Chapter 06

Guardian Angel


The next day I was sleeping in. I didn't set up an alarm clock at all, because I didn't feel like it. I slept in and I wasn't dreaming about anything. It was just pitch black, but I didn't dream about anything.

All of a sudden I felt something wet. I opened my eyes and touched my face. It felt like it was water?

I looked to my left side and I saw Seung ri with a cup in his hand.

"YAH, did you splash water in my face?!" I yelled at him.

"What else was I supposed to do to make you wake up?"

"Setting up the alarm clock to ring would be nice. Or even yell at me to wake up, I mean no one else can hear nor see you except me anyways."

"Well, I didn't know where your alarm clock is so I just decided to get a cup of water and splash it in your face, don't you feel refresh?"

"Oh jeez whatever. Err... what time is it?" I rubbed my eyes and reached over to my phone that was placed on the mini desk right next to me.

It's 11:10 AM. I flopped back to my pillow and hid my face in it. I was so tired even if I slept early last night.

"Come on you pig, don't sleep in all day I have some news to tell you!" Seung ri said.

"What news? Just spit it out." I groaned.

"Well you know how I told you that I was going to the police station to check some things out last night?"

I yawned and sigh "Yups."

"Yunho is missing. It was everywhere in the police office. They've been trying to find Yunho for a year now. It seemed to be that he has been missing since February 1, 2008."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"And what's today's date?" I checked the calendar that was hanging from my wall.

"Today's January 3rd of 2009.... how did he escape from that place?"

"I'm going to make a guess. I went through some files when there wasn't anyone in the office. Yunho wasn't supposed to be released until May 16, 2021. The paper said that nobody has seen him escape. There was one newspaper that said the police were searching for him every where in South Korea, it seemed to be that he has not been found yet."

"Who do you think helped Yunho escaped? Who would give him plastic surgery when he was like all over the news?"

"You saw news about him before?" Seung ri asked me.

"I think I did. But I didn't care. It was like a long time ago when the news broadcast announced about the Yunho guy missing and there were "wanted" signs every where. But the signs aren't on the streets anymore, everyone forgot about it too."

"Hmmmm... he must have a close friend to help him escape or something. And also a close friend who must be a plastic surgeon and decided to help him."

"That's a possibility. But I'm not so sure if that Eunhyuk dude is actually Yunho.."

"He must be Yunho, I'm positive."

"Seung ri, you're really confident about your answer."

"I AM! Didn't you see what he did to the letter that you gave to Soo Young? He threw it out and yelled at her so loud saying that he's HER boyfriend and she's not supposed to be thinking of me. That means that he doesn't like me. Really, what kind of boyfriend would throw something that's the girlfriend's business?"

"I supposed I could believe that you're right... just a LITTLE bit."

"I realized that somebody recorded the dance battle I had with Yunho 5 years ago."

"Really? Who was it?"

"I don't know. But you can watch it on youtube."

"Wtf? Youtube?"

"Yeah, I searched it last night... don't ask me how. I remembered that I saw a camera while I was dancing, some dude was recording I don't know who it was though because the camera was blocking his entire face."

I got up from my bed and the computer. Then I went on youtube.

"What should I type in?" I asked him.

"Type in dance battle in my school."

I typed it in and there was only one video that was found. I clicked on it. I heard people in the background screaming and Yunho was dancing like... I don't know how to describe it.

And then Seung ri came on the spot and danced as well.

"Go back, watch how Yunho dances. Tonight we're going to a club where Yunho.... or Eunhyuk kid whatever perform. They both must dance the same style."

I rewind and watched Yunho in his careful movements.

"I should download this onto my computer and put in my ipod to see if his dance is the same."

After I put it in my ipod I went back to my bed and lay down.

"Tonight at 7 we're going to the club that's near the university." Seung ri informed me again.

"Okay." I asked.

The whole time I was in my room and just listened to music until 6:30. Seung ri was just silently reading stuff online. We talked sometimes but usually it was just very quiet.

When it was 6, Seung ri told me to get dress.

I didn't feel like getting up but I had to anyways.

Once I was done with dressing up I was wondering what was I supposed to tell me mom?

"Seung ri, what am I supposed to tell my mom? I don't want to say that I'm going to a club and I'll be back home at like 12."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you're living with parents... uhhh just tell her you're going to a friends house and you'll be back at 10. I thought you knew how to lie."

"I kind of..... err... okay fine whatever!"

I opened the door and went downstairs to the living room. I found my mom and my dad both on the couch.

"Umma, I'm going to a friends house okay?" I said trying to get out of the front door as fast as I can so that they don't have to say anything.

"Wait. Why?" My dad asked me.

Damn it! I was only a few inches away from the door, why couldn't I RUN to the door?

"I have to see how she's feeling. She didn't come to school yesterday so I have to go inform her about school."

