The End Part 2: The Post It's

Without You




Your Point of View


            Getting into my car I drive as quickly as I can. I was trying like hell to escape my past, but I know that more than anything it will always travel with me. That without him I will always be sad. Trying to escape your past was like trying to go fishing in a drought, impossible. I wished that for once I could be happy. I mean, Jun-hyung and I were happy for a year, but that was long ago, I am cut off from my thoughts when my phone rings.

            “Yo-seob ah.” I call as I answer my phone.

            “I heard you’re on your way here.”

            “I am, why?”

            “No reason, I just wanted to ask how you were doing?” Everyone was getting on my nerves. I was like this every year around this time. I was told I would eventually get over it, but I just don’t see that happening.

            “I’m doing okay. I’m just sad that we never got to live together. He was taken from me before I could officially call him mine.”

            “I know, but you will feel better when you are around friends, so get here safely, okay?”

            “Okay.” I say, trying to stay calm and not cry.

            “How far out are you anyway?”

            “Twenty minutes?” I could hear his laugh on the other end.

            “See you soon, darling. Drive safely!” He reiterated.

            “Always.” Why was everyone so worried about me? It’s not like I was suicidal or anything. I was going to be fine in a couple of years. My phone rings again.

            “Oh, Ki-kwang sshi.” I say.

            “Hey, where are you?” He asked. I know he wanted to ask me more questions but he was limiting himself.

            “About ten miles out? You didn’t here it from Yo-seob about fifteen minutes ago?”

            “No. I’m not with him right now. But you’re definitely coming? That’s awesome.”

            “Shin-hye is making me go.” I say. Why does no one understand that I don’t want to go anywhere there is people?

            “You know you want to see everyone!” He says, obviously smiling.

            “I do, but not all together like this.” I say.

            “Shin-hye has become so close with everyone while you drifted away. You’re moving back to the city, that’s proof that you want to change something in your life. I promise that if you come to this party I will make it worth your time.” He said, still smiling on the other end.

            “Really?” I ask. How could he make it that worth it?

            “I promise. I never welch when I promise something.” He said, trying to make me feel better.

            “Okay, I’m almost to the park.” I say hanging up. I park my car and examine my all black attire. It isn’t two seconds after I exit my car that Shin-hye is over to me and pushing me towards the bathhouses.

            “Here, change into these.” She said handing me a dress and some pink lipstick.

            “I don’t want to.” I say.

            “Trust me,” she says, as she smiles on the other side of the door.

            “Why is everyone saying that to me lately?” I silently ask myself. I change into the dress because I know she won’t let me out until I am in the clothing. The dress isn’t that bad. I actually enjoy how long and flowy it is. I put on the sandals and apply the lipstick in a thin layer. She opens the door when I tell her I’m ready and she stares at me up and down.

            “Get a load of this y lady.” She says.

            “Please stop.” I beg.

            “Did you go to his memorial today?” She asked.

            “Yea.” My smile is gone and she hugs me.

            “It will be fine. We have something for you in your apartment. So you go there, right now.” Everyone is acting funny today. And how can it be raining in Busan and sunny here in Seoul?

            I do as I’m told and drive the ten miles to my new apartment. Parking my car across the street I wait until the light tells me I can walk. Walking up to the building I say hello to the doorman. Instead of taking the elevator I choose the stairs. I am breathless by the time I reach my floor, but I feel like I got my workout for the day.

           Trying not to get too excited I open the door and enter my place. There are post it’s all over the place. They all say stuff like “feel better” and “we love you” and then one says “follow me”. I pick that one up and turn it over.

           “Kitchen.” Is all that is written on the back. I go to the kitchen and there was nothing. I open all of the cupboards and still there is nothing. I open every single drawer and still nothing. The fridge is really the only thing left. I open it and there is a half drunk bottle of soju in there with another post it.

           “Bedroom.” Is all this one said. I follow the directions and walk to my bedroom. There are a bunch more notes in here. I look for the one that would say, “follow me” on it, but I don’t see one. I look everywhere, but still nothing. I see a trail of notes leading to the closet and chase it. When I get to the closet there is a note at the base. I pick it up.

            “Found me.” Is the message this one conveyed. What does that mean?

