the start of everything

Can't You Love Me Too?

"Seul rin-ah, you remember our promise right?" My stepmom asked me all of a sudden on my 19th birthday.


I was 17 back then, I went back home drenched by the rain, but I couldn't find anyone. The lights are dimmed and the house is empty, where did everyone go? My parents abandoned me alone, with nothing but pain. Fortunately, the house was sold to a very kind old lady, she took favor on me because I look exactly like her "dead" daughter. She offer me a trade, I need to be her step daughter, that includes living in the house, eat everythng I want, and gets pampered, however someday, I need to return her any favor that she ask. I agree quickly without thinking twice, since right now my condition is lacking, and I need to get everything I can to stay alive.

*flashbacks ends*

" yes, mom, how can I forget it, what do you want from me?" I asked quickly, not wanting to hurt her feelings.

She took a deep sigh before spilling out the news," You are going to marry Hee Rin's boyfriend. Hee Rin is my daughter, I have no idea where she is right now. My life have been hell without her and so is Myungsoo's. I may not see Hee Rin again, but I want Myungsoo to be my son in law. And you, Seul Rin, will make a perfect replacement. " She clapped her hands repeatedly in joy.

For awhile, the words got stucked in my throat. I'm still 19. "You want me to marry him?"

Suddenly her face turn serious, "Not you, but Hee Rin." then she pauses for awhile, that seems like an eternity of confusion, "from now on you are the new Hee Rin, you are 21, your birthday is no longer today, but 18 November 1992. Understand?"

All I could do is nod my head once weakly, still trying to process the loads of new identity I just got.

My name is Park Hee Rin, I am 21, I am about to marry my boyfriend, He is Kim Myungsoo. This new identty stuffs keep on spinning in my head til it brought me to dreamland. If I am Hee Rin, where would Seul Rin go?

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Udh brp subscriber nihh xD kliatannya laku bgt! xD
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 22: OMG wut the hell sunggyu???
OMG oh no
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: Update soon! I'll be waiting! ^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 20: Oh no!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking.... But how is it possible for your boyfriend to not remember how you look even if the last time ur saw each oner was like 3 months
I hopenmyungsoo doesn't break up with her just because she's not seulin.........
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: I feel so mean >_< When I read that Sunggyu's eyes got 2 times larger, the first thing that popped into me head was "Probably a good thing for him to have bigger eyes" *rolls around on floor in embarrassment*

Poor Myunggie doesn't know whats going on with her though waaahhhhhh
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 19: Uh oh... He's going to figure out sooner or later!! Uh oh!!
I just hope that myungsoo won't break their relationship apart
And author nim could u pls update a little quicker next time?? ;( I keep forgetting what's happening in this story... I understand if u can't
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 18: Omg no!!!!! What's going to happen if myungsoo finds out that she isn't his real girlfriend? I hope he doesn't just dump her, she's already fallen in love wit him tho ;(
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 18: AHH CLIFFHANGER!!! <333 UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 17: Your story is interestingg!! Cannot wait for your next updaateee!!