VIXX; no pairings

A Goldfish's Attention Span


 Title: VIXX Playing League of Legends  
 Characters/Pairings: VIXX/None 
 Author's Note: What's up! Sorry it took me so long to get one drabble(?) up!! >< Recently I've been  playing a lot of LoL, so I thought it'd be fun to write about VIXX if they were playing LoL xD Does  anyone League here? (: I hope the terms and characters I used aren't too confusing, and if you  need, I can explain them to you (: This is kind of like crack...? And it isn't really much of a fic... More  like a scenario but written in a fanfic-ish way o.o (just sayin' there's another author's note below ><) 


“Hm, which character should I choose?” N mumbled to himself, scrolling over a few of the free characters and some of his own. “I’ll play the supporter role, but I need a mage or marksman.”

Directing his mouse over one of the characters he’d bought, he clicked it and instantly, a sweet “You wanna play too? It’ll be fun~” sounded on his laptop. Yup, you’ve guessed it; VIXX’s leader has chosen Annie.

Quickly setting up his runes and masteries, and whining over how he wanted a skin for his character, he waited for the game to finally start.

“Aish, why is this person so slow?” N whined, looking at one of his teammates who seemed to have either extremely bad internet connection or an old computer. The whole team had finished loading and were impatiently waiting for the last person who was barely over 60%.


“HOLY NUTS RUN FOR MY LIFEEEE!!!!” The loud scream could probably be heard five floors down.

“RUN! RUN! RUN!” N shouted as he desperately and rapidly clicked on the screen the path he wanted his character to take.

“WHY AM I SO SQUISHYYYYY,” his voice was starting to annoy all the other members right now. “I’M DYING! I’M DYING! I’M DYING! I’M DEAD!” He was quiet after that, most probably mourning over the death of Annie.

“Thank God he’s shut up,” Leo huffed, pulling his earphones out of his ears. Because of the loudness of the leader’s screaming, his earphones didn’t exactly help him drown out the noise.

Not long after, small and desperate screams were heard from the room, followed by a few “STOP ATTACKING ME”s, and “WHY DOES MY CHARACTER RUN SO SLOWLY?!?!??!?!”s. Leo huffed again, shouting out, “BUY BOOTS FOR GOODNESS’S SAKE. AND SHUT THE HELL UP. PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO RELAX HERE!”

Everyone in the dorm instantly stopped what they were doing when they heard Leo’s loud voice. It was not every day that the lion would lose his temper and shout so loudly throughout the dorm. Most of the time he would just be lazing around, sometimes pitching in to conversations as well. 

It was no secret that VIXX loved playing League of Legends, and it was also no secret that Leo was probably the best in the band, with Ravi close behind. Every time someone (usually N) whines about their character they’d be there to give advice.

“Excuse you, but did you not see me jump in to help you when you didn’t have any life?” N suddenly spoke haughtily in his N-jumma voice. “I saved you and you scold me for kill stealing? Oh fine then. Die by all means.”

“Yeah! Show him!” Ken jokingly pitched it, quieting down when he noticed Leo about to whack him.


The rest of VIXX had to refrain from face-palming at the leader’s exclamation. If N was already noisy and crazy while on-camera, he must be a mental patient off-camera.

“I WON~ I WON~ I WON I WON I WON~~~” N came happily bouncing out of the room, oblivious to the 5 pairs of eyes glaring at him for the noise. There would’ve been a sixth, if only their manager didn’t go out for a company meeting.


“Would Zyra be a good character? What about Caitlyn?” Leo muttered quietly, mouse scrolling back and forth between the two characters. “Zyra’s for strategy. Caitlyn’s a long distance shooter. Since I’m playing PvP, I think I’ll take Caitlyn,” Leo nodded to himself, finalising his decision with a few simple clicks.

Carefully and wordlessly planning with his teammates, Leo sneakily hid in a bush and waited for the enemy to lose three quarters of its life before using his ultimate and killing it, smirking when it was announced that he was on a rampage. However, as he started to charge out, too impatient and competitive to stay hidden while waiting for his ultimate’s cooldown to end; he was met with three of the enemy’s champions against his one champion. His heart beat rapidly as he ran for his life, contemplating if he should actually teleport away. But that would be a stupid decision, he decides. He quickly ran to his turret as he incessantly sent out calls for assistance from his teammates. Unfortunately, they were all pushing the bottom lane (Leo was at top) and were at the enemy’s inhibitor, having a battle with the remaining two champions. They were worthy opponents; ruthlessly slaying many of his teammates, leaving only two (including him) alive.

