I Love You

How Long Is Forever?


C h a p t e r 3:


                Fortunately for MinHo, there wasn’t any practice.  The members ate breakfast together and goofed off as they did.


                “TaeMin, you’re turn to clean up,” JongHyun said.


                “Okay, then I’m off,” MinHo said.  “I’ll see if I can come back tonight.”


It was chilly outside as MinHo walked around.  It was only nine in the morning once he left the house.  He decided to go to MiYoung.  ‘I’m not giving up.  Not until I have a reason to.’  The day was quiet and nice.  Many teenagers and children were at school so this was his advantage to quickly get to MiYoung’s studio.  He stopped and found her painting again.  He loves how concentrated she looks whenever she paints.  Hesitantly, he walked inside.  MiYoung stopped and looked up.  She gasped again.  ‘H-He’s back.’  She just sat there, watching him walk up to her.  In a swift moment, he pulled her into a hug, a hug that brought everything together; their feelings, their love.  Just a hug is enough for them.  He soothed her once he heard her crying as she tightly hugged him back.


                “Mianhe, oppa.  Oppa, oppa, MinHo oppa,” she kept saying.  MinHo allowed his tears to silently fall, happy to have her in his arms again.


The both of them were silently sitting on the grass by Han River.  They stared at the water and the reflection it gave off.  The silent was a little awkward for them, mostly for MiYoung.


                “So…” MiYoung started off.  MinHo just looked at her, waiting for her to continue.  “Why’d you look for me?  I thought you hated me.”


                “Hated you?  What do you mean?” he asked confusingly.  MiYoung just sighed and shook her head.


                “Never mind,” she said.


It was silent again.


                “MiYoung, what happened between us?  I mean, all I remembered was the fight and then you walked out and that’s all,” MinHo asked.  He heard her scoff and then a cold chuckle.


                “You sound as if you had memory loss,” she joked a little in a cold voice.  Not once did she look at him which drove him nuts.  “Do you really want to know?”


                “Yes,” he quickly answered.


                “So, that’s why you just looked for me?  Just for answers on what happened huh?” she asked.  MinHo bit his lip when he saw tears forming in her eyes.  “I mean, since yesterday, I thought you actually wanted me back.”


                “MiYoung, I do want you back.  What are you talking about?” he asked.  “I love you, don’t you know that?”

For the first time they arrived, MiYoung looked at him.  MinHo just frowned.  He can see the weakness, the fear, and sadness in her eyes, something that he only saw once and that was that fight they had before, except it was little worse.  He can see how broken she is.


                “After that argument, I just walked out and went to f(x)’s dorm.  I told them everything and I made sure that they never tell you that I’m at their dorm.  A week passed, and I haven’t heard from you.  I was hoping that you would try and search for me, but Krystal told me nothing, Victoria told me nothing.  Sulli told me nothing either, not even Luna and Amber.  I would see you on variety shows and you seem fine to me.  I never noticed your wedding ring, which told me that it’s time to pack up.  So, I left and never had I mentioned you or seen you, well in person of course,” she slowly explained because of the tears rolling out of her eyes.  MinHo just sat there, feeling guilty.  He sat there wondering why he can’t remember anything.


                “And you and TaecYeon?” MinHo asked.


                “He saw me one day while I was grocery shopping and he helped me and we just progressed,” she said.  “We’re together as boyfriend and girlfriend, but secretly we are.”


MinHo only nodded.  ‘This is my fault, I’m so selfish.  And…I feel so hurt, but I deserve it.  At least hyung is making her happy, I hope.’


                “Are you happy?” he asked.


                “Not like before,” MiYoung answered.


MinHo looked at her again and frowned.  He reached out and grabbed her arm and carefully checked it.  MiYoung didn’t bother to do anything.


                “Who did this to you?” he asked as he found bruises and some cuts.  She didn’t answer, making him impatient.  “Yah, Choi MiYoung, tell me right now.”  Suddenly, she just smiled, leaving him in a clueless state.


                “So, you still find me to be your wife?” she asked.


