
The Lost Daughter

Sulli POV

we went to the cafeteria for lunch. Someone called Krystal  to sit with them apparently the cafeteria was huge there were big tables we went over to Krystal's friend


Amber:yah Krystal  over here

krystal: jinri let's go over there.

we went to the table

krystal: girls meet my friend jinri. She just moved her from America. Jinri meet my best friend Amber, Luna and victoria

Amber has a tomboy look, Luna the black haired girl and Victoria or should I call her unnie the brown haired girl. They are very welcoming

JInri: I'm choi jinri nice to meet you

Amber: so jinri your from America right? What school did you came from

krystal: you'll be surprised when you hear that she came from you tell her

Jinri: Harvard University

Amber, Luna & Victoria: really?? Wow !!

krystal: I know rright

jinri:: it isn't that much. It's still just a school

krystal: anyway let's join them for lunch. Btw there will be 4guys who will join us onew,jonghyun,key and minho

Amber: minho? Who's minho??

krystal: jinri's friends. Btw he is so handsome but not my type

luna: oh? Well let's eat


we joined them for lunch and minho and his friends came to join us

krystal: this is minho jinri's friend of course you know onew,Jong and key oppa

amber: hi minho. I'm amber

luna: I'm Luna

Victoria: I'm victoria

minho: nice to meet you all

jinri: minho here also came from Harvard 

amber: really that's cool

luna: I know right


we were eating our lunch and I stand up to go buy some drinks. 

Jinri: guys I'll just buy some drinks do you want?

krystal: orange juice please

vic: water

luna: orange juice

onew & key: us too

jinri: how bout you minho & Jong 

minho: just water

jong: me too

jinri: okay then


while I was walking to the counter to buy some drinks  a guys approach me

 Kai: are you that thirsty to buy 9 drinks??

jinri: oh! No it's not all mine some of it is for my friends

kai: well can I know which one is yours?

jinri: the strawberry one why?

kai: cause I'll pay the one that is yours

jinri: you don't have too 

kai: but I want to and besides its just a drink 

jinri: if you insist

while I was about to go 

kai: let me help you with that

jinri: no it's okay

kai : come on just let me carry it for you

Jinri: okay then


when kai and I got to the table

krystal: well if it isn't kai! 

Kai: hey krys, amber ,Luna and vic

amber: so you've met our friend jinri

jinri: kai was just helping me. Thank you kai

kai: don't mention it.

Suddenly minho interrupt 

minho: I'm minho. Choi minho jinri's close friend

kai: kai. Well you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend 

jinri: minho's not my boyfriend he is just close to me

kai: well can I at least  get you number?

Krystal: that. Fast kai you hardly even know her

kai : that is why I want to get to know her krys

jinri: okay I'll give it to you. Just don't fight okay?

kai: no problem

 I gave kai my number after that he just go

kai : well bye then . And thank you

jinri: mo problem kai

kai: bye krys

krystal: bye

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 50: Please Update!!!

zangsia1 #2
Chapter 50: Wonderful update authornim, i hope that even if her parents will be giving her to minho after one week, that their relationship will grow stronger.
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 49: love the dress if only you had a picture it would be perfect ... but still thanks authornim
afelhojas #4
Chapter 48: what a great couple they are both in love pls let them married soon too xcited .....
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 48: Minho wants to get married asap
nana4ever #6
Chapter 48: It's so sweet to see Minho so excited about the wedding... Can't wait

Thank you my dear.

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 47: sweet super sweet... thanks authornim
afelhojas #8
Chapter 47: sweet couple pls update again tnx authornim
nana4ever #9
Chapter 46: Wow... This is such a big responsibility for our couple. The only thing that concerns me .... As newlyweds they should be able to enjoy this time for a few years. So hopefully all will go well and they don't have to take the full responsibility until later

Happy to see the update ... It's getting very interesting ;)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 45: It was nice to see the update my dear. I've missed this story.

Thank you and enjoy your day
