Innocent Lulu and Bratty Suho

Parent's Intuition

Luhan’s birthday was coming up rather quickly (Both dimensions, actually!) and it was just two days away before Luhan became 7 years old and 24 years old. Confusing sometimes, I know. Suho is planning to get the boy a new soccer ball since Xiumin claims that it just accidentally found its way into the furnace in the nearby house at the park. Kris was preparing a… let’s just say it’s something special to say the least.


Meanwhile, Luhan (The 23 year old one) was trying to chase down a terribly hyperactive 5 year old Joonmyun. Sehun — who wasn’t doing and was just sitting on his lazy — was enjoying seeing his hyung work his off trying to handle this child. Kris wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He was probably working on his latest ‘masterpiece,’ or so he calls it.


“This is not what I planned to do two days before my birthday.” Luhan grumbled to himself as he finally managed to catch up to the small active boy who was currently flailing his tiny limbs everywhere. Sehun laughed, clearly enjoying the older’s struggle with life. “Sometimes I wish you were a child, but then I realize you already are on.”


Sehun raised his hands up as if surrendering, “Whoa, Lu. That hurt,” He pointed to his heart, “It hurts right here.” He did his usual weird face thing which he does instead of pouting. Sehun is weird, Luhan thought to himself.


“I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with you just like Suho and Kris.” Luhan carried Suho over to a desk (Which had several books stacked up so the boy can actually use it as he was too short. HAH) and settled him on top of the stack, “Suho, you need to do your homework since you’re dumb as a 1st grader.”


Suho crossed his arms, “I don’t wanna! I hate books. And work. And writing. And words. And you.”


“So much sass…” Luhan whispered to himself. He heard Sehun snicker in the background. Luhan sent a menacing glare towards him.


“Hey, kid.” Sehun called to Suho, whose attention was grabbed, “Do your work and maybe Lu here can give you some of his sweets.” Luhan’s mouth opened in shock not believing that Sehun threw him and his sweets under the bus like that.


“Yes! I want sweets!! Can I have sweets? Suho wants sweets! I’ll do this poopy work because I love you, Sehun hyung!… And sweets!” Suho said cheerfully, “Not Luhan hyung, though. You’re mean.” He started to pick up the pencil and started to concentrate on the worksheet in front of him.


Luhan walked over to Sehun and sat down besides him, “I don’t like kid Suho,” Luhan whispered to Sehun, “He’s hitting on my precious boyfriend.” Sehun hit Luhan on the arm and shoved him away playfully.


“Pft, boyfriend,” He rolled his eyes, “Yeah. Whatever you want to think, Luhan.” Luhan pushed Sehun playfully.


“That’s Luhan hyung to you, maknae Sehun.” He corrected, saying it in a matter-of-factly manner.



“REBELLION!” Sehun shouted, throwing his first into the air. Kris (The little 6 year old boy) jumped out of nowhere from another room and screamed, “YEAH!” Luhan sighed at what he has to deal with. Not just two children, oh no, it was three — and it included Sehun.





“Kris appa!” Luhan screamed, “MinMin is being mean to me again!” Soon enough, Kris stumbled into the two’s shared room and nearly broke his head open as he rushed to the troubled child.


“What did Xiumin do?” He asked, panting in between since he had to run from Tao’s room upstairs (He was helping fix his panda by stitching it up but Kris’s hand was getting to bloody)


“He took my favorite soccer jersey and won’t give it back!” He held onto Kris’s overly huge hands, “A-and he said that he won’t ever give it back and he’ll burn it!” Luhan said, sniffing and wiping the tears he forced from his eyes to come out.


Kris sighed. These two are always bickering and fighting even if one of them weren’t in the room. “Why can’t you two get along…” He said aloud, “I mean, when you guys were adults—” Wait no Xiumin and Luhan from the other dimension or something are different people… I think, “— You guys would always be by each others side and SKINSHIP.”


Luhan looked at Kris with big, innocent, deer-like eyes, “What’s skinship?” He asked so innocently that Kris probably died a little inside.


Kris cleared his throat and looked to the side. He feels like he’s going to die of embarrassment from saying this innocent definition, “It’s um, just to describe the intimacy of two people. Like, feeling each other and stuff.” He coughed. Luhan was still looking at him with those big, curious eyes. “What?”


“What’s intimacy?”


Kris swallowed something that was forming in his throat, “Um. Uh, the thing that people do to show affection and love or say something to them but not like at them. Yeah. They do those things in public or wherever they are. I think that’s what it means.” And in that moment, Kris swore that he will never, ever, plan to work with kids in the near future. Whenever that is.


“So if I did this…” Luhan jumped up on Kris’s back and brought him down to his knees and started to climb up him until he finally wrapped his arms around the older’s neck. He kissed the older on his cheek and Kris cursed in his mind at this boy triggering skinship everywhere he goes. “Is this intimate?”


“Um,” He said, dumbfounded, “Sure why not.” No this is not intimate this more breaking my back I DON’T CARRY ALMOST SEVEN YEAR OLDS.


“Kris appa Kris appa!” Luhan shouted, pointing towards Xiumin who was running around the dorm chasing Lay with the beloved soccer jersey of Luhan’s wrapped around his neck, “Xiumin has my soccer jersey! Go go go!” He kicked Kris’s sides and soon enough, the older male was lying on the ground in pain. “Kris appa?”


