Little Kyunggie-soo

Parent's Intuition

Months have passed since Kris and Suho became parents of 10. It was currently Mid-April, slowly approaching Luhan’s birthday. On Kai’s birthday back in January, Kyungsoo gave him a big kiss on the cheek and Suho prepared a cake (In which Kyungsoo gladfully helped, well, tried to) for the spawn of satan boy while Kris bought him presents. One of which were a 3DS even though you really aren’t supposed to give a 3 year old such an item… (Hey, I started playing games when I was 2 but that was on an SNES) And the other being a Krong plushie from the cartoon Pororo. Kai was wondering how to work this ‘new technology’ for a good three hours until Kris took it and started playing it without knowing. A few days before, Kyungsoo’s birthday, Suho didn’t know what to get the sweet baby since Kyungsoo himself didn’t know what he wanted. In the end, Suho bought him the Pororo plushie. Now both Kai and Kyungsoo won’t stop making impressions of the characters from the cartoon. Curse the two for loving Pororo with a burning passion.


Xiumin’s birthday was in March and he constantly bragged to Luhan saying: “I’m still older than you, I’m still older than you!” and Kris swore during that week, he was going to get himself arrested for nearly throwing Xiumin across the ocean over to China. Or farther. Yes, farther is better. On Xiumin’s birthday, Luhan kept on whining on how he wanted his birthday party to be better than Xiumin’s, which was actually spent at a soccer game. Both Xiumin and Luhan loved it since the two were huge soccer fans, but Luhan’s team was losing so he felt angry and whiny the entire time.


Soon enough, Sehun’s birthday quickly approached on. Funny enough, he said his first word when both Kris and Suho went to the child (Who can now walk; first steps being in February). They were both greeted with the first word of Sehun, well… since he became a child, that is. Shockingly, his first words were:


“Kris appa! Suho umma!” Sehun gladfully bounced around, clapping like a baby seal. Both Kris and Suho’s mouths were left agape, shocked that he actually said something. Suho felt like crying since he felt how it is to be a proud mother father who hears the first word of their child. Kris was shocked that the boy already was developing a lisp at this point.


“Oh my god, Sehunnie spoke!” Kai gasped, pointing at the boy with shocked eyes. Suho hit Kai on his head. “What was that for?!”


“You don’t say, ‘Oh my god’ in this dorm.” Kai stuck his tongue out and Suho did the same as well. Kris hit both of them on their heads. “What the hell was that for!?” Suho yelled.


“We don’t say ‘hell’ in this dorm—”


“Kris appa and Suho umma go hell!” Sehun cheerfully said. Kai was currently dying from laughter as both the blood drained from the two adults and they were pale as ghosts.


Suho leaned over to Kris (Actually tiptoed) and whispered to him, “He gets this from you.”


Nonetheless, everyone had fun celebrating the younger’s birthday. Eventually it ended up with the living room of their dorm to have cake thrown all over the place. Suho was sure to give everyone long lectures about respecting others and yadda, yadda, yadda. During Suho’s lectures, Lay and Kyungsoo were free to go since they are absolute sweethearts and Xiumin claimed that Suho was biased towards them. Xiumin was grounded for three days which resulted in Luhan playing and messing with the older’s stuff.


Soon enough, Luhan’s birthday was approaching. That was when Kris came up with this conclusion:


“What if…” Kris suddenly stood up, “We’re living in a different dimension,” He started to whisper, “And like, it’s only us two that went to this dimension where the others are kids?” His own mind was blown from this shocking conclusion. Suho stared at him with great intensity and was silently judging him.


Suho replied flatly, “Then that means we’re missing in the real one.”


“WHAT IF… We’re dead over there? Or missing? What about the others that are worrying about us right now over there?! WHAT IF WE DON’T EXIST THERE ANYMORE AND NO ONE REMEMBERS US?!” Suho stood up and smacked the tall blubbering idiot on his head.


“Kris, be realistic.” Suho said in his motherly tone. The other rubbed the area on where he was hit and groaned silently.  “This isn’t fiction. This is real life, you idiot.” Suho was pinching the taller on his arm, causing him to yelp in pain.


