
Bad Moon Rising
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Life was so much simpler when I was alive. Get up, go to work, come home, and go to bed. Five years ago I would have never pictured my Saturday nights being filled with dead bodies. I had been sitting in my living room clutching my teddy bear mug full of blood for almost an hour. Kyuhyun and Donghae had disappeared after leaving the alley. God knows what Kyuhyun was doing to Donghae.

Personally, I have never been 'punished' for my actions. I have, except for a few minor things, done what Kyuhyun has told me. I am usually one to challenge authority, but I believe the reason I am submissive to Kyuhyun, is fear. I did not willingly doom myself to this life, or should I say unlife? I didn’t know what happened to me. Kyuhyun was there to guide me through the dark. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for Kyuhyun, let alone alive.

The blood in my mug was just beginning to cool when Kyuhyun came stumbling through the front door. It took me a second to realize something wasn’t just right. Kyuhyun took approximately three steps and collapsed onto the living room floor.

“Kyuhyun,” I gasped, literally sprinting across the room. “Kyuhyun can you hear me?”

“Min,” Kyuhyun groaned, trying to sit up. He looked like he’d been hit by a truck. There were two huge gashes on his face, one bisecting his left eyebrow. Blood was beginning to trickle out of the corner of his mouth as he once again tried to speak. “Donghae…,”

“Did Donghae do this?” I questioned, helping him to the couch. “I swear when I see that boy again…,”

“No…,” Kyuhyun interrupted “We were attacked.”

“Was it Heechul?”

“No…,” Kyuhyun began, voice gaining its strength back. “We were ambushed by werewolves. God Sungmin, there were so many of them. They took Donghae.”

“What? Is he ok?”

“How am I supposed to know, Min?” Kyuhyun gasped a hint of pain to his voice.

“I thought a vampire could feel its fledglings, especially if they were in trouble?”

“Normally you would be correct. But Donghae isn’t my fledgling, he’s Heechul’s.”

“What? I thought you were his only fledgling to escape his power?”

“When I left, there were a handful of others who tried to come as well. Donghae was the only one to make it out alive. He’s a tough kid. You know, I really should stop referring to him like that. He’s not a child, although he can act like one sometimes.”

“So, we get him back.”

“How? The only person who could have the slightest idea where Donghae is, is Heechul.”

“Therein lies the problem. Heechul isn’t the most helpful of people.”

“Even if he was, we are not bringing him into this. Heechul is dangerous, manipulative, and self-centered. He wouldn’t agree to help us without wanting something in return. Promise me you won’t involve him, Min. Promise me.”

“Fine, we’ll find Donghae another way. I just hope we’re not too late.”

20 minutes and a couple dozen phone calls later, and everyone was assembled. Who’s everyone? Well I’ll enlighten you. Kyuhyun, and all of the vampires that follow him, are a part of the Non-biting Vampire restoration unit or the NBVRU. Our goal is to let the vampire community know that they don’t have to take human life in order to survive. We currently have 34 members, nothing compared to the hundreds under Heechul’s power. We may be small in number but we get things done.

“Werewolves,” Eunhyuk laughed, pacing the room with a bag of Cheetos tucked under one arm. I swear I’ve never seen the man when he’s not eating. Not that his excessive food consumption showed in his appearance. Eunhyuk stood around 5’8”. Not incredibly tall now a days, but he was the tallest in his village, or so he said. He is modestly built, toned but not too muscular. Eunhyuk ran a hand through his dark red hair t as he shoved another Cheeto into his mouth. “Gets funnier every time I hear it,”

“There’s nothing funny about Donghae being missing.” I growled snatching the Cheetos bag from his hands.

“Hey, I was eating that.” Eunhyuk spat, glaring at me with his piercing violet eyes. Yes I said violet. Vampires are unique in that we all tend to have shockingly colored eyes. Eunhyuk’s are a little more unique than most. Kyuhyun’s eyes as you know are a vivid green, Heechul’s a crushing black and mine are a light blue almost lilac. One way to pick a vampire out in a crowd is their eyes.

“Would you two shut up?” Ryeowook piped in, smacking Eunhyuk in the back of the head. “We’re here to find Donghae not fight.” Ryeowook was our oldest member, next to Donghae that is, though his appearance didn’t reflect his age. He was the shortest person in the room and his fragile features gave him the illusion of youth. His short brown hair combined with his delicate features made him sort of resemble a pixie. Eunhyuk seemed to pride himself on pointing out this fact.

