a careless day out

Can't You Love Me Too?

Today is Sunday, Myungsoo is on his way to pick me up. We are going to the amusement park, because he said he really miss spending time with HeeRin and don't want to lose any second with HeeRin ever again. I really pity him, on how he misses HeeRin so badly, but the HeeRin infront of him is totally fake. I keep on thinking and thinking about him, till I forget the time. I only have 30 minutes left before Myungsoo arrives.

I quickly dress casually, just a simple oversized tee and a polka dot leggings and add a pair of flats. I still have a few more minutes left, so I decided to just make a simple breakfast for me and Myungsoo. Not long after I finish putting the tuna sandwiches inside the boxes, I can hear the honking of Myungsoo's car, signalling that he is here. With a last look to the mirror in the living room, I walked out the main door and directly enter his comfortable sport car.

After I enter the car, Myungsoo didn't say any greetings or give me warm hugs, he just stare me from the top of my head to the end of my feet. I start to move uneasily and give out weird feelings, "Is there something wrong with how I dress?" I asked him curiously, hoping for a praise not a question.

However my wish is not fullfilled, he look at me confusely and guessed,"why do you dress like this? I thought you never like leggings."

I, still in my confuse state, question him with face full of worries, "why should I? It's comfy and easy to move around."

"Did you change that much for the time you're gone? You said it's hot and too tight, HeeRin."

When he said the name HeeRin, I feel like thunder attacking my brain, and I mentally slapping myself. I am HeeRin, not Seul Rin again. HeeRin HeeRin HeeRn HeeRin HeeRin HeeRin HeeRin HeeRin HeeRin

I try to keep my face very calm and give out a very goofy grin, "I was in a hurry before, so I just get something that is easy to wear. Changes is not bad right?" I tried to change the topic and questioned him.

"hmm.. You show more of your y legs this way." he shrugged casually.

I followed along his jokes and shouted playfully, "you're such a cheesy ert!" And I give out the biggest pout.

"Come on, if you keep on pouting, I will not drive the car to the amusement park." he chuckled playfully, with a sense of guilt in his voice.

Hearing the word amusement park, really brightens up my mood, I automatically smile and tug the end of his sleeves to make him drive.

He smile lovingly and ruffles my already tangled hair. "Since when my HeeRin becomes childish and messy." he said that very casually while starting the engine, but those phrase hit me hard, am I so different?

"People change you know. Do you want tuna sandwich? I just made them this morning." I'm trying to change the mood by asking him about food, since his love of food is bigger than anything in the world. However my question didn't get a nod or shake. He just press his lips, and asked me without a smile,"Did you forget already that I hate tuna? Why did you made one?"

Why am I so careless today!!

"No, no, no, of course I will never forget that you hate tuna, I just want to make one today and I am scared that you might forget to eat your breakfast this morning." I shake my head vigorously and tried to defend myself.

Then suddenly I heard an erupt of laughter coming from my side, Myungsoo is laughing non stop while clutching his stomach and stuff some tuna inside his mouth. "I was just joking, babe. Why do you get all tensed? I love everything you made, remember? But this tuna is kind of salty." he confessed with his mouth still full.

I don't really care much about his comments about the taste of my food, but one thing that lingers on my mind.

I need to learn more about him, he is very full of surprise.

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Udh brp subscriber nihh xD kliatannya laku bgt! xD
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 22: OMG wut the hell sunggyu???
OMG oh no
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: Update soon! I'll be waiting! ^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 20: Oh no!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking.... But how is it possible for your boyfriend to not remember how you look even if the last time ur saw each oner was like 3 months
I hopenmyungsoo doesn't break up with her just because she's not seulin.........
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: I feel so mean >_< When I read that Sunggyu's eyes got 2 times larger, the first thing that popped into me head was "Probably a good thing for him to have bigger eyes" *rolls around on floor in embarrassment*

Poor Myunggie doesn't know whats going on with her though waaahhhhhh
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 19: Uh oh... He's going to figure out sooner or later!! Uh oh!!
I just hope that myungsoo won't break their relationship apart
And author nim could u pls update a little quicker next time?? ;( I keep forgetting what's happening in this story... I understand if u can't
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 18: Omg no!!!!! What's going to happen if myungsoo finds out that she isn't his real girlfriend? I hope he doesn't just dump her, she's already fallen in love wit him tho ;(
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 18: AHH CLIFFHANGER!!! <333 UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 17: Your story is interestingg!! Cannot wait for your next updaateee!!