Kris managed to escape the death grip of the shorter. Short people really have a bad temper, Kris thought. Then he came up with another conclusion, “You know, I saw this thing on this British show called Doctor Who and there was this girl who had her phone and she could call her friends back in her time even if she was in the past or future. She even had all bars wherever she went!” Another slap on his head. “Ow.” Kris winced, rubbing the same area of where he was hit, “Try it at least!”


Suho sighed, tired of dealing with the 10 other kids and Kris’s , “I don’t understand how people think you’re so manly. You are such a child.”


“At least I don’t look like one.” Kris retorted. Suho immediately grabbed Tao’s Wushu stick which was conveniently besides Suho. He shoved Kris to the ground and stomped his foot hard on the older’s back. Kris nearly coughed up blood.


“Say that again, I dare you.” Suho threatened. The stick was right on the back of Kris’s neck and he wouldn’t hesitate to break it.


Struggling to get up, Kris wheezed out, “I’m fine…” before coughing violently since the wind from his lungs were knocked out when he hit the floor and Suho stomped on his back.


“If you say that again you won’t be.” He removed his foot and the stick from the other and fixed it back into its previous place. Suho grabbed his phone from the charger nearby (He always carries his charger with him wherever he goes) and checks if he has a signal. Suho gasped, “Oh my god.”




“I have signal here. ALL of my bars. AND internet.”


“Try calling someone!’ Suho nodded and touched the phonebook icon. He decided to call their dorm’s main phone knowing that it’s loud enough to wake them up if they’re asleep.


“If someone picks up, I swear on my motherly soul…” The tone continued on as both Suho and Kris anxiously waited for someone to pick up the other line.





“GUYS,” Chanyeol yelled across the dorm as he was currently trying to catch a little kid in their dorms, “The phone! Someone get the phone!”


“I GOT IT!” Three people yelled at the same time. Kyungsoo, Chen, and Kai raced towards the phone that was currently ringing in the living room. Kyungsoo grabbed the phone first, causing Chen and Kai to fall on top of each other. Kyungsoo laughed in victory as the other two groaned in pain.


Kyungsoo cleared his throat, “Do Kyungsoo here, how may I help you?” Kai snickered at him sounding like he worked for a store company or for customer service. Kyungsoo hit the younger boy on his head.


“Oh my god Kris he picked up! He actually ing picked up the phone!” Shouted the other recipient on the line.


“Um.” Kyungsoo said flatly, “Who is this?” He asked, curious and scared of what the answer may be.


“Kyungsoo oh my god I miss you so much IT’S SUHO AND KRIS AND HELP.”


Kyungsoo’s mind took a minute to register what was just said because… Suho and Kris? Suho and Kris were children right now and 6 year old Kris was just running away from Chanyeol while 5 year old Suho was sleeping soundly in Kyungsoo’s room.


“Hyung!? But— How— You’re— You guys are children here! Both 5 and 6 year olds!” Kyungsoo was panicking at how the this is happening. How is 23 year old Kris and 22 year old Suho calling when they were 5 and 6 years old right now?


“You guys are annoying. Especially Kris.” Kyungsoo now hit Chen on his head with the back of the spatula he always carries. ‘Lucky’ he says it is.


“Yeah? Well we’re dealing with 10 annoying little brats— Oh wait, that’s you guys.” Kris’s familiar voice was heard, obviously in his sarcastic tone.


“But how are you guys… you know, calling? Where the hell are you two??”


“Kris came up with this conclusion that we’re in a different dimension and we just woke up with 10 annoying little kids that are exactly like you guys and we’re the only adults. It’s been months since I’ve seen you 20 year old children.” Kyungsoo wasn’t sure if Suho was going to cry over the phone or not, since he’s pretty sure he heard small whimpers and he could hear the tears just coming out of the older’s eyes. “I MISS MY DONGSAENGS.”


“IS ACE DOING OKAY??” Kris yelled through Suho’s quiet sobs (Maybe Suho wasn’t crying and Kyungsoo was just delusional).


“Yes hyung, Ace Wu is doing okay. And I miss you too, hyung! Back in January, we just found you guys as children wearing oversized clothes, so we all thought you were turned into children and we had no idea how to get you guys back to normal.”