Kris groaned in pain and his free arm that wasn’t being crushed by his own heavy body was clutching his side, “Kris appa is… not okay…” He said, voice muffled as his face was currently smashed against the floor, “Not okay… Luhan, please get off Kris.” Luhan seemed to ignore the older male’s request and started to jump up and down on him, worsening the pain. Luhan was clearly enjoying this.





“Alright Kris,” Chanyeol said, staring down the 6 year old boy, “It’s between you and me.” If the two were in a movie, this would be those scenes in a Western film where two people are about to draw their guns and shoot.


“And me!” Baekhyun said cheerfully. Chanyeol stared at him with a serious face (Something he doesn’t do often) and looked back at Kris. “One minute remaining until the final draw!”


Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s arm and leaned down to reach his ear, “Baek, you’re ruining the moment here!” He said a tad bit frustrated. Baekhyun simply smiled his gleaming smile.


“All in a day’s work, Yeol. All in a day’s work.” He patted the giant on his back.


Chanyeol sighed and pinched his nose bridge, turning back to the child who was intensely watching them with the serious face expression that the older Kris had before. “Alright Kris, between you and me. You promised that you would shower without Tao, deal?”


The boy nodded, “You promised to buy me stuffed plushies.” Chanyeol nodded with Baekhyun just staring at them dumbly. Baekhyun whistled to give the effect of the ‘western showdown’ but Chanyeol immediately hit him on his back to stop him from losing concentration.


“You really like hitting me,” Baekhyun pouted, showcasing off his adorable and kissable lips hurt puppy expression. Chanyeol sighed and told him to hurry up and start the match with a ‘bang.’ Out of nowhere, a small toy gun appeared in everyone’s hand. Maybe it was filled with paintballs, no one knows really.




Baekhyun started. Chanyeol and the child standing across from him both flexed their fingers to ‘intimidate’ one another.




They had their grips on the magical toy guns, waiting for the other’s action. Chanyeol kept eye contact with Kris, even if the little — well no, he’s pretty tall for a six year old — boy was quite intimidating for his age.




Both grips on the guns loosened by a tiny bit.



Baekhyun screamed out immediately as Chanyeol and Kris both drew their guns out. Chanyeol’s gun shot out confetti and a banner saying ‘bang!’ while Kris’s was an actual paint gun (or pistol, whatever you may call it) and the paint ball hit Chanyeol straight on the forehead, knocking him back. Baekhyun tried his best to stifle a laugh, he really did, but tears continued to fall from his eyes from all the laughing. When Baekhyun was down from his fit, he got up from the floor and helped Chanyeol up.


“Baek,” Chanyeol said flatly with a hint of disbelief in his voice, “Why.”


Baekhyun snickered, “That’s because.”


Chanyeol turned and looked down at him, “Because what?”


“Because why not?” Baekhyun smiled. He took his shirt off and, without feeling embarrassment or shy because it’s Baekhyun, he wiped the paint off of the giant’s forehead like a mother would if a child had food at the corner of their mouths. Chanyeol was pouting like a child while Kris silently celebrated his victory.


“Baek, please put your shirt back on. Have shame, man!”


“You’re one to talk.”


“Someone is feeling quite sassy today.” Chanyeol mumbled to himself though he knew Baekhyun heard quite clearly since the boy was smiling with his 1000-watt smile. The giant walked over to Kris and patted him on the shoulder.


“Ya did good kid,” Pat pat, “You did good.” Chanyeol winced at the burning pain from the force after he got hit by that paintball. This boy is like a sniper. A deadly one. Scary too. wow.


“Can we go buy my plushies now?” Kris asked flatly. Chanyeol sighed and motioned for Baekhyun to come along with him as they buy the entire store a few stuffed plushies for the boy.


Baekhyun tapped Chanyeol on his shoulder, “S’up?”


Baekhyun’s eyes were filled with curiosity when he looked up at him. He was somewhat pouting but at the same time not, “Yeol,” He started, “Don’t you ever wonder what it’s like for Kris and Suho — our Kris and Suho — to deal with us 10 as kids?” Chanyeol hummed in thought.


After a good minute or so, he thought of a response, “Sometimes.” He shrugged, “All I know is that it’s gotta be hell dealing with us and the others. Especially us Beagle-liners!” He grinned giving a thumbs up to the other.


Baekhyun smiled and nodded, “I hope we can see them again. Oh! And our little selves.”


“Don’t we all.”




here you got your innocent lulu and your not so innocent luhan. next chapter will be their birthdays! (im speaking as if they are two different people while they technically are but not at the same time)

and we got that baekyeol sneaking up in this chapter

and we got dat lil suho being a brat and dat lil tall kris being a sneaky

oh and this is how the dorm layouts are (Tao and Suho are switched so its all the three maknaes~)

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for someone who is looking for a new story of mines, i have a new one posted! 'last one standing' is the title.


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Chapter 10: wwwwww so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!
Chapter 10: This is so precious. I always love this from the firt time i found it several years ago.
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Sehunnie
Chapter 10: Speechless .... S.u.p.e.r D.o.u.p.e.r CUTE!!!!! I'm sobbing now huhuhuhu!!!

Thanks for this, Authornimmmmm!
Chapter 10: This story is adorable! Love it!
kenxdesooin #6
Chapter 10: That was ssuper duper awesome........ ccute
Chapter 10: Nearly scared the heck out of me seeing my name at the end. Great story!
Nana4048 #8
Chapter 1: Haha, its obvi eevee
Chapter 10: Awwww, cuteness overloadssss!!!!!!