Once he was sure that the champions who were hot on his heels have left, he bravely ran out of his turret to assist the sole survivor who barely had enough life to withstand the attacks from minions. However, when he reached the middle lane, the door was unceremoniously thrown open just as the enemy champions decided to gang up on him after they’d slain his teammate.

“Leo-yah! What do you want for dinner?” N asked, completely ignoring the fact that Leo was simultaneously running for his life and shooting at his opponents.

“Um… Um…” was Leo’s reply. He was trying hard to think of what he wants, but at the same time, trying to defeat at least one of his enemies. Just as he was about to turn to reply N’s question, a resounding “Shut down,” sounded on his computer. Frustrated and a little demoralised, Leo replied, “Anything. Just get my anything,” before turning back to his game, checking up on his enemies’ possessions to decide on what to buy at the shop.

“You should get Trinity Force. It gives you everything,” N said as he stared at Leo’s screen, pointing to the yellow and black picture.

“It doesn’t work like that, N. The enemies are mostly mages. I need magic resist,” Leo replied, pushing N’s hand away from the screen. “And stop touching my screen.”

N could only pout, realising that Leo was too into the game to care about the happenings around him. He should have known better than to disturb Leo while he was playing since Leo would become really focused whenever he was in game, especially if they were about to win.

When respawned, the main vocal immediately teleported himself to where N would call ‘the party’, meaning somewhere near the enemies’ nexus. Instantly helping to shoot down the last nexus turret, Leo smiled softly as the enemies’ nexus exploded, signalling the end of the game, and a lady’s voice announcing “victory!” happily.


While most people would stick to one character as their main, Ken was someone who constantly liked to change and use different characters, all while trying to find a character that he’d find easy to use. So far, he has found a main character that he’d use, but he was looking for a backup. Hence, he has been trying out many different characters for the past few weeks.

“I should use Kennen, shouldn’t I? He looks so cute~” Ken cooed, choosing the hamster-like character dressed in purple. Quickly glancing that the amount of time he had left before the game started, Ken clicked on Kennen once again to look at the tips when using Kennen. As he looked through its powers, he couldn’t help but furrow his eyebrows at one of Kennen’s powers, but decided heck, he’ll figure it out later in the game.

Following some other player to the top, he stood beside his turret and waited for the minions to come. But as he was waiting he realised that he had forgetting to buy items from the shop! Instantly recalling, he quickly went to the shop to buy a trinket and Doran’s ring, then running back to the turret alongside his minions, chuckling when Kennen cutely said “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

When the enemy came, the only things Ken deemed useful for his character was his Q and E. He deemed his W pretty much useless and he hadn’t gotten his ultimate power yet. Randomly spamming and pressing on the keys, he hoped to deliver as much damage as possible to the enemy before running away while going “ooooooo~~ ottokaji~~” as the enemy chased after him.

Much like N, Ken’s screaming could be heard throughout the dorm. But thankfully, it was not as loud and as consistent as N’s. Sure, Leo still felt like he wanted to punch Ken for being so noisy, especially when he wanted to take a small cat nap, but he didn’t actually yell at Ken to zip his mouth.

“Beanie-yah! What’s a good item to get?” Ken shouted to Ravi, hoping the said male wasn’t bathing or sleeping.

To his relieve, the rapper replied with, “What character are you using?”



“Kennen! The purple hamster!”

“Mianhe hyung I don’t know how to use Kennen; never even heard of him.”

“Aish! Whatever, I’ll just buy whatever seems good.”


“Ravi Ravi Ravi~ Are you gonna choose Lux again?” N called from outside the door the moment Ravi shut it close.

“Yes. Why?” Ravi replied, hoping that N wouldn’t distract him from his game like what happened to Leo.

“Oooo~~~” N teased, “It’s because she’s pretty, isn’t it? All your champions are girls, Ravi-yah. You sure you’re not playing this game just because the girls in there look hot?”

“Yah! Hyung! Your character’s a girl too!”

“But she’s a little girl!”

“Omo! Hyung! Don’t pedo on a little child!” Ravi gasped, laughing a little.

“Yah! She has good powers ohkay! At least I chose her because her abilities are good and not because they’re pretty!” The leader retorted.

