
Bad Moon Rising
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I stood in front of my worn dresser looking into the mirror in a daze. I was a scary sight if I could say so myself. My hair hung in greasy waves around my pale face. I had dark circles under my eyes and my mascara had long since been rubbed away. I wasn’t what you would call handsome. At least, I never saw myself that way, even when I was alive. I was short for a guy, at 5’8” and I wasn’t what you would call fat, nor was I skinny. Kyuhyun said I had a thick build, whatever that means. I guess I look I could kick your , but not really. I was a trained fighter in life, but as only a young vampire, I have no chance with creatures three times my age. Why do you think I put up with Kyuhyun, his winning personality? No, protection pure and simple.


It was a couple of hours before I actually went to sleep. I had too many things running through my head. What had Heechul so worried and did Kyuhyun have a point? Maybe he did? He always had my best interests in mind. I remember the night Kyuhyun came into my life. It was a night neither of us will ever forget.


I had been walking home after a late shift at the restaurant where I worked. The night had been uneventful. Just 8 hours of carrying food and smiling. My feet were killing me and for obvious reasons.


I had decided to take the shortcut down the alley. It would take a half a mile off my trip. Growing up in Seoul, you think I’d learn not to venture down dark allies in the middle of the night. But, I was exhausted.


This was a mistake that would cost me my future, and Kyuhyun his. When I crossed the mouth of the alley, I was immediately into the arms of the Devil. Heechul waited just inside the cover of the alley. He was waiting for anyone who was brave enough to venture down it. Heechul was hungry and desperate. He was exhausted from Kyuhyun’s relentless pursuit of him. Kyuhyun had been trying to stop Heechul from feeding, one of his latest attempts at controlling his sire.


If only I had known what was waiting for me, if only I had taken the long way instead, but it was in the past. There’s no point living your life dwelling on what ifs.


As I disappeared into the shadows of the alley, Heechul’s hands shot out from beside of me. He moved so fast I didn’t have time to react. His arms wrapped around my body, crushing my frame. All the air was forced out of my lungs as he pulled me farther from the main street. I wanted to cry out but couldn’t. I thrashed the best I could in his steal cage like arms.


“Be still!” Heechul breathed softly in my ear, such a velvety voice for a cold blooded killer.


I couldn’t help but listen to his commands and obey. My body went suddenly limp in his arms as he brushed my hair away from my neck. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he trailed his fingers between where my jaw line ends and my neck begins.


I could feel his warm breath on my skin. There was a sharp pain and an excruciating burning sensation as his fangs pierced my skin. I could feel the blood being drained from my body. It was as if the life was being slowly out of me. My heart rate began to slow as he tightened his grip.


Darkness clouded my mind and I knew it wouldn’t be much longer. People say when you’re on the edge between life and death there will be a beautiful white light showing a way to escape the pain. As I slipped farther away from existence I saw no light, only overwhelming darkness. A darkness so think and black I could never hope to find a way through it. I was caught in the arms of the Devil waiting for death. Just as I thought I had no more blood to give and the shadows would consume me forever, he let go.


I fell from his arms my head impacting the pavement. Why was I still alive? Why had the Devil let me go? He left me here to die, slow and painful. I wished for his bite, a quicker release from the pain. I was not so lucky. Something had caused him to flee, but what?


Then I heard it, a voice in the distance calling for me. Its sweet melodic tone filled my head, but what was it saying? I felt myself slipping farther into darkness.


“Stay with me!” the voice whispered desperately


I wanted to scream “What’s happening to me? What drove the devil away.”, but the words wouldn’t come. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder lifting me onto their lap. Their hands were so soft. Was this an Angel come to take me away or just another Devil in disguise?


They placed their hand under my chin forcing my mouth open. Suddenly a warm thick liquid began to pour into my mouth. Its rich

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loveSungmin #1
Chapter 5: I love this story
Gyaaaa #2
I missed this story.. >_<
Still, I like this so far, sometimes not so elaborate stories are just what's needed.
So I hope we'll get to read the whole story...cuz I was afraid for a moment there wouldn't be anymore... :)
Alishaaye #4
Chapter 5: Heechul and Minnie s
Chapter 5: oh so interesting I can't wait for another update
Chapter 5: How do Siwon and Heechul know each other? And I didn't know that they could fly. Update soon!
Jenjox #7
Chapter 5: I'm having a sense of déjà vu reading this story. Did you ever write something like this before? Well either way I like the story and I hope you continue it.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 5: If sires can sense their fledglings, wouldn't Kyuhyun know where Sungmin was? Or does the fledgling have to be in trouble for the sire to sense it (True Blood style LOL)?
Chapter 5: wow, like wow.
Sungmin, you're not the only one who didn't think vampires could fly, lol.
anyway good job!