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The Lost Daughter

Sulli was in the library reading books but she can't focused because she is still confused about her feelings for minho. Jiyoung found her and then talked to her.


Jiyoung: Jinri!! why did you suddenly left us back in the cafeteria?

Jinri: it's to noisy there

Jiyoung: are you sure? or maybe it has something to do with your brother?


Yes Jiyoung knew that Jinri and Minho are sibling. She's the only one who knew the life of Jinri. what happen to her, about her real parents, about there relationship and also Jiyoung knew that Jinri has feelings for Minho and kept it a secret.


Jinri: what are you talking about?

Jiyoung: Jinri ah don't even dare to lie to me. You told me everything right?. So what's been bothering you lately

Jinri: it's just everytime a boy try to hit on me Minho and i always fight. he always introduce himself to the the guy and then i try to shut his mouth because no one knows that he is my brother even if he is not my real brother but still i don't want anyone to find out. And everytime i see himtalking with a girl i suddenly get angry. But i don't express it to him, he tried to ask but i will just tell him that someone try to hit on me but thats true and i somehow lie to him about you i'm sorry if i brought you into this mess

Jiyoung: no don't be we're best friends right? that's what best friends do. Wait what do you hate about me?

Jinri: Jiyoung i was just lying to him. I told him that sometimes your so noisy that i can't concentrate or sometime you introduce me to a guy but when i told him that he sudenly got mad he even tried to call you but i stop him

Jiyoung: i think Minho has feelings for you

Jinri: that's impossible

Jiyoung: what's impossible Jinri? You're pretty,nice and smart every guys dreams

Jinri: He's my brother

Jiyoung: not by blood

Jinri: still he doesn't think that way

Jiyoung: are you sure?

Jinri: positive. now stop it your making me confused

Jiyoung: okay but you know i'm always here for you no matter what and i know you have feelings for him

Jinri: thank you unnie! (hugs her)

Jiyoung: now stop being so sad lets go homw

Jinri: okay unnie!


they left the library and then they found Minho and Hyun Woo outside the school waiting for them

Minho: what took you so long?

Jiyoung: we just talked

Jinri: Jiyoung came to talk to me so we talked i didn't realize you'd be here early

Minho: yeah our professor dismissed us early

Hyun Woo: so Jinri wanna go to the mall

suddenly minho interrupted

Minho: No we have to go home.

Jinri: why?

Minho: we have something to do

Jinri got minho's signal 

Jinri: ow! sorry hyun woo but me and minho have something to do

Hyun woo: can i come?

Jinri and Minho: No! i mean we have buy something and minho is helping me with something

Hyun woo: oh! okay bye Jinri ! bye Minho!

Jiyoung: Bye guys!

Hyun woo and Jiyoung left 

Jinri: that was close

Minho:yeah i know

Jinri: still you should let me speak to him you always interupt when someone ask me. We almost got caught

Minho: i'm sorry but mom wants to talk to us

Jinri : about what

Minho: i dont know we should go someone might see us.

Jinri: okay

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 50: Please Update!!!

zangsia1 #2
Chapter 50: Wonderful update authornim, i hope that even if her parents will be giving her to minho after one week, that their relationship will grow stronger.
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 49: love the dress if only you had a picture it would be perfect ... but still thanks authornim
afelhojas #4
Chapter 48: what a great couple they are both in love pls let them married soon too xcited .....
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 48: Minho wants to get married asap
nana4ever #6
Chapter 48: It's so sweet to see Minho so excited about the wedding... Can't wait

Thank you my dear.

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 47: sweet super sweet... thanks authornim
afelhojas #8
Chapter 47: sweet couple pls update again tnx authornim
nana4ever #9
Chapter 46: Wow... This is such a big responsibility for our couple. The only thing that concerns me .... As newlyweds they should be able to enjoy this time for a few years. So hopefully all will go well and they don't have to take the full responsibility until later

Happy to see the update ... It's getting very interesting ;)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 45: It was nice to see the update my dear. I've missed this story.

Thank you and enjoy your day