            “What the hell?” I ask as I turn to leave. Suddenly there are a pair of arms around me and I freak out trying to escape whoever has put their hands on me. When I see the face of the person I was tracking, without warning, a tear hits my cheek.

            “Hello,” said Jun-hyung.

            “When did you get back? I thought you weren’t coming back until next month!” I say looking at his short hair. He looked cute with it short, but did the army really have to chop it all off?

            “It was supposed to be next month but they let me go early because I didn’t take any of my vacation time.” I try my hardest not to smile at the man standing in front of me. As happy as I was to see him, I was still angry.

            “Are you still angry with me?” He asked picking up on my attitude. I nod my head and he extends his hand to me. I take it without hesitation. He pulls me to his chest and hugs me for the longest time.

            “Why did you wait until I remembered who you were to tell me you had to go into the military?”

            “Because you didn’t know who I was, why would you have cared?” He said as if I was a mean person or something.

            “It’s always sad to have to say good-bye to anyone. Even if you don’t know the person.” I say. He leans his head down and tries to place his lips on mine, but I dodge them. I want him to ask me, but I’m not going to tell him that.

            “Did you go see our baby today before you left Busan?” He asked. How did he do that?

            “Yes I went and saw him,” I say as I hug him and rest my head on his chest.

            “How do you know our baby was a boy? She could have been a girl.” He says.

            “He could also have been a boy. I put up a nameplate just after you left. I named him after you.”

            “That was sweet of you.” He says kissing my hair. We are silent for a few minutes before he speaks again.

            “Were our pictures still there?”

            “Mhm…” I wanted to be able to go with him but I wasn’t sure he would ever want to go with me.

            “We should go next week some time.” How was he reading my mind right now?

            “Deal!” I say as I squeeze him and he squeezes back.

            “Can I have my kiss now? I haven’t seen you in two years and would really like to…” My lips cut him off. I couldn’t control myself anymore. I pressed my lips to his as much as I could without hurting him. I was going to attack him later tonight, but there was no reason he needed to know that now.

            “Planning an event tonight?” He asked.

            “How are you doing that?” I ask.

            “When you love someone as much as I love you, you can tell what the other person is thinking by their facial expressions.” He said. “For instance, you want me to kiss you again, right?” I nod my head and he runs to the edge of the bed and crosses his legs. I laugh and run after him. He catches me and rolls on top of me. He plants his lips firmly on mine with all the confidence in the world.

            He pulled away to remove his shirt and got stuck in it while trying to pull it over his head. I giggle and he pushes all of his weight on me. Is he for real?

            “What are you doing?” I ask. Did he pass out? Did he really pass out? I’m going to kill him.

            “Ya! Wake up! Wake up now or you’re dead!” He was miraculously revived and kissed me again. I smile against his lips and just let him hold me. We lay there and he kisses my forehead.

            “You know what I missed most while I was in the military?” He asked. I looked up at his face and lightly place my lips on his. I put my hands around his neck and pull myself closer to him.

            “This.” I whisper against his lips as I kiss him again.

            “Wrong.” He said as I pout.

            “Liar.” I say as I pull away from him.

            “I missed you more than anything.” He said kissing me again. He almost has me out of my dress when the bedroom door slams open.

            “Hi, hyung!” Says Ki-kwang.

            “I told you they were busy.” Said Shin-hye dragging him away from the room by his ear.

            “They have all the time in the world now.” He said as we heard the front door close.

            “What do you think about that?” He asked. I extend my neck and place my lips on his again.

            “That sounds too good to be true.” I say as he pulls me to my feet. He hugs me so tightly that I can barely breathe, but I honestly don’t care one bit.

            “Let’s go to the party.” He said as he pulls away.

            “Or we could have our very own party here?” I say as I push him back onto the bed. Shuffling the covers he places his hands on my bare shoulders.

            “As long as our party lasts us the rest of our lives, I really don’t care where we are.” He said removing my dress completely.





Dear Readers,

Well, it's been fun! I probably won't begin posting another big story like this until the end of January. But I have a few short stories I could post in the mean time! I hope you guys liked my story.



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anasilvia #1
Chapter 5: I like the storyyy!!! poor Junnie