“N-ah, stop bothering Ravi; it’s annoying,” Leo softly said, pulling the oldest away from Ravi’s room’s door into the living room where the members where happily chatting and some were even snacking, causing N to nag at them (especially Ken).

Sighing from relief, Ravi turned back to his game and changed Lux’s skin from its classic skin to Spellthief Lux. He wouldn’t tell the members about it, but he had partly chosen Lux because of how pretty the character looked while she was in game. But it was also because her powers were good. He was also the only member to have earned RP to be able to buy skins for his champion. To be honest, he doesn’t even know how he got them but hey, it’s always fun to have skins, right? He had chosen Spellthief Lux because she had this mysterious aura around her, and because the others skins were ugly.

Just as the game started, he quickly bought things he needed, but decided to wait at base for the minions to spawn. In this time, he was told to ‘take mid’ which meant him being the only one in the middle lane. He didn’t usually take the middle lane, since he still considered himself a beginner and would prefer to work with other players. But this time, he was the only character who used AP and was hence given the task to be a ‘solo hero’, a term Ken used whenever someone had to lane by themselves.

As the minions spawned, he followed closely behind, throwing a ward at an intersection to make sure that no enemies would be able to sneak up on him later. Bravely charging in, he decided that he should farm a little first, since he wouldn’t have anyone to rely on if the enemy champion was strong.

When the enemy champion finally showed up, Ravi had levelled up to level 2 and therefore was able to deal significant damage to his enemy. However, due to the turret, his lack of mana and the movement speed of his enemy, he was unable to catch up and deal a final blow which could’ve earned him ‘first blood’. Instead, he opted to attack the minions and the turret while he waited for his mana to regenerate.

Suddenly, another enemy had come up from the intersection just behind him (he had cursed himself for forgetting to put a ward there) and had managed to reduce his life by half. Desperately running for his life, and letting out small gasps, he contemplated teleporting back to base. But that would seem like a stupid idea. Instead he just opted to run until he reached his turret and subsequently recalled back to base.

At base, he decided to buy Sheen and planned to buy Blasting Wand or Needlessly Large Rod afterwards, then finally buying Rabador’s Deathcap.

Once his life and mana had been refilled, he teleported to one of his minions that was in battle and fought against the enemy present. Realising that there were three enemies in his lane, he immediately ran back, knowing it would be impossible for him to leave the battlefield alive if he had stubbornly charged in. Quickly signalling that he needed assistance and smiling to himself when someone answered it, Ravi waited for his teammate to come over. Throwing a ward for the fun of it, and charging up casting spells in a seemingly random order (they were well planned, mind you) to deal as much damage as possible while his ally dealt the last hit and earned a double kill (the last enemy had ran off like a coward a minute prior).

Usually, Ravi would be a little upset that someone had ‘kill stealed’ him, but he decided to let it slide this time since he knew that without his ally, he would have died an embarrassing death on the battlefield.


Hongbin had just started gaming, and chose to use one of the free characters, Thresh. He seemed like a pretty good character and was a supporter. But he had seen Leo use it a day or two ago, and it looked strong enough to be able to take down a few enemies on its own. He decided that if Thresh was really good, he’d get him later. But then he also remembered that Thresh might not be one of the cheaper characters and he might have to save up, causing him to sigh because currently the only character he owned was Ashe. He had bought her after his first few games, thinking that she was really good, sincehe had used her in the tutorial.

Carefully reading through each of Thresh’s powers, he decided that Flay would be a good power to start with, and ran together with an ally to the bottom lane. Thinking that Flay could be good for farming, he decided to strike at a group of minions in front of him that had at least half of their lives taken away from his minions’ attacks, smiling when he managed to earn some money from the numerous killed minions.

Constantly staying behind his teammate and just attacking here and there, he got many assists, but only a few kills. He didn’t mind, though. He always planned to be a supporter, never really wanting to be the centre of attention when it comes to killing. He always felt stressed whenever the computer sounded out that he was on a killing spree or a rampage or others, worried that he might get shut down in the most humiliating way ever.

He had been zoning out a little but was brought back to ‘reality’ when his teammate signalled for assistance, and he instantly used one of his powers to throw out a chord so that his dying teammate would be able to latch on and he could pull it to safety. Softly smiling when his teammate was courteous enough to thank him, he stood in front of his ally while she recalled back.

