Free #19

{ Concept Garden }

Title: End of the Tunnel

Genre: Suspense/Thriller/Horror/Drama


Plot: Homeless MC lives on the streets with a tragic past

Lives by collecting cans and recyclables and exchanging it for money

Doesn't like to talk to people usually as MC finds them disgusting at times

One day, a kind stranger, SC, from the homeless shelter takes MC in

As MC settles down in shelter, notices odd behavior

Other occupants in shelter are always nervous and jittery, cowering before the stranger

MC makes some friends with the other homeless people, warming up to them

The rules include: don't open the back door, never waste anything - clothes, food, water - anything, stay clean, no crying.

One of MC's friends disappears; shelter dismisses it as she finally found a home

MC is concerned and curious now; MC begins to dig deeper on the disappearance

Finds a note carved into her friend's bedpost reading "LEAVE WHILE YOU CAN"

MC is now very curious on what's happening and a little frightened

Another disappearance at the shelter and with little attention paid to it

One night, MC hears a faint scratching sound from the back door and opens it

Finds her friend, starved and bleeding on the floor trying to carve another note before passing away

MC looks at the half-finished carving, deciphering it as "IT'S HIM"

Confused she decides to enter the room that her friend had come from

The back door closes and a PA announcement blares out: "Waste not want not."

Another door from the ceiling opens and down falls rotten waste, broken cans and bottles, gathered from the shelter and streets

MC must find a way to move the waste aside or be buried alive. MC survives.

A door opens and MC scurries to the lighted room ahead, the door closes.

An announcement proclaims "Keep yourself clean." A hole from the ceiling pours blood into the room.

With rising levels, MC searches for the switch that they had noticed beforehand

Barely manages to switch the bloodstream off and it drains, leaving MC bloodsoaked.

A door opens and MC enters it warily. Door closes and another anouncement.

"Try not to cry." in a mocking tone unlike before.

A gas begins to fill the room, making MC hallucinate about their past

Abusive parents scream at them, beating MC

Friends go astray calling MC a freak; Psychological damage that never truly healed is brought back to light.

MC is covering their ears, shutting their eyes to prevent this flood of memories

A single tear drops from MC's eyes.

And the nightmares begin. Instead of mere memories, faceless creatures, howling sounds emerge into MC's sense.

One vision is that of the kind stranger, who is holding a clipboard and flatly stating "This one passed".

MC tries dearly to hold in their tears, until finally curling up into a ball and rocking themselves.

The sounds and images fade; a door opens. 

Crossing the threshold, MC sees a brightly lit park, with children playing and joggers running. Normal things.

Staggering away from the dreaded door, MC stumbles into the nearest hospital to be treated for schizophrenia and dementia.

MC finds themselves awakening in a hospital room with the people laying in pools of blood. And in the MC's hand holds a bloody knife.


The shelter again. 

SC is in the same hospital as MC, except viewing them from a camera placed in the hospital.

Scribbling some notes onto their clipboard, SC mutters to themselves, "The first success in years," before walking outside to greet a young tattered boy scrounging through a garbage bin.



Am I even sane right now for thinking this? OH GODS CRIMINAL MINDS WHY YOU DO THIS. I watched an episode, had a freaky dream so now BAM!


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Added a cute cover for Concept Garden! c:


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Chapter 22: May I use Free #19?
mfabulous #2
May I use Free #11 and #18 kinda combined? Your plots are so interstellar!- heh get it.. okbye
Chapter 11: I'd like to use this idea, do you mind?
Chapter 1: I really liked this one and actually thought about finally getting down to writing again after all of these years but saw that someone had already asked for it. :( But never the less, this was a very amazing idea! XD
Because I'm too forgetful, here is my form.

Preferred Title: Light The Darkness (I may change the title..)

Theme: Romance/Action/Fantasy

Characters: OC, Baekhyun, EXOK and EXOM
Chapter 5: Can I adopt this plot? pretty please? please??
Chapter 10: Oh I love this idea! I was stumped myself on where to go with a title like that XD But thanks a lot for the plot :) I'll write it, as soon as I can.