smirk. He was obviously pleased with the situation.
‘Oh, but Eric, you really look like one’ he sneered, throwing one arm around his startled chauffeur and laughing out loud. That pissed Eric more than it should have with Minwoo daring to insult his pride like that in front of a person who worked for him. At least the chauffeur seemed flustered, jumping up to his feet and bowing to Eric with endless apologies on his lips.
‘Aish, stop it' the rude guy now sounded as annoyed as Eric felt as he came closer to join the trio, stopping when he was standing right next to Eric 'I can apologize for myself’ he hissed and Eric turned to face him. This should be interesting.
The guy owed him a major apology. Despite looking really sweet with those long dark strands falling over his eyes and framing his face nicely, Eric would not forgive him easily. He was cute but he was not a girl. Maybe if he apologized properly he would give him another chance. Maybe. And, for the sake of Minwoo, he would tolerate his presence for a couple more hours. They could even become friends and go out drinking sometimes.  
The guy looked Eric in the eyes, his own narrowing, making his expression completely unreadable. It did feel a bit rude and this somehow did not seem like a great beginning for a heartfelt apology but Eric had a good heart - and maybe the guy was just stalling for time thinking of a really great apology.
‘Eh’ he finally let out an annoyed sound as he shook his head in disapproval ‘but you’re just so dirty’    



A/N: 12 000 words later finally Ricsung! Woot woot *brings out the party hats* Meh, but wait. They already hate each other. They'll probably kill each other at the end so there’s no need for these *throws the hats away*

Not my finest chapter. On top of posting it after all this time... Life's been kind of difficult lately. But some of my problems now should be over and I hope to regain my love for writing... which I lost due to all the happening last month. Also, I never thanked my amazing reviewers... :( SO SORRY. I cannot express in words how greatful I am.

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Chapter 27: THIS IS A MASTERPIECE OMG :) I'm crying a lot now but I'm so happy that I found this fanfic ❤️
Chapter 27: Ah, happy ending <3
Chapter 27: HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for finishing this fic. It was truly a beautiful story that i would like to have and read it all over again. Ricsyung is such a impossible couple due to their bickering hahaha and jindy is like a sweet couple and woodong is a lovely couple.... hope you write more of ricsung fic. XD and i love you so much for finishing this wonerful story
Chapter 27: This entire thing is a masterpiece. I want to print it out to read over and over when I need a good laugh. That was so enjoyable! I'm glad you didn't kill off Andy (lol hamster), and the two idiots got back together. WooDong make for such a hilarious pair. Thank you so much!

If I could be allowed to ask, what were your alternate endings, if any?
spookygirl #5
Chapter 27: Thank you for the happy ending. I'm happy they had a happy ending but I'm sad I don't have more of this fic to look forward to. It's been an awesome ride the whole way. I didn't originally subscribe from the start but I've been following this story since you started. I've enjoyed every minute of the ride. :-)
liyana6196 #6
Chapter 27: congratulations and thank you for completing this wonderful stories author-nim:)
draghag #7
Chapter 27: Congrats on completing this! Happiness all around. I was fretting about Andy dying, but then you threw the hamster curveball so seamlessly that i ended up laughing out in relief. *applause* *applause*
Chapter 26: you!!!! huhuhuhu this is sooo heartbreaking I really really hope eric can break the walls hyesungie built around him and accept eric I really hope he will turn around and dont go....