So...this loser is still going to follow us?

I am surrounded by idiots (☉_☉)
SeulYong's POV
      I threw a pillow across the room at my brother who is sleeping soundly. "Yah, oppa! Get up! We'll not be able to take the bus if we're late!" I yelled at him. He ignored me and took the blanket to cover up his face, I walked towards him and stepped lightly on his stomach. "Ouch...SeulYong-ie! Yah!" He shouted making it looks so pain when it's not. == "AHHH!" I shouted as he pulled me into a hug. Gosh, I hate this kid so much, so immature towards me!
      "Get off me!" I shouted at him as I shoved his hands away from me. He just giggled and went towards the bathroom. "This oppa so weird! Hehe!" I said to myself as I laughed. I went downstairs to prepare breakfast for both of us, I was kinda lazy to prepare breakfast, I eventually missed how my mom preparing breakfast for us, but since we're studying overseas, I guess we're going to live like this. I opened the refrigerator to check on what can I cook, as I opened it, I immediately smiled, "Leftovers? Ain't that bad...hah," I took the leftover pizzas that we ordered yesterday night and microwaved them. 
      After the pizzas are ready, I transferred them onto both plates for me and D.o oppa. Just in time, he came down, "Wah! Pizzas!" He said as I smiled at him, I felt so warm looking at him like this, it makes me feel like I'm really more closer to him. "Let's eat up! Or else we're gonna walk to school!" I raised my voice at him as I pulled out the dining chair and sat down. After we both ate up, we took our school bags and rushed towards the bus station.
D.o's POV
      We rushed towards the bus station to catch the bus, hopefully, we're fast enough. "Phewww!" I sighed as I wiped off my sweats that were dripping off my forehead. "Are you okay?" I asked concernedly seeing my sister breathing heavily. "Yeah...I think a little of asthma..." She answered as she breathe in the air heavily. "Yah, don't scare oppa...." I said as I patted her head trying to make sure she's alright. She smiled at me sweetly and I returned back a heart warming smile at her.
      Finally, the bus arrived, and I went on the bus with SeulYong. My face immediately lit up a smile as I saw my bro, Luhan sitting at the back seat alone. I don't know what happened to me, but I automatically took a sit beside him. "Yo, wassup?" I greeted him cooly as we did the handshake. "Haha, look at you're lonely sis. So damn sad, forever alone! HAHAH!" He said as he laughed loudly. "Shut up, Luhan! I don't need your stupid words! So you think you can bully me just because I'm younger than you a year? Who cares? I'm still in the same grade with you!" SeulYong shouted at him as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Ohhhhhh~ I'm scared! Booya! Haha," Luhan again.
      "Stop please!" I stopped both of them, I didn't know who to help, either my lovely sister or my awesome bro, Luhan, so I just called both of them to stop. "We're almost there...." I said as I broke the silence between three of us. We went down the bus and walked together towards our class. "So...this loser is still going to follow us?" Luhan complained. SeulYong didn't said anything, only rolled her eyes at him. I decided to just keep quiet....
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Amethystchua #1
Chapter 7: Update soon~!