Late Night Meeting

Bad Moon Rising
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He was late as usual. Why is it guys can never be on time no matter how old they claim to be? Thirty or Three hundred, they’re all the same. I glanced at my watch, 3:30 am. He was officially an hour late. When someone can’t have the decency to be on time for a meeting they called, I tend to get a little angry.


Maybe he decided not to show? Fine by me, I’m usually not one to have secret meetings with the enemy. But desperate times call for desperate measure, or so I’m told. I was running out of nail polish to flake away on my right hand. Nervous habits are hard to break. Note to self, make time for a manicure.


“Sorry to keep you waiting Minnie.” A smooth, rich, velvety voice surrounded me, “But I was delayed.”


He’d called me Minnie. That’s never good. “It’s about time Heechul. I was about to give up on you.”


“My apologies, Minnie, as I said before I was delayed.” Heechul appeared from the shadows of the alleyway before me. His commanding presence was enough to frighten even the toughest man. But I was no man. I know exactly what Heechul is. His motivations at this moment in time, on the other hand, were still a mystery to me.


“Cut the pleasantries Heechul and get to the point.”


“Why so hostile Sungmin? I have come to you out of friendship.” Heechul’s voice swam through my head, I quickly pushed it out. If you let him, Heechul could persuade even the most stubborn person. He had ways of looking at you that could make you melt. I have ways of avoiding his tricks and they’ve worked so far.


“Since when are we friends? I could never be friends with you. I simply tolerate you. I’d kill you if I could and you know that.” He was getting on my nerves and the worst part was he was enjoying it.


“Because Kyuhyun forbids it? What does dear Kyu think of our meeting?” Heechul moved closer to me, the streetlight reflecting in his large black eyes. His pale skin was shocking against his black silk shirt. His long slender fingers trailed seductively down the neat little ruffles where his shirt gaped around his upper body. The smooth marble perfection of his skin gleamed in the city lights. Everything about him always seemed to drive me crazy. His arrogant grin, the way he tossed his dark hair over his shoulder when he knew he was getting to me and the way he moved in general. I hate him.


“Kyuhyun doesn’t know I’m here.” It was true. Why did he have to know I agreed to meet with his sworn Enemy?


“Lying to your lover now are we?” Heechul smiled, flipping his dark brown locks over his right shoulder. I wanted to hit him!


“He’s not my lover! Get to the point Heechul or I’m walking!”


“As you wish.” Heechul laughed as if something I’d said was amusing. I don’t joke. “A few of my…how do I put this? My associates have gotten word that we might have a new player in town.”


“Meaning what exactly?” I hate riddles and Heechul seemed to live for them.


“Meaning…I’ve received threats of war.” His voice dropped to a whisper as if he sensed someone was listening. “I cannot tolerate such threats.”


“I don’t see how this concerns me. If someone wants to wipe out you and your 'associates', more power to them”


“Let me rephrase this. The threats are directed towards us all, Sungmin.”


“I don’t quite understand.”


“They have given no indication of discrimination between your views of good and evil. If we are to survive this, I’m going to need your help.”


“Even if you are telling the truth Heechul, I would never line myself with murderers.

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loveSungmin #1
Chapter 5: I love this story
Gyaaaa #2
I missed this story.. >_<
Still, I like this so far, sometimes not so elaborate stories are just what's needed.
So I hope we'll get to read the whole story...cuz I was afraid for a moment there wouldn't be anymore... :)
Alishaaye #4
Chapter 5: Heechul and Minnie s
Chapter 5: oh so interesting I can't wait for another update
Chapter 5: How do Siwon and Heechul know each other? And I didn't know that they could fly. Update soon!
Jenjox #7
Chapter 5: I'm having a sense of déjà vu reading this story. Did you ever write something like this before? Well either way I like the story and I hope you continue it.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 5: If sires can sense their fledglings, wouldn't Kyuhyun know where Sungmin was? Or does the fledgling have to be in trouble for the sire to sense it (True Blood style LOL)?
Chapter 5: wow, like wow.
Sungmin, you're not the only one who didn't think vampires could fly, lol.
anyway good job!