                “Of course I do.  I mean…we never signed any divorce papers, right?” he asked.  She shook her head, making him smile.  MinHo smirked then hugged her tightly in his arms.  “Then, you’re still mine, not TaecYeon hyung’s.”  MiYoung chuckled.


                “Oppa, I’m hungry,” she mumbled.  He looked at her and smiled.


                “Okay, then let’s go to your favorite pasta place,” MinHo said, making MiYoung smile.  ‘I guess he really does care for me.’


                “Okay, so what will it be?  Chicken alfredo like always?  Or raviolis or spaghetti and meatballs?” he asked her.  She just laughed.


                “Chicken alfredo please,” MiYoung replied.




Once they ordered, the two just looked around the place.  For MinHo, besides the change and color and renovations of the place, the place still felt the same for him.


                “I don’t know why, but…”  MinHo looked at MiYoung once she spoke.  She was just staring at the table.  “If an event like earlier happened, I’m supposed to be mad and furious still.”  She looked up at him.  “But I can’t anymore.  I know the first day I wanted you out, but when you came back, I had that spark of hope that you wanted me back.”  MinHo quickly grabbed her hands.


                “Of course I did.  I guess I’m five years late,” he said quietly as he looked away.  MiYoung just nodded.  “But…I heard 2PM is out of the country for about a month.  Let’s make this month memorable then?  Or…whenever we can be together?”


                “Okay oppa.”


MiYoung and MinHo just stared at each other.  MinHo noticed the changes in her though.  ‘She’s not as bright as she used to be.  She’s tired and I see pain.’  His hand slowly reached to her cheek.  He frowned.


                “How did you bruise your cheek?” he asked.


                “Clumsy moment, you know,” she answered.


MinHo only nodded.  ‘Please stop lying to me, MiYoung.’  The two quietly ate as they got their food.  MinHo quickly paid before MiYoung did anything.  He looked at her pouting and chuckled.


                “Aigoo, you’re so cute,” he said as he pinched her cheeks.  She pulled his hands off of her cheek.


                “Psh, you never changed at all,” she mumbled as she massaged her pinched cheeks.


MinHo held her hand as they walked side by side.  He put on his cap and sunglasses, hoping no fan would notice the two, but then, a few did.  They would always recognize MiYoung, for she was MinHo’s husband and she is a famous artist.


                “Hey, I think that headband would look cute on you,” MinHo suddenly said and dragged her inside an accessory store.  He picked up a purple headband with a bow on it and put it on her.  He smiled.  “Cute.”


                “Really?” she asked.  MinHo nodded and took out his phone to show her reflection.  She smiled.  “Ooh, I like this.”  MinHo took the headband off and went to the register.  He bought her the headband and put it back on her head.  “Gomawo, oppa.”


                “Anything for my angel,” he said and kissed the top of her head.


                “Still so cheesy,” she said and playfully rolled her eyes.


It was night time and they were at the corner of the street.


                “Are you sure you can go home alone?” MinHo asked.  MiYoung nodded.


                “Yeah, don’t worry about me.  That sudden schedule can’t go on without you,” MiYoung answered.


While they were playing some games in the arcade, Onew had called him for a schedule that was put up.


                “Stupid schedule,” MinHo muttered.  MiYoung chuckled and patted his head.


                “It’s alright.  I’ll see you around,” she said.  MinHo nodded and smiled.  Before he left, he kissed her cheek.


                “I love you,” he said to her.  MiYoung blushed as she can feel her heartbeat.


                “I love you, too,” she said sweetly to him with a smile and watched him leave.  “I really do, oppa.”

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Chapter 6: Interesting story! I also thought that the story would end with the gun shot :)) It's great that it didn't :)
shineebling #2
@musicbeat omg lol me 2 XD
When I was reading the previous chapter, I thought that was the end. Thank Goodness it wasn't. Very nice!
So cute! Even though it's short, I think there's alot of quality that makes up for the quantity. The twist is nice, because it made it more interesting, and I love happy endings ^^ Thanks for sharing with us!