“Maybe we did go to a different dimension then…” Kyungsoo heard several things crash in the background. Probably plates or a vase or something of the kind. “Ugh,” Suho grunted, “Chanyeol and Baekhyun knocked down another vase down again. I swear, they’re probably worse than when they were adults.”


Kyungsoo silently shook his head and Suho swore he could sense it as well. “Trust me hyung, they are far worse than their younger versions. I just have a feeling.” As if on cue, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were heard chasing Kris through the kitchen as he refused to take a bath. “Right now, Kris — well, 6 years old Kris — doesn’t want to take a bath because Tao isn’t here. He keeps saying he wants to shower with him.”


“Interesting… You know— Hey, watch it! Oh my god stop tickling me right this instance, Kyungsoo! Yixing not you too!” Kyungsoo heard the phone drop on the ground and Suho laughing in the background, begging for ‘them’ to stop tickling them. He also heard Kris yelling in the background at presumably Chanyeol and Baekhyun (The little s kids) telling them not to run around the house with fire in hand.


“Hellooo?” A small, adorable voice greeted with curiosity. Kyungsoo couldn’t help but squeal inside at how adorable the little boy sounded.


“Um, hi…” Kyungsoo greeted back quite shyly, “I’m Kyungsoo. What’s your name? Where’s Suho?” He heard giggling in the background and Suho was still laughing as he heard more voices gather and Suho’s laugh turned into loud sobs.


“My name is Kyunggie-soo too! I want to meet big Kyunggie-soo!”


Kyungsoo cursed silently in his mind at how adorable his own child self sounded. “Maybe someday.” He laughed. “Can you try to give the phone back to Suho, though? And… What is happening over there?”


“But Suho umma is tired. Wittle Kai started to run after Baekkie hyung and then Chanyeollie hyung wanted to save him. Kris appa got angry when they broke a big vase! XingXing and ChenChen were talking and then they started to have tickle wars! Suho umma got tickled a lot though. It’s lots of fun, big Kyunggie-soo!” The small child said with such amazement, it was too adorable to not squeal at.


Goddamn, why am I so cute?, Kyungsoo thought. “Ah, I see. Tell Suho umma to call big Kyunggie-soo later, okay little Kyunggie?” He was positive that he could hear the small boy nodding with an adorable smile on his chubby face. Kyungsoo was pretty chubby as a child, but he was pretty damn cute too.


“Okay, big Kyunggie-soo! Byebye! Suho umma and Kris appa are angry right now.”


“Bye, little me!” The line was silent and Kyungsoo sighed. He was too busy squealing at the little Kyungsoo’s adorableness to notice that Chen and Kai were laughing their asses off.


“Oh my god, you are so cheesy and such a dork!” Kai laughed out, clutching the sides of his stomach. Then the both of them said with air quotes: ‘Suho umma’ ‘big Kyunggie-soo’ ‘little Kyunggie’ and the two started to laugh even harder.

“You two are going to starve tonight.” Kyungsoo was also planning on poisoning their food too. But damn, Suho and Kris are dealing with the same thing just with us 10 as children… We got lucky, Kyungsoo thought.






Also this was supposed to be about the kids' birthday but then this happened.


SO KRIS AND SUHO ARE IN A DIFFERENT DIMENSION. also doctor who reference woo


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for someone who is looking for a new story of mines, i have a new one posted! 'last one standing' is the title.


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Chapter 10: wwwwww so cuteeeeeeeee!!!!
Chapter 10: This is so precious. I always love this from the firt time i found it several years ago.
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 1: Sehunnie
Chapter 10: Speechless .... S.u.p.e.r D.o.u.p.e.r CUTE!!!!! I'm sobbing now huhuhuhu!!!

Thanks for this, Authornimmmmm!
Chapter 10: This story is adorable! Love it!
kenxdesooin #6
Chapter 10: That was ssuper duper awesome........ ccute
Chapter 10: Nearly scared the heck out of me seeing my name at the end. Great story!
Nana4048 #8
Chapter 1: Haha, its obvi eevee
Chapter 10: Awwww, cuteness overloadssss!!!!!!