Chapter 04

Guardian Angel

He started to open his mouth, but then gave out a loud sigh instead, and rubbed his tiring-looking eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just... I don't know how to explain what happened that night."

"Well just say whatever comes to your mind, you can add on later if you feel like something's missing. I'll just listen to the whole thing, I won't say anything..." I promised.

He sat away from the bench, nearly on the edge of the bench and looked at me.

"It was winter time, and that night was the coldest night ever. You know that scarf that I made you to give it back to my mom yesterday?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I was going to my friends house that day and I told him that I'll show him the two scarfs that I have. So I wore one, the one I'm wearing right now, and I put the other scarf in the box. So I went to his house and we played games and whatever, and I put the box near his TV and I forgot about it so about 9PM I left his house. He never called me that I forgot the box in his house because he never really took notice of anything in his room except for his games and his computer."

"Mhm.." I said, paying attention.

"So then after I left his house I had to pass the school of course to go to the bus stop, he lives near the school so I had to pass the school. Then all of a sudden a group of guys were swarming around me. Okay well there was about 5 guys around me. And those guys were actually the kingka's I guess in the school at that time. They were really good dancers, singers, good looking, had a lot of charms you name it."

"What were their names? I think I might have heard about them before."

"Yeah, people still talked about them until now. Apparently, they are so called the legends of the school. Their names were Yunho, the leader of the group. He's the best dancer in the group.There was Jaejoong, a very good looking guy and has a beautiful singing voice. Junsu, a guy with full of charisma, pleasant singing voice as well. Yoochun, his voice can pull you in. Then there was Changmin, the youngest of them all. Talented tenor I must say."

I didn't say anything. I wanted him to to continue.

"But they all think of themselves as superior of the school, maybe even the world. Like if you think you're better than them you might as well get yourself killed."

"And you thought that you were better than them?"

"No, no not at all! I guess I pushed it a little too far one day when there was a dance battle in the school."

He looked down on the ground, he started to play with the tiny rocks that were under his feet.

"I really like to dance so when there was a dance battle going on in the school, it was at the school's gym. People would take turn to dance in the center of the gym where everyone was crowding around you. Most people just came to watch people dance. Those 5 guys danced of course. I danced and there was another guy too. His name was Tae Yang. I didn't really know him but he and I were the only one who had the guts to have a dance battle with those 5 guys. So Yunho went first then Tae Yang. I was kind of scared so I went last after Changmin had gone. I danced to the fullest and people were pretty much shouting my name. I was really happy at that time hahaha."

He smiled still remembering that precious moment he had before he... got murdered.

"When I was done Yunho came SMACK right in the center of the floor, kind of pushed me off the stage. I don't know why, but people didn't really shout his name like they did to me."

"They probably got used to his dance." I interpreted.

"Probably... but he glared at me. I was scared that something was going to happen. So the next day everyone was all around me saying 'oh you were so good.' 'seung ri marry me!' 'seung ri i love you!' or 'seung ri teach me how to dance!'. I was happy because I finally got noticed by people. It felt really good to be notice since I was invisible to everyone for a long time."

That last sentence reminded me of myself.

"So were you a slacker?"

"Yeah. Everyday after school I would go dance some where and I would return home at 7. So that night when those 5 guys were around me Yunho said 'you should have never showed off your dancing skills that day. Now you're going to regret it. Have you realized how many people started to leave my fanclub?! Yah~ no one is ever going to be better than me. UNDERSTAND?!' I just stood there frozen, I mean I didn't mean to steal all his fans away or whatever. I didn't say anything, there was really nothing to say. 'let's take him.' Then they all grabbed my arms and I said no no don't do this to me. I had no idea where they were taking me. So they put me in the trunk of the car and I guess they drove for about an hour to some where. Then they finally opened the trunk and I was relief because I couldn't breathe or see anything for an hour. I felt conscious. So they pulled me out of the trunk and threw me to the ground. They kicked me, punch me in the stomach, stabbed my back, I don't know but something sharp must have hit me on my back. Then I couldn't see anything anymore. They hid my body near the lake. That place that they took me to was a dead place. No one lived there, nobody was there."

He was silent for a second to put his thoughts together.

"I didn't realized that I died because I woke up but then when I got up, I looked behind me and I saw that my body was on the ground. I was really shocked and I didn't believe that it was for real. I ran around the forest and I found out what city I was near."

"Where were you?" I asked curiously.

"I was at the
Hahoe Folk Village in Andong. I had to walk from that dead forest to find the nearest town, village, or city. And I found the Hahoe Folk Village."

