The Night Over

How Long Is Forever?


C h a p t e r 4:


Because of MinHo’s schedules, he wasn’t able to see MiYoung for a week.  When he would arrive at her studio, she wouldn’t be there.  What worried him was that he realized she hasn’t really been inside the studio.  Everything seems to look the same; where the paint palette was and the stand of her sculptures, all the same.  He lied down on the couch in the dorm.  He didn’t like staying inside the house alone.  The feeling was unbearable for him.


                “Hyung, what’s wrong?” TaeMin asked.


                “Something’s up with MiYoung,” he said.


                “What do you mean?” TaeMin asked worriedly.


                “She hasn’t been to the studio for a week and she’s always there like you said.  I bet she does too, because there’s so much inside.  I know she made it home safe last week since I heard from Onew hyung that she did.  I don’t know what’s wrong,” MinHo said.


                “You know, we don’t have a schedule tonight.  Why not just go there now?” TaeMin asked.


                “I already did, she wasn’t there,” he said.


                “Go again, wait for her.”


And that’s what he did.  He thanked TaeMin and immediately left, hoping to find her.  All he had to do was turn a corner, but he suddenly stopped when he heard yelling and screaming.  His eyes widened when he heard MiYoung yelp in pain.


                “Yah!  I know what you ing did last week!”  His eyes widened again.  ‘TaecYeon hyung!’


                “What do you mean?” MinHo heard MiYoung asked as she cried.  He made a fist, holding himself back from disrupting the two.


                “What did I tell you about staying away from SHINee?  Gosh!  Don’t you know how much I love you!  If you go to them, you’re going to go back to MinHo!” he yelled.  “And now, I come back earlier than expected because of a mistake in the schedule to hear this?  And, it’s on the news!”


                “N-News?” MiYoung stuttered.


                “Yeah, the news.  He kissed your cheek and you did nothing about it?  You’re such a !  You know what happens when you do this?!  You never listen to me!  I know that you meet up with TaeMin the most and with Key, Onew, and JongHyun!  And now MinHo is in the picture!”


                “Ahh!”  TaecYeon had slapped her cheek and punched her arm.  “Stop!”


                “And if I don’t?!”


                “Stop it!  Just stop!  I don’t want to be with you anymore!  You always do this to me!  I don’t love you, I never did!  I love MinHo oppa!” she yelled in frustration to him as she held his arm.  “Ah!”  TaecYeon just harshly pushed her to the ground and left.  Knowing that TaecYeon was out of sight, MinHo ran to her side and hugged her.  “O-Oppa!”


                “MiYoung, I love you, I love you so much.  You should’ve told me everything,” MinHo whispered to her.  All she did was cry into his chest.


                “I’m sorry.  I didn’t want you to get hurt,” she said as she sobbed in his chest.


MinHo pulled away and looked at her face.  He touched her slapped cheek and he gently touched her punched arm.  He gently pulled her up and she just hugged him tightly, afraid that he’s going to leave her.  ‘This is my entire fault.  I never came back to her five years ago.  If I did, none of this would’ve happen.’


                “C’mon, let’s get something icy for your cheek,” he quietly said.  She only nodded and hid her face in his chest.


MiYoung sat down on the bench that was near the convenience store that MinHo went to.  After about five minutes, he came back with a small bag of ice.  He sat down next her and gently put the ice bang on her cheek.  She flinched from the cold.


                “It’s so cold,” MiYoung chuckled and held the bag.  He let go and faced her.


                “Well, it’s supposed to be cold,” MinHo replied.  It was then silent between the two.  “So…did he really plan to hurt me?”  MiYoung frowned and bit her lip.


                “He planned to hurt either you, any of the SHINee members but mostly me,” she answered.


                “Why is he doing this?” MinHo asked.


                “He’s obsessed and it’s scary.  He’s always been obsessed.  2PM oppas are carefully watching him, but to them, he’s normal.  For me, I know it’s some mental illness,” she answered.  MinHo nodded.


                “Well, don’t worry because I’ll be protecting you from now on.  Finally, I get to be with you,” he said and rested his head on hers.  MinHo looked up at the sky.  “We should head home, it seems like it’s going to rain.” 


MiYoung nodded and they stood up.  Halfway along the way, it started to pour.  They sprinted, with MinHo ahead and MiYoung following.  They stayed at the porch for a bit since the roof covered their heads as they arrived.  MiYoung looked at him confused.


                “I thought we were going to my place?” she asked.  MinHo chuckled.


                “Well, one, I don’t know where you live and two, I want to be alone with you so I don’t want the members to intrude so why not go back home.  Our home,” he answered as he stared deeply into her eyes.


MiYoung did the same and smiled.  MinHo unlocked the door and they walked up the stairs to their room.


                “Ah, I don’t have any clothes,” she pouted.


                “Don’t worry, you can borrow mine,” he answered.  “Or you can sleep .  Anything is fine.”  MiYoung turned to glare at him.


                “Haha, very funny,” she sarcastically said.


MinHo chuckled and gave her a black shirt, boxers, and basketball shorts.  She went to the bathroom to take a shower.  MinHo took a T-shirt and pajama pants before going to the bathroom out the hallway.  The two entered the bedroom at the same time.  They chuckled and smiled at each other as they walked to bed.  It felt awkward for MiYoung as she kept space between them.  MinHo just chuckled and pulled her onto his lap, making her gasp.  He chuckled again and rested his head on her shoulder.


                “I love you,” he said.  MiYoung smiled.


                “I love you, too,” she responded.


MiYoung bit her lip and turned to him.  She just looked at him, giving MinHo a curious look.  Slowly, she cupped his face and kissed his two cheeks.  She then kissed his forehead, the tip of his nose and his ears.  She then kissed his neck as MinHo felt shivers down his back.  She looked at him again before kissing him on the lips.  MinHo took dominance and gently laid her on her back.  He pulled away and smiled.


                “You’re such a teaser,” he said before kissing her again.


They felt heat building up in their bodies.  MinHo kissed her neck, leaving a small mark.  He then went back to her lips and continued on.

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Chapter 6: Interesting story! I also thought that the story would end with the gun shot :)) It's great that it didn't :)
shineebling #2
@musicbeat omg lol me 2 XD
When I was reading the previous chapter, I thought that was the end. Thank Goodness it wasn't. Very nice!
So cute! Even though it's short, I think there's alot of quality that makes up for the quantity. The twist is nice, because it made it more interesting, and I love happy endings ^^ Thanks for sharing with us!