
Bad Moon Rising
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Downtown Seoul, 10:30pm, is never a good time or place to find a parking spot on a Saturday night. Kyuhyun had been circling the block for at least 20 minutes.

“There!” I pointed out a vacant parking spot along the street. But Kyuhyun kept on driving. “What are you doing?”

“That space is tiny and I’d have to parallel park.” Kyuhyun answered, seeming frustrated.

“If we had taken my car instead your tank of a truck we could of fit.” I pointed out. “Plus, its downtown you’re going to have to parallel park.”

He was the most stubborn man I’ve ever met. I don’t know how I’ve put up with him for five years. I know why, because I had nowhere else to go. How do you really tell your family that you are now the undead? Answer, you don’t. At least, I haven’t found a way yet.

Kyuhyun finally swung his truck into a vacant lot close to where the road dead ends at the river. We weren’t too far from 4th street, but we still had to walk. My cell phone began to vibrate in my back pocket. It was Donghae.

“We’re coming.” I simply stated into the phone.

“Hurry, this thing is making me sick.” Donghae answered. He didn’t sound like his usual cheerful self.

“Ok, we’re coming.” The phone clicked off as Kyuhyun began walking up the street. “Hey, wait for me! What’s the rush?”

"If you haven’t noticed, we’re in Heechul’s territory.” Kyuhyun stated increasing his pace. “The relative peace we have with Heechul depends on certain rules. Heechul and his people don’t hunt on our turf and we don’t barge into his and cause trouble. Donghae knows that!” Kyuhyun was right. From what he has explained to me, Heechul and Kyuhyun have been fighting for years. Until recently, it’s been quite a bloody ordeal.

It has been a battle of Kyuhyun’s morals and Heechul’s murderous nature. Heechul and Kyuhyun are the oldest Vampires in the city. As a general rule, younger vampires tend to seek out older vampires for safety and council. They are the unofficial leaders of the area they inhabit.

Heechul is indeed Kyuhyun’s sire. This should mean that Kyuhyun follows Heechul. For a while Heechul was his dominate, forcing Kyuhyun into situations that tested just what kind of vampire he was. Unlike Heechul, Kyuhyun found a dislike in taking human life. He saw Heechul commit unspeakable acts upon the people of this city and hated him for it. Finally, Kyuhyun found the courage to break free of Heechul’s control.

I don’t know what finally pushed him over the edge, but Kyuhyun swore to put a stop to Heechul’s cruelty. He was not going to let this city be ruled by the damned.

Kyuhyun’s pace quickened as we drew closer to where Donghae was standing on the sidewalk pacing in front of the mouth of a dark side street

“Ok, Donghae what is it?”

“This way,” Donghae smiled, directing us down the dark side street. “I was passing by after the concert and I smelled this awful odor.” Donghae explained, turning quickly to face me. “It smelled like wet dog and blood. Now blood I can handle, but this is insane.” He finished, stepping to one side to let Kyuhyun and I pass.

There was a rich coppery smell hovering in the air, the smell of b

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loveSungmin #1
Chapter 5: I love this story
Gyaaaa #2
I missed this story.. >_<
Still, I like this so far, sometimes not so elaborate stories are just what's needed.
So I hope we'll get to read the whole story...cuz I was afraid for a moment there wouldn't be anymore... :)
Alishaaye #4
Chapter 5: Heechul and Minnie s
Chapter 5: oh so interesting I can't wait for another update
Chapter 5: How do Siwon and Heechul know each other? And I didn't know that they could fly. Update soon!
Jenjox #7
Chapter 5: I'm having a sense of déjà vu reading this story. Did you ever write something like this before? Well either way I like the story and I hope you continue it.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 5: If sires can sense their fledglings, wouldn't Kyuhyun know where Sungmin was? Or does the fledgling have to be in trouble for the sire to sense it (True Blood style LOL)?
Chapter 5: wow, like wow.
Sungmin, you're not the only one who didn't think vampires could fly, lol.
anyway good job!