
Bad Moon Rising
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“Hello,” Eunhyuk grumbled into the phone. He didn’t sound particularly happy to be awake. It was only 6:30pm, but I wanted to find Donghae as soon as possible. So, I was calling in some backup. I wasn’t about to go traipsing off after Donghae on my own. I was crazy not suicidal.


“Morning sleepy,” I laughed as Eunhyuk let out another tired groan.


“Don’t you mean evening?”


“Morning, evening, same difference. So, now that you’re awake…,”


“Wait, where are you?” Eunhyuk questioned, sounding more alert. “Kyuhyun’s worried sick.”


“Why should he be so upset? He’s not my father and it doesn’t matter where I am.”


“Ok, fine. He was just worried when you didn’t show up at the park last night. I for one, thought you’d been eaten by a werewolf.”


“Look can you meet me out side Le Chateau Enterre in an hour? I think I might have a way to find Donghae.”


“Le Chateau Enterre?” Eunhyuk questioned “I don’t think they’re holding Donghae at a fancy hotel.”


“Eunhyuk shut up and just meet me.”


“Fine, but if Kyuhyun freaks because I marched into Heechul’s territory, I’m blaming you.”


“Blame me, just meet me, and call Ryeowook.”


Before Eunhyuk could object any further, I closed my phone and threw it on the bed. I was just about to change out of my silk top and shorts when there was a soft knock at the setting room door. I grabbed my robe off the floor and secured it into place. It was about time Heechul showed up. We were burning moonlight, so to speak. I jerked the setting room door open violently to reveal a startled looking vampire holding a garment bag.


“Ummmm….,” The vampire began, staring up at me through his messy blonde hair. His turquoise eye looked frightened as he extended the garment bag towards me. “Heechul wanted me to give you this.”


“Come on in.” I sighed, heading back towards the bedroom. “So, are you like Heechul’s butler? Uh…what did you say your name was?”


“It’s Henry, Mr. Lee.” Henry seemed nervous somehow. All Heechul’s vampires always seemed on edge around me. I wasn’t that scary.


“Well, it’s nice to meet you Henry, and call me Sungmin.”


“Yes Mr. Lee, I mean Sungmin. I’m supposed to take you to Heechul after you get dressed.”


“You can go tell Heechul he can come to me.” I was not going to Heechul like one of his lackeys.


“Yes Mr. Lee, I’ll tell him, but I don’t know if he will listen.”


“It’s Sungmin. “ I corrected plopping down on the bed and ping the garment bag. Inside I found a pair of black leather pants, red tank top and a short aviator style jacket. It was safe to say I’d be dressed for kicking . “Tell Heechul to meet me outside in thirty minutes.”


“Yes Mr. Lee.” Henry answered opening the bedroom door.

“And Henry; it’s Sungmin.”


“Yes Ms. Am…Sungmin.”


“Geeez, it’s freezing out here.” Eunhyuk whined, approaching me outside of Le Château Enterre.


“I told you to bring a jacket.” Ryeowook piped, gliding up next to me.


“It’s March, it’s not supposed to be cold.”


“Oh, it up baby.” I laughed at Eunhyuk’s whining. Vampires are naturally cold I don’t know why he was complaining. It was only 40F outside.


“It has been particularly cold out the past few evenings.” Heechul stated, appearing from the lobby doors.


“Now we’re in trouble.” Eunhyuk whispered.


“I see you’ve called in some backup, if that is what you want to call them.” Heechul laughed, tossing his hair over his right shoulder.


“Sungmin?” Ryeowook questioned.

“Heechul’s going to help us find Donghae.”


“Like Hell he is!” Eunhyuk exclaimed “Kyuhyun’s going to freak for just standing on the sidewalk next to this monster.”


“Look, Heechul is our best chance at finding Donghae alive and if you don’t like it, tough.” I spat, giving Eunhyuk a strong poke in the chest.


“Ok,” Eunhyuk sighed, grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle pat. “For Donghae.”


“If you are done arguing, I suggest you follow me.” Heechul began, extending his hand towards me.

When all I did was give him funny look, he let his hand fall to his side and began gliding up the sidewalk. Heechul headed west alongside the river, stopping periodically as if to regain his concentration. Eunhyuk remained silent, for once in his life. I think he was fascinated on how Heechul could track Donghae with only his mind. It was a power every vampire sire had, but not all vampires had fledglings.


We had just reached the outskirts of the warehouse district when Heechul stopped suddenly, causing me to run right into him. I got a face full of silky dark hair, which smelled faintly of rose petals, before falling backwards onto the damp ground.


"Nice move!” Eunhyuk laughed as Heechul turned and extended his hand towards me. This time I took it. It was hard enough to move in leather pants without falling on my .


Heechul’s hand was surprisingly warm as he pulled me to my feet. It was hard to concentrate for some reason. It was as if Heechul’s touch clouded my scenes somehow. I pulled my hand back and took a few steps away from him. I instantly felt better, like I was able to breathe again. The look on Heechul’s face was hard to read. He looked as puzzled as I was. Had he felt it too, or was it just another one of his mind tricks?


“You ok?” Ryeowook questioned, placing his tiny hand on my shoulder.


“Yeah,” I nodded, watching Heechul closely. He was staring at his feet. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was afraid to look at me.


“We’re close.” Heechul whispered, peering through a curtain of dark hair. “Stay alert.”


“I’ve been expecting you Sungmin.” A dark voice growled from somewhere in a nearby warehouse. Heechul’s posture stiffened as about ten guys in suits stepped out of various side alleys.


“You know what would have been a good idea?” Eunhyuk laughed. “Weapons”


“We are the weapons.” Ryeowook growled, baring his teeth.


“We have not come to fight.” Heechul stated, watching the circle of men closing in on us. “We have come to negotiate the return of our vampire.”


“We will not negotiate with monsters.” The voice replied calmly.


“Monsters,” Eunhyuk scoffed. “This coming from the animals that ripped apart those people.”


“Wolves are natural creature, beautiful animals. What are vampires, but glorified leeches away nature’s gifts and filling our city with death?” The voice spat angrily. “Bring them inside, let them see what we do to vampires.”


With that the circle of suited werewolves closed in on us. My first instinct was to run, but there was nowhere to go. Ryeowook bared his teeth and lunged violently at the approaching werewolves. While Eunhyuk looked around franticly for anything he might use as a weapon. Heechul, on the other hand, looked as calm as ever. He stepped casually to my side and leaned into whisper in my ear.


“There’s no l

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loveSungmin #1
Chapter 5: I love this story
Gyaaaa #2
I missed this story.. >_<
Still, I like this so far, sometimes not so elaborate stories are just what's needed.
So I hope we'll get to read the whole story...cuz I was afraid for a moment there wouldn't be anymore... :)
Alishaaye #4
Chapter 5: Heechul and Minnie s
Chapter 5: oh so interesting I can't wait for another update
Chapter 5: How do Siwon and Heechul know each other? And I didn't know that they could fly. Update soon!
Jenjox #7
Chapter 5: I'm having a sense of déjà vu reading this story. Did you ever write something like this before? Well either way I like the story and I hope you continue it.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 5: If sires can sense their fledglings, wouldn't Kyuhyun know where Sungmin was? Or does the fledgling have to be in trouble for the sire to sense it (True Blood style LOL)?
Chapter 5: wow, like wow.
Sungmin, you're not the only one who didn't think vampires could fly, lol.
anyway good job!