Chapter Three

An Infinite dream come true.
The next morning I wake up and for a minute I wonder where I am but then it all comes back to me. I smile to myself then I look over at Sunggyu's bed but it is empty. I go in the bathroom and have a shower and wash my hair then get dressed and towel dry my hair until it is just damp. I go out into the living room and it is quiet. I see Sungjong sat at the table eating breakfast but the others are nowhere to be seen. I say "Morning SUngjong, Where are the others?" He says "Morning noona, come and have breakfast." I sit at the table and he says "The others have gone to train for a while in the gym." I say "You're not joining them?" He says "No, I do not feel too well at the moment." I tell him to feel better soon and he gives me a smile and thanks me.
After breakfast I sit on the couch and Sungjong comes and lays down with his head on my lap. He closes his eyes and I play with his hair. He has got blonde hair at the moment and I tell him that colour suits him and he thanks me. We stay there for a while then I hear the door open and someone shouts out "I'M HAVING FIRST SHOWER" and Sungyeol runs through to the bathroom. The others come and sit down apart from Dongwoo and Sunggyu. I see Dongwoo nudging Sunggyu then Sunggyu says to me "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I say "Of course" and Sungjong sits up so I can stand. I follow Sunggyu out to the balcony. He says "We have all enjoyed you being with us and noona says that you were a big help last night." I say "It has been fun and a dream come true." He stays quiet for a minute or two then says "We are in England for a week, how would you like to stay with us for the week? Noona says she would love your help and we would love to spend more time with you getting to know you." I smile and say "I would love to but I don't think I can." I look kind of sad and Sunggyu says "Last night while you were sleeping I took your phone and phoned your boyfriend. I explained things to him and said that you will be paid. He says that it is okay with him." I look at him and say "Really?" He nods and smiles so I say "Then I would love to." He smiles again then goes into the others. I hear him say "She says yes."
I lean on the wall looking out over London and I feel someone stand next to me. I look to my left and Dongwoo is stood there. He gives me that amazing smile of his and says "So you are going to be with us for the week, yes?" I smile and say "Yes, thank you for letting me do something that would make every Inspirit jealous." He smiles and looks out over the city. After a few minutes I say "I will need to go shopping, I need more clothes and things." He says "Don't worry it has all been arranged. Noona will go with you. Get everything you need and it will be paid for." I say "I should pay for my own clothes." Dongwoo shakes his head and says "Please allow this." He touches my arm as he says this which makes a tingly sensation go through me. I look in his eyes and get lost in them. I bow my head to him and say "Kamsahamnida." He looks surprised says "You know Korean?" I shake my head and say "I only know a few words, I can't hold a conversation. But I would love to learn." I hear someone call me and when I turn round Sunggyu says "Noona is here to take you shopping." I smile then turn to Dongwoo and say "See you later." Then I bow my head and walk in.
Who knew that shopping could be so much fun. Unni helps me pick out so many different clothes, including underwear and sleepwear. I also get more than one pair of shoes and other stuff like deodorant, shampoo etc. When we are finally finished we head back to the hotel.
Later that night it has been said that this is our last night here then we are moving on. I am talking to Sunggyu and I say "I really think I should sleep on the couch, I don't feel comfortable taking someone elses bed. You all need good sleep." Sunggyu says "You maybe my noona but I refuse to let you sleep on the couch, you are a girl and we will not allow a girl to sleep on the couch." Woohyun says "Why don't she share with one of us, there's enough room in my bed." Sunggyu glares at him and Hoya says "I don't think any of us would mind sharing with Carolyn noona, she would be safe with any of us." Sungyeol says "Accept with Woohyun." This makes Woohyun sit there and pout. 
