Midnight Mess

Can't You Love Me Too?

After the dinner with Infinite and Hana, I quickly asked Myungsoo to drive me back home. Not wanting to rise any suspicions from anyone, I tell them I wasn't feeling well. Myungsoo being the protective one quickly took off his jacket and put it on top of my shoulder, to keep my body warm as he me slowly to his car. I love this feeling.

The drive back home was silent, Myungsoo seems to be in deep thought while placing his eyes on the road. I braved myself to asked him, "Myung, what are you thinking about?" "Do you know Hana?" he questioned me.

"Of course, we met before, right?" That question took me off guard and annoyed.

"Not that, I mean she seems to know you very well. Do you go to the same school as her before?" Why can't he stop asking questions?

"We even have different age, do you start to doubt me, just because a person said I look like her friend?" without realising I raise my voice.

"I was just asking, I am not doubting you! Why do you start to get all angry?" Myungsoo shouted back, I can see that he start to lose control too.

"I'm not angry, just open the car door." I need to get away from him, I need to cool off myself or I might make things worst between us.

"What? Just because of little matters, you want to get away from me?" Myungsoo started shouting again. I just stayed silent, afraid that I might burst with anger. Not getting an answer from me, makes him even angrier, "Fine!" he conclude angrily while unlocking the car door.

I started to stomp my way out of the car, after a good distance from the car, I started to release my anger by kicking stones around and ruffling my own hair. Without myself realising, I have went farther than what I expected, where am I? I have never seen this road before.

"What is a pretty girl doing here in the middle of the night? Mind to accompany us?" a voice suddenly knock me back to my senses.

Myungsoo POV

"What is going on with her? Why did she suddenly get all worked up and angry?" I started to think to myself.

I think I doubt her too much, she doesn't even know Hana. Argh. It have been almost 30 minutes, where is she?

She don't even know the way back home, this is the first time she go to Woohyun's house. I need to find her, what if anything happen to her? I am not letting go of her for the second time.

I quickly went out my car and started to run around like mad, Hee rin, where are you? My forehead began to sweat with worries.

Just then I heard a muffling sounds before a shriek was heard. That voice, I am not wrong, it's her. "Myungsoo!!"




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Udh brp subscriber nihh xD kliatannya laku bgt! xD
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 22: OMG wut the hell sunggyu???
OMG oh no
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: Update soon! I'll be waiting! ^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 20: Oh no!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking.... But how is it possible for your boyfriend to not remember how you look even if the last time ur saw each oner was like 3 months
I hopenmyungsoo doesn't break up with her just because she's not seulin.........
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: I feel so mean >_< When I read that Sunggyu's eyes got 2 times larger, the first thing that popped into me head was "Probably a good thing for him to have bigger eyes" *rolls around on floor in embarrassment*

Poor Myunggie doesn't know whats going on with her though waaahhhhhh
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 19: Uh oh... He's going to figure out sooner or later!! Uh oh!!
I just hope that myungsoo won't break their relationship apart
And author nim could u pls update a little quicker next time?? ;( I keep forgetting what's happening in this story... I understand if u can't
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 18: Omg no!!!!! What's going to happen if myungsoo finds out that she isn't his real girlfriend? I hope he doesn't just dump her, she's already fallen in love wit him tho ;(
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 18: AHH CLIFFHANGER!!! <333 UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 17: Your story is interestingg!! Cannot wait for your next updaateee!!