“Oh, go on a bug Tinker Bell.” Eunhyuk laughed, plopping down on the couch next to Kyuhyun. “So, what’s the plan?”

“I propose we start looking where we were attacked and see if we can’t track them from there.” Kyuhyun sighed. “It’s the only logical plan I could come up with.”

“But, that could take days even with everyone helping.” I interrupted. We didn’t have time for a wild goose chase. Donghae’s life depended on us being quick, if he wasn’t dead already? “There’s got to be a faster way.”

“There’s not,” Kyuhyun growled, glaring up at me. “It was my fault Donghae was taken. We’re doing this my way!”

“But,” I began. Kyuhyun was being stubborn as usual. Heechul knew exactly where Donghae was. I don’t care if he wants my eternal soul in return; I want to find Donghae and fast. Wait, do vampires have souls? I’ll have to ask Kyuhyun when he’s not so grumpy. “If we just…,”

“No! It’s the only way without hindering your promise and our laws.” Kyuhyun continued, turning his attention to the room. “We’ve got approximately three hours until sunrise. Grab whatever you need and meet me at Riverfront Park in 20 minutes. Meeting adjourned.”

As Kyuhyun and the others searched the park, I set my own plan into motion. I was going to see Heechul. I know I promised Kyuhyun I wouldn’t; But Heechul was our best bet at finding Donghae alive. Once Kyuhyun saw Donghae alive and well, he’d surely forgive me. Wouldn’t he? I’d think about that later. Now I had to track down Heechul. This was harder than it sounded. I never had to actually find Heechul before. He always sought me out. Luckily, I had an idea. Heechul had left a message on my phone earlier. All I had to do was return his call and set up a meeting, right? There were a total of three rings before a deep voice answered.

“Yeah,” was all the mysterious voice answered. So friendly, not!

“Uh…,” I began “Can I speak with Heechul?” There nice and polite. I hoped I had the right number.

“Who the Hell is this and how did you get this number?” The voice thundered. Probably one of Heechul’s bouncer bodyguards.

“Uh…,” Now what? “This is Lee Sungmin and I need to speak with Heechul now!”

“Sungmin who?” he questioned “Look, I don’t know any Heechul.”

“It’s Lee and I don’t believe you. Who am I speaking with?”

“None of your damn business; don’t call here again!” Click. How rude. I was not going to be discouraged that easily. Two rings this time followed by Mr. none of your damn business.

“What?” he shouted. He seemed distracted somehow.

"Look, this is Lee Sungmin again, and if you don’t let me speak with Heechul I’ll…,”

“You’ll what?” he laughed loudly. “Look, I don’t care what your name is Mr. Lee. I told you before I don’t…,” His sentence cut off as someone interrupted our conversation on his end.

“Hello!” I would not be ignored. “Hey, I’m still here! Don’t you dare ignore me! Hello?”

“What is your location?” Mr. none of your damn business answered his tone flat and emotionless.

“Excuse me?”

“Listen, where are you?”

“None of your damn business!” It was my turn to be rude. “If you’re not going to let me talk to Heechul…,”

“Can y

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loveSungmin #1
Chapter 5: I love this story
Gyaaaa #2
I missed this story.. >_<
Still, I like this so far, sometimes not so elaborate stories are just what's needed.
So I hope we'll get to read the whole story...cuz I was afraid for a moment there wouldn't be anymore... :)
Alishaaye #4
Chapter 5: Heechul and Minnie s
Chapter 5: oh so interesting I can't wait for another update
Chapter 5: How do Siwon and Heechul know each other? And I didn't know that they could fly. Update soon!
Jenjox #7
Chapter 5: I'm having a sense of déjà vu reading this story. Did you ever write something like this before? Well either way I like the story and I hope you continue it.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 5: If sires can sense their fledglings, wouldn't Kyuhyun know where Sungmin was? Or does the fledgling have to be in trouble for the sire to sense it (True Blood style LOL)?
Chapter 5: wow, like wow.
Sungmin, you're not the only one who didn't think vampires could fly, lol.
anyway good job!