Free #10

{ Concept Garden }

Title: Patient Zero, Purge

Genre: Adventure/Action/Suspense/Disaster


Plot: MC is an independent/stubborn flight attendant

Travels often and gets to experience new wonders

One day, catches a small cold; runny nose and sore throat, nothing major

Shrugs it off and cold passes; Continues working and traveling

Few weeks pass by with few events

Catches another cold; Lasts a little bit longer

Two years pass, MC continuously catches a cold with it lasting longer and longer

Finally visits the doctor after persuasion from friends

Diagnoses as a virus, the common cold mutated into something deadly

Could kill her in a few weeks

No cure since there is no cure for common cold or its mutations

Around the globe, people coming down with colds that keep occuring

Due to MC's travels, virus travels almost everywhere

Scientists and doctors scramble to find cure to fatal disease

If not, millions will die from pandemic

MC realizes that he/she was carrier for 2 years and nothing major happened

MC is studied and scientists discover MC has very rare genes, allowing for new mutation

MC could be the key to the cure


Possible Twists:

MC could fall in love with a scientist/doctor and elope, leaving world to die

MC would have to die in order to produce cure


I was very surprised that there weren't any Contagion or Outbreak stories here. So here you go, with a few twists if you want. The adventure part can be when the MC is trying to find the cure, only for the MC to be the cure.

Yeah, and you can mix in some romance if you really want.

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Added a cute cover for Concept Garden! c:


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Chapter 22: May I use Free #19?
mfabulous #2
May I use Free #11 and #18 kinda combined? Your plots are so interstellar!- heh get it.. okbye
Chapter 11: I'd like to use this idea, do you mind?
Chapter 1: I really liked this one and actually thought about finally getting down to writing again after all of these years but saw that someone had already asked for it. :( But never the less, this was a very amazing idea! XD
Because I'm too forgetful, here is my form.

Preferred Title: Light The Darkness (I may change the title..)

Theme: Romance/Action/Fantasy

Characters: OC, Baekhyun, EXOK and EXOM
Chapter 5: Can I adopt this plot? pretty please? please??
Chapter 10: Oh I love this idea! I was stumped myself on where to go with a title like that XD But thanks a lot for the plot :) I'll write it, as soon as I can.