"Are you lying to us? How come I don't see you carrying any books or a backpack?" My mom asked me.

"I remember the homework on the top of my head mom. Now BYEEE."

"SUN MI, who is the girl?"

"Somebody you don't know!" I yelled and closed the door. I gave out a long sigh and started to walk but then my mom opened the door again.

"Sun mi-ah! You better tell me who the girl is right now or else I'm pulling you back in here!"

"Umma-ah! I can't waste time! I have to go right now!"

"Sun mi you know the rules!" She had both of her hands on her hips.

"Just tell her it's Soo Young. She must be with Yunho at the club anyways." Seung ri suggested.

"Aish~ fine! It's Soo Young okay umma?"

"Alright hun, have her call me."

"Umma! Why-"

"LET'S GO SUN MI. You can argue with her later!" Seung ri said.

"UGH. NEVER MIND. I'll talk to you later!" I yelled out to my mom.

Once we got to the place I suddenly realized that I'm not over 21 years old to be entering this club.

"I don't think I can go in there." I told Seung ri.

"It's okay, I got you a fake I.D. card."

"What the hell?! Is that even possible?!" I asked him.

He took out the card and gave it to me.

"Yes it is possible. It's surprising that you are the same height as my cousin."

"So you replaced my picture on this card? Isn't your cousin going to freak out if they find out it's missing?"

"Don't worry, my cousin never checks her wallet."


"And here, put on some make up."

"You stole these from her too?"

"She's a pig when she's off from work. She lays around her room all day watching rerun dramas and never checks her bag or anything."

I sat on the bench and started to apply make up on myself, I was trying my best to look older than my real age to get in.

"Ready?" Seung ri asked me.

"If the security finds out that it's a fake card, I'm going to make you wish that you've never met me." I threatened him.

"It's going to work, don't worry so much." He said.

I got on the line and when it was my turn, the security asks to look at my I.D. I took it out and he was examining me from top to bottom.

"Alright, go in." He said.

I couldn't believe it worked. I was puzzled and stood there.

"Go!" Seung ri said.

I went in and I didn't know where I was going.

"Soo Young is sitting over there, go to her."

The club here isn't as crowded as I thought it would be... and not a lot of people were dancing either, I guess it was too early to dance?

When I was near Soo Young I called out her name. She turned to me and gave me a confusing look.

"Oh, it's you from yesterday! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to just chill you know.... haha."

"Well what about you? What are you doing here?" I tried to pretend that I didn't know anything.

"Eunhyuk performs here. He's a great dancer. You should watch him!"

"No way! Now I totally want to stick around! What time does he perform?"

"It's either 9 or 10 today. You want a drink?"

"Oh no, no it's okay."

"Alright then." She said.

"So Sun mi.... since you were Seung ri's old friend, could you tell me how he was like? I never really got to know him."

"Uhh...." I looked at Seung ri who was sitting at the empty chair behind Soo Young he was obviously listening and was smiling at me. I was hoping that he would tell me what to say, but he didn't! He probably wanted to know what I thought about him...

"Aha, I can't remember that well because you know, it's been a long, long time. What I can say for now is that.... he's very caring. Very smart too. And he doesn't like to be alone usually. I guess he is VERY self-confident."

Soo Young smiled. Now, what is she smiling for? Is she starting to like him or something? Even Seung ri was smiling.... oh jeez, there we go again, he thinks he's so cool!! PSH!!!

So me and Soo Young were talking the whole time. We were switching subjects a lot, and I figured out why Seung ri had feelings for this girl... she had a great personality that keeps you wanting to talk to her.

But it was 9 now and all of a sudden I heard a guy from a loud speaker, I'm guessing that's the DJ.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... EUNHYUK!!!" And everyone was screaming so loud. Even Soo Young too.

I took out my ipod and watched the video. When Eunhyuk was dancing... you couldn't believe the similarities....

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This fanfic reminds me of the Thai movie “Senior”. You have inspired me. Despite recent controversies and having to grow up, I like to think of the good times. Like, how it was then, is how it is now. But anywho, I wish things had been different. Thank you for writing the story. I hope life is well. I wish you’d finished it before all of the bad stuff happened in real life for Wonder Bang.
This story is amazing. I wish you could have finished it.
It's 2015 and I'm still in love with this fic. I discovered this when I was in elementary school, and now I'm a high schooler...still as amazing as when I first laid my eyes on it
kidorambohollic #4
Chapter 11: Please update :(( I've been waiting for almost a year :(( please comeback and update with new chapters
Chapter 11: It's 2013 and i'm still rereading this. Come back soon unnie :*
Unnie please update :(
Omo, I love this
I think there would be a possibility he would still be alive..
Omo! It's really good! I can't wait for the next chapter :)
I've seen this on some site before... i think soompi. DID YOU FINISH WRITING ABOUT IT? AND OMGOSH. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE KISS? D;