Praying hard that he’d be able to take on the enemies by himself, he went forward, with his minions and casted a few spells in hopes that the enemies would either be slain or would run off. He was never really confident in his skills, hence preferred to just be at the back while everyone would charge up in front. He wasn’t cowardly or anything, he just didn’t want to think of himself so highly, only to be disappointed when he realises that he really can’t do it.

When the game ended, he decided to honour his teammate. He was deciding whether to give ‘friendly’, ‘helpful’ or ‘teamwork’. Since his ally didn’t exactly teach him much during the game, he ruled out ‘helpful’. He decided to just go with ‘teamwork’, something he often gave to his teammates. It usually isn’t common for a player to give honour to another player, but Hongbin liked doing so, because he wanted to reassure others that they were doing fine. He knew how it feels when someone tells you you’re doing great, and wanted to make others happy too.

As he exited the game, a bright smile lit up on his face when he was notified that he had been honoured by a fellow summoner for teamwork.


Like usual, Hyuk would always choose his favourite character – Miss Fortune. Most of the members always that it was because Miss Fortune was a pretty character, but aside from that, she was also really powerful and her ultimate was always good when the enemy had little life and was trying to escape.

Since it was only the start of the game, he chose to upgrade Miss Fortune’s Make it Rain power and proceeded to gloat over how the minions were starting to die and how he was dealing some damage to the champions that happened to be there. Because of his ability to slow them down, the person he was partnered with was able attack the enemy until it had barely an inch of life left. Hyuk completely ignored that the turret would attack him when he was attack the enemy champion and dealt a final shot at the enemy, shouting out “First Blood!” in time with the computer.

“Uri Hyukkie got first blood???” N hollered from the neighbouring room.

“Awwww he’s becoming such a manly man~ Killing virtual people and ~” Teased Hongbin who was sitting next to N.

“Shut up!” Hyuk whined, unintentionally adding aegyo to his voice and causing N to once again coo over him like a little baby. Seriously, Hyuk thought, how much could a five-year age difference make?

During the time he was busy bickering (if that’s what you can call it) with s, he didn’t notice that the opposing team had sneaked up on Hyuk and had unceremoniously killed him, leading his teammates to curse him out because he wasn’t even running for his life. And Miss Fortune is known to be able to run extremely fast.

Sighing, Hyuk typed a quick apology, but taking some time to spell out the five-letter word since he wasn’t used to the English keyboard just yet. Since he still had to wait to be respawned, he went to the shop to see what he could buy. But it was only the start of the game, and he hadn’t been able to farm much (after being interrupted but N and Hongbin) so he didn’t exactly have enough money to buy new items.

Somehow, it seemed as if the opposing team had been hiding behind a façade at the very beginning of the game. Either that or they just got lucky because he started hearing numerous “An ally has been slain.” over the computer.

Shaking his head, Hyuk could only breath out in disappointment; looks like it’s gonna be a long game. 

Another author's note (sorry! ><) 

Haha xD I hope you liked it..? Sigh, I don't think many people League here :\ I hope I potrayed the boys correctly!! o.o and I haven't been leaguing for a long time, so I don't really know that many characters. ><" 

I know I said I wanted to upload a Taeun fic first, but I'm kindda stuck with it right now... So... >< 

If you have any requests, feel free to tell me in the comments section!! ^^ Anything that can inspire me to write a drabble LOL. 

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I'm really sorry if y'all got a false update! i realised i titled my chapter wrongly. i'm sort of writing a small drabble/rant now (:


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Chapter 7: this was great
Chapter 9: What a lovely chapter :3
Thank you for updating
ochakenchao #3
Chapter 7: i want some neo
Chapter 7: Awww I loved it! Poor Hakyeon LOL. The amount of Neo in this chapter was just just enough to make my heart happy XD

*and they were watching to the beautiful you! Love that drama
Chapter 6: This was so cute. I would have loved if it was longer. :)
Tat-chan #6
Chapter 4: That was so cute and sweet~ thank you for such chapter on the Valentine's day *_* ♡
Chapter 4: The sweetness of this chapter was just too much!
Chapter 1: lmao i have never heard of this game but N was freaking hilarious
icecollosus #9
Chapter 1: Lol we just swear a lot ahaha. Like "why the f&$@ didnt you go in you $@)$)&" "I was oom you f$@&$" :D so i guess its kinda accurate :) Lots of shouting ㅋㅋㅋ