Amusement Scary Park

Can't You Love Me Too?

Why here? Out of all the games, why here? This is what he called HeeRin’s favorite game?

Myungsoo is busy explaining how he misses going here with HeeRin and so on, that he doesn’t realize that my body had turned stiff. I can feel my heart beat a little faster, everytime I see the writing ‘HAUNTED HOUSE.’

“Myungsoo, stop,” I exclaimed, earning a silence and attention from him. “I am not going in there.”

He looked shocked and all, “ I thought you want to ride this. Come on, HeeRin, where did all your guts go?” he started whining like a little kid. Not forgetting to give tons of aegyo.

As if its magic, everytime the name ‘HeeRin ‘ is spoken, realization hit me hard. Is being HeeRin means facing your biggest fear? I tried so hard to deny the fact and act brave, but everytime I took a step forward, my fear bring me back two steps. I am still hesitating on my spot, when suddenly a pair of familiar hands push me from the back. Slowly and scared, I reach the the entrance. What’s worst is that in this haunted house, we need to walk on our feet, the scarer you are, the more time you took to get out.

As we stepped into the dark alley, I hold onto Myungsoo’s arm so tight and it seems like I don’t want to let go of it. He chuckled and said with much sarcasm, “Where did all your guts go? We used to love this place, remember?” It was like he was trying to remind me the day HeeRin walk away from him.

I didn’t care much to whatever he said, I am trying watching out for any surprise attack from the ghost. So far, there is just scary paintings on the wall and creepy music. Myungsoo can sense my fear through my grip, as he start to feel uneasy with his decision bringing me here.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a man without eyes and creepy face appear right in front of my face. I couldn’t hold it back any longer, as if so vulnerable, I might faint any moment. I screamed at the top of my lungs, and drop to my knees. I’m trying to get away from the ghost man, not willing to see his face, I shaked my head vigorously as tears started to stained my pale face.

Myungsoo got on his knees quickly, surprised to what is going on. He quickly helped me to get up and hugged me tight. Not caring about the act again, I hit him on his chest repeatedly, “I hate you so much, I want to get out of here.”I sobbed and sobbed so hard, that I think I will lose my sanity.

He hugged me so tight without any word spoken, he slowly lead me out of that creepy place. I see no more ghost appearing again since I was covered my Myungsoo’s chest that act as my shield.

As soon as I see the sunlight, I get a little calmer, but tiny sobs are still heard through my mouth.

“I’m sorry,”Myungsoo whispered, I can sense guilt from his voice. “I never meant to scared you, I thought you love this place.”

I feel guilty too for lying to him, when all he wanted to do is to make HeeRin happy. I tried to laugh dryly, “It’s okay, Myung, I’m just not ready for horror stuffs.”

And for the very first time I initiate a hug, I step a little closer and circled my hands around his waist. Not long after that, I can feel his arms too, it feels so warm and right.

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Udh brp subscriber nihh xD kliatannya laku bgt! xD
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 22: OMG wut the hell sunggyu???
OMG oh no
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: Update soon! I'll be waiting! ^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 20: Oh no!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking.... But how is it possible for your boyfriend to not remember how you look even if the last time ur saw each oner was like 3 months
I hopenmyungsoo doesn't break up with her just because she's not seulin.........
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: I feel so mean >_< When I read that Sunggyu's eyes got 2 times larger, the first thing that popped into me head was "Probably a good thing for him to have bigger eyes" *rolls around on floor in embarrassment*

Poor Myunggie doesn't know whats going on with her though waaahhhhhh
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 19: Uh oh... He's going to figure out sooner or later!! Uh oh!!
I just hope that myungsoo won't break their relationship apart
And author nim could u pls update a little quicker next time?? ;( I keep forgetting what's happening in this story... I understand if u can't
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 18: Omg no!!!!! What's going to happen if myungsoo finds out that she isn't his real girlfriend? I hope he doesn't just dump her, she's already fallen in love wit him tho ;(
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 18: AHH CLIFFHANGER!!! <333 UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 17: Your story is interestingg!! Cannot wait for your next updaateee!!