Sunggyu looks at me and says "Would you be okay with sharing with someone?" I say "I don't mind as long as none of you have to sleep on the couch." Sungjong says "So how do we decide?" Sunggyu gets up and walks over to the table. He empties the fruit out of a glass bowl and says "Everyone's name except for Woohyun will be put on pieces of paper and folded up. Woohyun says "Hey that's not fair" and Sunggyu glares at him again and continues "We will put them in the bowl and mix them up. Carolyn noona will choose a piece of paper and whoever's name it is will share with her for the whole week." He looks at me and I nod. Once all the names are in the bowl he brings it over to me. I look around the room and all eyes are on me. Apart from Woohyun as he is sulking. I reach into the bowl and pull out a piece of paper. I unfold it and look at the name. When I see the name my face goes red. I say "It's Dongwoo" and I hide my face behind a cushion I was hugging.
Later on I go to bed before Dongwoo. When he actually comes to bed I pretend to be asleep as I feel him get in under the cover. I wait for a few minutes then I slowly open my eyes expecting him to be asleep. But instead he is led on his side facing me with his eyes open. He smiles and says "Are you okay with this?" I give a small smile back and say "Yes I am okay." He then says goodnight and I say goodnight back to him.
When I wake up in the morning I can feel something heavy on me. I slowly open my eyes and all i see is a body. I turn my head slightly to see what is on me and Dongwoo has his arm over me. I try to move but the arm tightens round me. I look at his face and all of a sudden his eyes open. He moves his arm and I move back over to my side of the bed. We both say sorry at the same time which makes me smile. He says "I'm sorry, I don't remember that happening." I smile and say "Don't worry, I can't remember either." He then says "I will get up first" and he gets out of bed and leaves the room. I hear a laugh and I look over to Hoya's bed. He says "Get used to waking up like that." He then rolls over with his back to the room. I get out of bed and gather together my clothes I am wearing today and other needed bits. By the time I have done this Dongwoo is back. I go into the bathroom to shower and dress.
After breakfast we all pack up our stuff and get in the limo to move on to the next hotel. When we get there we find our rooms and I put my stuff in my room. Me and Dongwoo got the room with the double bed and Hoya again has the single bed in our room. After we have got everything sorted the guys put on disguises and we go out to do some looking around and shopping etc. When we finally get back to the hotel it is almost time for dinner.
After dinner we go to a nightclub for a while but the guys are still wearing their disguises. They try to get me to dance but I tell them I can't dance and I sit at the table not far from them. I sit there and watch them as they have fun on the dance floor. Even in disguises they have the ladies staring at them and keep coming up to them. I look at Dongwoo dancing and he has a couple of girls trying to dance with him. I can't help but feel kind of jealous. But why? Is it because he is my bias? Yeah that must be it, cos it can't be anything else, can it? Sungjong comes over and sits next to me clinging on to my arm. He says "Save me noona, she won't leave me alone." I look up from him and there is a girl coming towards him. I give her a look and slowly shake my head at her which makes her stop. She is about to continue when I give her another look and she suddenly changes her mind and walks off. Sungjong smiles and thanks me so I put my hand on his and say "Nobody messes with my maknae, don't worry she won't come near you now."
Later that night when we get back to the hotel suite we sit and talk for a bit then I start to feel kind of tired and excuse myself then head to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready for bed.
A/N: I hope that you are liking this so far. I was really worried about writing this. Please continue to subscribe and once again thank you to the two that have upvoted this :)


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Chapter One updated :)


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wongLXN #1
i love these
Chapter 10: aaaw, sweet ending ^^
Chapter 10: Noooo~! :'(
Why?I like this story!!
Chapter 9: Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful time! :)
Happy New Year! in case I won't be able to say it to you ;)
Chapter 9: Nooo!!I want moreee! XD
PLEASE update soon!!!
Chapter 8: I want her with Dongwoo! *.*
Please update soon!
Chapter 7: are you talking to me? *points to self* :D *feels like royalty* xD
The scene was nice ;) I mean, it couldn't be just any , it had to be romantic cause of the situation. I felt this chapter had a very romantic and warm atmosphere :) I think the amount of was right for this kind of story ;) *thumbs up*
Txs for the chapter!!! :D
Whooa!I like this story!
I love you author!Please update soon!
Chapter 5: I am ^^ tehehe.... they're naughty :D the question is...was this part of your dream? :P
Chapter 3: hehehe, so you dreamed this? *^*