"When I got into the village nobody saw me. I yelled 'EXCUSE ME.' but no one heard me. I tried to touch this old man but I couldn't touch him... that's when I realized that I'm a ghost."

"Then how did you come back to Seoul?" I asked.

"Well I searched for a train station. Since nobody could see me I just slipped into the platform."

I nodded.

"When I got back to Seoul I went to my house. And I found that my mom was crying and she was really, really depressed. That's how I heard about the whole thing about Yunho and his group called my mom telling her that I was no longer alive and I don't know if they turned themselves in or somebody found out that they did it. I really want to know why they called my mother from my phone telling her I was dead... that's just really weird. Don't you think so?"

"That is weird... why would they call your mom? Wouldn't they want it to be a secret that they murdered somebody?"

"I still can't believe that they killed me just for revenge... because their number of "fans" slowly decreased in their club or whatever."

"I'm guessing that they were jealous." I said.

"I like you're interpretations. It seems like whatever you interpreted is true..."

"It's common sense Seung ri."

"Eh...." Was all that it came out from his mouth.

"How come you shook your head when your mom wanted to know what happened to you? How come you wouldn't let her know? She's your own mother you know, she should at least know."

"I didn't know want her to hear what happened to me... I'm afraid she can't bear it. She's already suffered enough Sun Mi."

"Oh...." I said.

"So yeah the police didn't even try to look for my body. There was no evidence or anything to lead up where my body was. They thought it would be a waste of time to search for my body, which could be ANYWHERE in the world. The 5 guys wouldn't say anything."

"Whoa whoa how did you know what was going?! Oh right... did you go stalk them at the police station or something?"

"Hahahaha. Yeah I actually went down to the police station and listened to everything."

"Then why don't YOU tell the police where your body is?"

"How?! In what way could I tell the police where my body was?! Nobody is able to hear me or see me or anything! Even if I left a paper saying "oh my body is in Hahoe Folk Village"?!?! No, they'll be like where did this come from? And they probably wouldn't believe it anyways."

"Who knew what could happen next?! Give it a shot!" I encouraged.

"Fine. I'll tell them... no you tell them."

"Why me?!?!?! I don't get you Seung ri!!!!"

"Well... do you want to go see my body?"

I was surprised when he asked me that. I didn't expect that to come up.

"Don't be scared okay?"

"Uhhh........ I'll try not to be? I'm not ready yet." I said.

"Okay. I'll ask you everyday. So if you're ready just tell me. It's not that bad. hahahaha." He said.

"Oh jeez..."

"I need you to do me another favor."

"What?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Can you go to University of Seoul? I want you to give this to Soo Young." He handed me a letter.

"You know what, I'm beginning to feel like you're using me because you're too scared to do it yourself."

"How would you feel if all of a sudden a piece of paper pops out of no where on your desk? Wouldn't you be scared?! She'd be scared if she saw it out of no where and think that I'm probably haunting her."

"Okay okay fine. I don't even know how she looks like so how am I supposed to find her?"

"I'll have to go with you then. Just keep the paper for now. What time is it?"

I took out my cell phone and looked at the time.

"It's 5:07. Why?"

"It's a Friday too... her class is ending in 23 minutes. Let's go."

He got up and lead the way again. I let out a big sigh, I don't want to go!

So we took the bus again to the university and we got there at 5:27. He walked to the coffee shop because she's always there when class is over... as HE says..

So I sat down in an empty table and chair, Seung ri sat next to me.

"I'll tell you when she comes in. You better shout her name."

I gulped and nodded.

"And you better tell me what to say. I don't even know what to say." I said.

He smirked and watched the clock ticking on the wall.

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This fanfic reminds me of the Thai movie “Senior”. You have inspired me. Despite recent controversies and having to grow up, I like to think of the good times. Like, how it was then, is how it is now. But anywho, I wish things had been different. Thank you for writing the story. I hope life is well. I wish you’d finished it before all of the bad stuff happened in real life for Wonder Bang.
This story is amazing. I wish you could have finished it.
It's 2015 and I'm still in love with this fic. I discovered this when I was in elementary school, and now I'm a high schooler...still as amazing as when I first laid my eyes on it
kidorambohollic #4
Chapter 11: Please update :(( I've been waiting for almost a year :(( please comeback and update with new chapters
Chapter 11: It's 2013 and i'm still rereading this. Come back soon unnie :*
Unnie please update :(
Omo, I love this
I think there would be a possibility he would still be alive..
Omo! It's really good! I can't wait for the next chapter :)
I've seen this on some site before... i think soompi. DID YOU FINISH WRITING ABOUT IT? AND OMGOSH. WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE KISS? D;