Our Future

The Lost Daughter

After they finished their lunch

sulli: umma appa

ji eun: yes dear?

sulli: can minho and i go now

minjae: and where are you going young lady?

sulli: i want to spend my day with him today

ji eun: arraso just don't go home late

sulli: thank you umma

minjae: and bring a car

sulli: arraso

minjae: now minho take good care of our daughter, you know that we just got her back, we don't want to lose her again

minho: i will

sulli: will be going now umma appa

sulli hugged both of her parents

minho: it was nice meeting you Mr & Mrs Choi

ji eun: it was also nice meeting you minho

minjae: take care

minho bowed and they left the restaurant

in the car

minho: so where are you planning to go 

sulli: to the beach

minho: the beach at this time?

sulli: i just wanna relax and get away from everything

minho: arraso but we have to be home at 7 or your parents might arrest me

sulli: ok

they got into the beach

minho: were here

sulli: woah! look minho so peaceful and quiet

minho: i know

they sat on the sand

minho: so why did you choose to go here

sulli: i told you i wanted to get away from everything 

minho? why?

sulli: i just want to be alone

minho: alone? but i'm here

sulli: alone with you :)

minho: arraso

sulli leaned her head to minho's shoulder

sulli: minho

minho: hmm

sulli: thank you

minho: for what?

sulli: for always being there for me 

minho: you don't need to say that. i will always be here for you

sulli: i know i just want to tell you that i'm greatful for having you even though my life is complicated

minho: you know my life is also complicated but it doesn't matter

sulli: i hope that someday everything would be find

minho: why? isn't it alright now

sulli: it's still complicated you know that my parents will have to get me and i have to live with them it's really hard once you get use to live in a place where you grow up, but i can't abandon them

minho: i know, i'll miss you 

sulli: we can still see each other in school

minho: i want to see you every second (kisses her cheek)

sulli: you can. i'll ask my parents if there is a solution to that

minho: sulli

sulli: hmm?

minho: what are you planning after we graduate

sulli: i still don't know. one things for sure i want to have a family of my own

minho: then let's get married (holds her hand)

sulli: minho you know it's still not the right time

minho: but sulli i know that i want to be with you forever

sulli: i also want to be with you forever but it's still complicated and were still studying

minho: ok i'll wait after we graduate.

sulli: if were still togeher (sulli started to tease minho)

minho: what do you mean by that? are you planning to break up on me?

sulli: i was just joking oppa (minho sudddenly stood up and walk)

sulli stood up and followed him

sulli: what if i say yes to your proposal?

minho: i'm not proposing to you

sulli: ok i guess i'll have to tell my appa that we already broke up, i'm sure he will set an arrange marriage for me

sulli suddenly walk to the other side but minho grabbed her hand and hold her waist, suddenly kiss her

minho: no! i won't let that happen

sulli: you sure know how to make a move

minho: i love you

sulli: i love you too oppa 

she kiss him again in the lips

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VictoriousNick #1
Chapter 50: Please Update!!!

zangsia1 #2
Chapter 50: Wonderful update authornim, i hope that even if her parents will be giving her to minho after one week, that their relationship will grow stronger.
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 49: love the dress if only you had a picture it would be perfect ... but still thanks authornim
afelhojas #4
Chapter 48: what a great couple they are both in love pls let them married soon too xcited .....
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 48: Minho wants to get married asap
nana4ever #6
Chapter 48: It's so sweet to see Minho so excited about the wedding... Can't wait

Thank you my dear.

Enjoy your weekend. ;)
zangsia1 #7
Chapter 47: sweet super sweet... thanks authornim
afelhojas #8
Chapter 47: sweet couple pls update again tnx authornim
nana4ever #9
Chapter 46: Wow... This is such a big responsibility for our couple. The only thing that concerns me .... As newlyweds they should be able to enjoy this time for a few years. So hopefully all will go well and they don't have to take the full responsibility until later

Happy to see the update ... It's getting very interesting ;)
nana4ever #10
Chapter 45: It was nice to see the update my dear. I've missed this story.

Thank you and enjoy your day
